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13 July 2022 Media Release: GRDM Environmental Health Practitioners annually ensures Knysna Oyster Festival safe

Media Release: GRDM Environmental Health Practitioners annually ensures Knysna Oyster Festival safe

For immediate release
13 July 2022

Environmental Health Practitioners (EHPs) of the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) fulfils their mandatory duties by ensuring that hygiene standards at all festivals are maintained.  The recent Knysna Oyster Festival is one of many examples where EHPs worked diligently to ensure quality health standards were maintained.

Role and interventions during the festival

EHPs from the GRDM Knysna office prepared for the Knysna Oyster Festival well in advance.  They had to plan, and implement mitigating and monitoring activities for the entire festival. This already started days before the festival commenced and concluded after the festival officially ended.

Food control

  • All informal food premises were inspected before and during the festival, including daily inspections at Oyster Festival “Hot spots”;
  • Inspections were also conducted at various locations in town where thousands of oysters were kept under prescribed conditions;
  • Several batches of oyster samples were dispatched to the Merieux NutriSciences Laboratory in Cape Town for bacteriological analysis, prior to the start of the festival, to establish the status of the holding tank water, as well as the bacteriological oyster quality. This lab requested EHPs from the Garden Route District assist with the surveillance of oysters procured from other areas within the Southern Cape; and
  • The drinking water to be provided to the athletes participating in the Forest Marathon was analysed to ensure compliance with the Bottled Water Regulations: “Regulation 692 of 1997, promulgated under the Foodstuffs, Cosmetics and Disinfectant Act (Act 54 of 1972)”.

Water quality monitoring

Bacteriological water monitoring of the Knysna Estuary was conducted by sampling water at 14 sites in and around the estuary.

Health surveillance of premises

Regular inspections and health surveillance of premises of all related public amenities was undertaken during the Festival, including:

  • Public toilet facilities;
  • Accommodation establishments;
  • Cycle race registration;
  • Marathon;
  • Food markets; and
  • Tobacco control at premises.

Communicable disease outbreak

The local EHPs and relevant medical health care providers have established a strict protocol for reporting communicable disease outbreaks. Hospitals, general practitioners, and pharmacies, both private and provincial, were included.

After the festival, the EHPs participated in debriefing sessions to discuss the best practices and challenges identified.

For any further information, please contact GRDM Lakes (Knysna) Region Municipal Health Services:

Mr James McCarty

Chief:  Municipal Health Lakes (Knysna)

Tel: 044 382 7214

Cell: 082 805 9417

Address: 26A Queen Street, Knysna


 Mr. Johan Compion

Manager: Municipal Health & Environmental Services


Tel: 044 803 1300

Featured image:  Picture taken during an oyster competition at Taste of Knysna.

12 July 2022 Media Release: Blanco health outreach to youth

Media Release: Blanco health outreach to youth

For immediate release
12 July 2022

Community health workers (CHWs)from Blanco had an outreach to youth in Golden Valley in June to raise awareness on sexual and reproductive health. CHWs informed the groups of youth they met on the range of contraceptives methods available and to use contraceptives in addition to condoms every time during sexual intercourse to protect them from unwanted pregnancies and sexual transmitted infections, including HIV. They also touched on voluntary male medical circumcision to prevent the acquisition of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Information packages were shared and the CHWs referred youngsters to the Blanco health facility for contraception.

‘It was good to hear that the young boys knew what medical male circumcision was and where to go for the services,’ said health promoter, Claudel Draai.

The CHWs also discussed the dangers of cigarettes, dagga and hookah pipes with the youngsters. ‘We can only inform them of the dangers of using any form of drugs and hope that they will make an informed decision regarding their health.’

Emphasis was specifically on the importance of visiting the nearest healthcare facility when not feeling well and to go for sexual reproductive health services when needed.

Western Cape Government Health and Wellness invites youth to make use of our services through their local clinic.

‘We welcome youth to Blanco clinic to make use of the services on offer. These include family planning, HIV and AIDS and TB screening and testing, mental health services, substance abuse and health promotion. We have a dedicated time slot from 14:00 to 16:00 for youth, but you are welcome to visit us throughout the day,’ said operational manager, Barinda van der Merwe.


Nadia Ferreira

Principal Communications Officer

Garden Route and Central Karoo Districts

Western Cape Government Health

Tel: 044 813 1831



01 July 2022 Media Release: Garden Route District Municipality launches electronic job application platform

Media Release: Garden Route District Municipality launches electronic job application platform

For immediate release 
01 July 2022

The Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) is pleased to announce that, as of 1 July 2022, it will introduce its own E-recruitment system. The aim of the system is to make it convenient for applicants to apply for a vacant position at the municipality.

This paperless online job application system will allow applicants to apply for a vacancy without having to complete an application form, make copies of their Curriculum Vitaes (CV) and relevant qualifications every time they apply for a vacancy.  GRDM’s vision is to be a leading, enabling, and inclusive district. With this in mind, this system will provide a platform where job vacancies can be advertised, viewed, and applied for online, enhancing the recruitment and selection process by increasing responses.

When a candidate registers and creates a profile on the E-recruitment system, it is mandatory to upload their CV and qualifications, which is stored on the system and can be updated at any time.  This makes the application process for a vacancy flow more efficiently.

Why an E-recruitment system?

  • E-recruitment will improve the efficiency of filling vacancies because of semi-automated digitisation processes;
  • The system stores a backup file of all the applicant information; and
  • A move from paper to an electronic system improves auditing processes.

What does this system mean for the public?

  • To apply for a vacancy, a person can use any computer or visit a Thusong centre or library in his area;
  • No more traveling to the post office or the GRDM offices to submit a completed application;
  • No more emailed applications because, once applying for a position, the system will automatically send an email informing an applicant that they’ve applied and successfully uploaded their application; and
  • Candidates will be able to track how far along the vacancy process is on the e-recruitment system.

How does the application process work?

  • The vacancy will be advertised on several platforms, clearly marked that only online applications will be accepted;
  • Applicants will be reminded to register and create their profiles on the system;
  • Others who are already registered are welcome to apply for a vacancy;
  • Once registered, one can apply for any vacancy by selecting the vacancy and filling out the mandatory fields; and
  • The recruitment process will be fast and accurate since there will be no manual capturing of information.

When will the system be officially active?

  • The system will be live from Friday, 01 July 2022.
  • One vacancy will be advertised on the E-recruitment system as a trial run to monitor and evaluate public response.
  • In the beginning, only vacancies on T10 and above will be advertised on the system.
  • After two months an evaluation will be done to see how effective the system was.
  • After that, the system will be fully implemented for vacancies below T9.
  • Please note, currently the system is not mobile-friendly; it is only functional on a computer for now, but it will be compatible with a cell phone during the next phase or the system enhancement.

How to access the system?

Brows to and it will take applicants to the landing page to start their registration process.  This page also gives applications the option to update their profiles or to apply for a vacancy.

GRDM calls upon the public to start registering and creating their profiles on the e-recruitment system.  If anyone doesn’t have access to a computer, the GRDM encourages those to visit any of the Thusong centres or libraries in their respective areas where they can register and create their profiles.

Who should I contact if I need assistance with the system?

Ms Amanda Booysen – GRDM Human Resources Representative – 044-803 1389 / 078 450 7950

Ms Margaret Powell – GRDM IT Representative – 044 803 1409

Click on the link below to view a short training video that will help you to understand how the Garden Route District Municipality E-recruitment system works and how to apply for vacancies.

12 April 2022 Media Release: Several Garden Route DM APAC members complete their terms

Media Release: Several Garden Route DM APAC members complete their terms

For Immediate Release
12 April 2022

After years of strategic services rendered to the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) Audit and Performance Audit Committee (APAC), the terms of three (3) members have come to an end.

Dr Adele Potgieter, the outgoing Chairperson of APAC, finished her term yesterday. She commenced her duties on 1 November 2012, Advocate Derick Block served on the Committee from 1 March 2016 until 31 October 2021, and Mr Geoff Stenekamp served on APAC from 1 September 2017 until 28 February 2022.

APAC’s primary role is to advise the municipal council, political office bearers, accounting officers, and management of the Municipality about several matters. These include, but are not limited to, financial control and reporting, internal audit, risk management, accounting policies, performance management, governance, performance evaluations, and other matters referred by the institution.

Therefore, the effectiveness of this Committee requires an appropriate mix of professional skills, which are the prerequisites the GRDM identified for APAC members to hold. Appointing APAC members can be a daunting task because finding the relevant skills locally or regionally is not always possible. This is experienced all over the country.

The Chairperson of APAC’s leadership role is central to setting the tone of the work style and ensures that each agenda contributes to the effectiveness of the Committee.


Dr Potgieter is a Senior Lecturer at Nelson Mandela University. She holds a PhD in Business Management, Marketing, and related support services, a BCom Investment Honours, and a BA degree in Industrial and Organisational Psychology. She’s also served on numerous audit committees

Advocate Block holds a B. luris, LLB, and Postgraduate Diploma in Taxation. He has served on more than fifteen (15) committees and boards. He has vast knowledge and experience in local, provincial, and national government, legal, constitutional matters, risk management, audit, corporate governance, and compliance.

Mr Geoffrey Stenekamp has Bsc, BCompt degrees, and he is a qualified Chartered Accountant (SA). He was the national leader of PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) and has served on three (3) other Audit Committees before.


During Dr Potgieter’s closing remarks, she recalled the journey she walked with the Municipality for more than a decade. “I’ve done countless performance appraisals, worked with various municipal managers, mayors and other professional staff.” She also shared how proud she is of the functional managers of Internal Audit, Risk Management and Performance Management, who have grown immensely since she started working for the GRDM.

“I have learned to work with many good people, new employees – young and old. However, what stood out for me is their willingness to work together – employees want to do good in this Municipality,” she said. “Thank you on behalf of APAC for the diligence on your financial statements. I wish you well going forward. May your days be blessed, and think of us fondly going forward. She also thanked Mr Stratu and the GRDM Council for their leadership.

In her advice to the APAC, she said: “Always stay independent, don’t get gobbed down by others and listen to your heart.”

During his closing remarks at an APAC engagement yesterday, Acting Municipal Manager Lusanda Menze said: “Thank you for the service of APAC and what it has done for the community in its entirety and us.” When referring to the APAC as advisors, Menze referred expressly to Proverbs about wisdom and listening to advisors. “You have also helped steer GRDM to attain a clean audit.”

The GRDM is grateful for the outgoing APAC members and the positive contribution they’ve made and wishes them the best for their future endeavours.


29 March 2022 Media release: Wowee for WoW! Champions

Media release: Wowee for WoW! Champions

For immediate release
29 March 2022

A number of Health staff from across the Garden Route received recognition during an award ceremony in Cape Town recently for promoting wellness within their communities as part of the Western Cape on Wellness (WoW!) initiative.

WoW! is a healthy lifestyles-promoting partnership programme of the Western Cape Government and its valued partners. The overarching purpose of WoW! is to promote health, reduce health inequalities and strengthen social inclusiveness/connectedness by co-creating enabling environments for sustained healthy lifestyle choices throughout our life course. The programme was implemented in 2017 and wellness champions were identified and trained to promote wellness within their facilities and communities.

The winners were as follow:

Bronze: The KwaNokuthula WOW Wellness Club

WoW champions:  Thamsanqa Happiness Magwebu, Masixole Blouw and Nonkoliso Zandile from Kwanokuhtula clinic in Plettenberg Bay.

The KwaNokuthula WOW Wellness Club started with exercises for staff. Fitness instructors visited the clinic on a regular basis during lunchtime for all to participate in aerobic exercise. The club started the Adolescent Youth Friendly Services (AYFS) group and Safe Play Streets which included many activities within communities to include children.

Silver: Hessequa for the programme “Restore total wellness”

WoW! Champions: Dina-Marie Dwyer (lead champion) and Chanel Louw (co-champion)

Projects included funding and distributing gifts for Nurses Day 2021, running a healthy lifestyle competition with a twist and starting a food garden.

Their main focus however was the emotional and mental wellness of staff. They’ve established an onsite wellness clinic via the Employee Health and Wellness Programme for staff to be able to attend sessions.

Silver: Jolly Gymmers programme in Riversdale

WoW! Champions: Chanel Louw

The Jolly Gymmers currently consist of 26 group members of which 18 members are committed and consistent. They focus on physical activities, i.e. exercise session three times per week from 17:00-18:00 and participate in community events like fun walks and the CANSA relay for life. They also participate in continuous healthy eating/lifestyle challenges as motivation and encouragement to live healthy. These challenges focus on eating healthier, drinking water and getting enough sleep. Many of the ladies are diagnosed with chronic diseases of life and through the group activities, they aim to decrease uncontrolled vitals and reach a level of consistent good health.

‘The Jolly Gymmers are a bunch of dynamic adults with beautiful souls and vibrant personalities. You can’t but be enriched after spending time with this group’, said Chanel.

Silver: Bridgeton Elderly Wow! Group

WoW! Champions: Eshida May and Mariam Darries

The Bridgton Elderly WoW! Club was established three years ago.

Mrs Miriam Darries is the coordinator for the Elderly Crime Prevention Desk. In conjunction with SAPS and other role players, the elderly meet once a week.

Different activities are enjoyed such as needlework, knitting, food gardens, etc.

Reaching out to other elderly people is done daily and largely focuses on abuse, negligence in the care of the elderly as well as the exploitation of SASSA grants. This club offers support to the elderly as well as meals twice a week. The Department of Health visits the club monthly. A focus on health, observations as well a healthy lifestyle are emphasized. Exercises are done monthly with the elderly.

Gold: Swartberg Senior Club in Dysselsdorp. This team also won the innovation award.

WoW! Champions: Caria Booysen, Brigette Dysel and Christa Harmse

What started in 2018 as a program designed to support the seniors group at Swartberg in Dysselsdorp through activities including healthy eating, talks/advice/information sharing, exercise, food gardening, sugar challenge campaign, salt reduction campaign, has grown to where they now serve 72 regular members on a weekly basis. The Swartberg Senior Club is proudly supported by the Department of Health, local churches, local NGOs, schools and share the honours with relevant stakeholders and supporters.

Well done to all the clubs and keep up the good work!

Caption: The Bridgeton Elderly WoW! Club.


Nadia Ferreira

Principal Communications Officer

Garden Route and Central Karoo Districts

Western Cape Government Health

Tel: 044 813 1831



15 March 2022 Media Release: NYDA Focusses on Youth Development In The Garden Route

Media Release: NYDA Focusses on Youth Development In The Garden Route

15 March 2022
For immediate release


The second keynote speaker at the first Garden Route Skills Mecca for 2022 was Tshepo Manyama – Regional Manager of the National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) Western Cape. He outlined NYDA’s skills development plans, opportunities, and needs that support youth development in the Garden Route.

NYDA is a South African-based agency established primarily to address challenges faced by the nation’s youth. The youth development agency was established by an Act of Parliament (Act 54 of 2008) to be a single, unitary structure addressing youth development issues at the National, Provincial and Local Government levels. The Agency should be seen within the broad context of South Africa’s development dynamics.

During Manyama’s presentation, he outlined their economic participation goal, which is to enhance the contribution of young people to the economy through targeted and integrated programs.

He added that programs created by the NYDA aims to facilitate and provide employment opportunities for the youth and to include them in the economy.

The implementation of this goal is at the following strategic objectives:

  • To provide socio-economic empowerment interventions and support for young people in South Africa
  • To provide increased universal access to young people

NYDA runs several economic programs that include:

  • Grant funding R1 000.00 to R10 000.00
  • Business Consultancy Services
  • Sales Pitch and BBBEE Training
  • Business Management Training
  • Mentorship
  • Market Linkages

On youth with disabilities, Manyama had the following to say: “Young people with disabilities are not homogenous as there are different disabilities that require different interventions. The sector representing youth with disabilities proposes the establishment of a disability unit at the NYDA to undertake to facilitate all programs aimed at transforming the lives of youth with disabilities.”

He concluded his presentation by stressing the importance of eradicating discrimination and stigmas against people with disabilities and increasing economic opportunities for them.

Access to education is limited and inadequate and this needs to be addressed. Integration of people with disabilities will also need to be addressed as there is a tendency of lumping them together despite their different needs.

Save The Date: Garden Route Skills Mecca Forum to Be Held on 25 February

Save The Date: Garden Route Skills Mecca Forum to Be Held on 25 February

For Immediate Release
14 February 2022

The first quarterly Garden Route Skills Mecca (GRSM) Forum for 2022 will be held on 25 February 2022 from 09:00-12:00 virtually. This setting gives Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) and its stakeholders a chance to collectively work towards achieving Skills Summit resolutions.

Tshepo Manyama, Regional Manager of National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) Western Cape, will be the keynote speaker. He will talk on matters of skills development plans, opportunities, and needs that support youth development in the Garden Route. Joining Manyama will be Clyde Lamberts from the Western Cape Department of Agriculture. Lamberts will focus on similar matters, but with a focus on the resilient Agriculture sector of the Garden Route Growth and Development Strategy. The chairperson of the Education and Training Committee of GRDM will chair the session.

Stakeholders who wish to attend the webinar can register here.



For Immediate Release
01 February 2022

The Garden Route district has welcomed two additional registered counsellors who are based in Mossel Bay and Bitou subdistricts.

A registered counsellor has an Honours degree in Psychology with a completed internship as well as registration with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA), and are thus highly qualified and equipped in providing preventative and supportive counselling interventions, psycho-education and awareness as well as identification of mental health symptoms and referrals.

‘Although the registered counsellor is a new category of cadre in the Department of Health, they are a welcomed addition to make mental health services more accessible within our communities. One of the goals are to integrate Mental Health services within the Primary Health Care system in order to strengthen the service delivery and make it more accessible within the community,’ said clinical psychologist and programme coordinator, Estelle Crause.

The group of registered counsellors received training in November 2021 on how to facilitate the integration of Mental Health services within the Primary Health Care (PHC) system and on providing a more integrated referral pathway within the PHC. ‘As the awareness and understanding of our role increases, we believe that we will be able to make a significant impact on the service delivery for mental health and this will be a platform for the Registered Counsellors to also be recognised within their category in the mental health context nationally,’ said registered counsellor Carin Olwagen.



Nadia Ferreira

Principal Communications Officer

Garden Route and Central Karoo Districts

Western Cape Government Health

Tel: 044 813 1831      Caption: Carin Olwagen(Mossel Bay) and Mampe Phoshoko(Bitou).



27 October 2021 Media Release: We are controlling alien invasive species on all our properties

Media Release:  We are controlling alien invasive species on all our properties

For Immediate Release
27 October 2021

Section 76 of the National Environmental Management Biodiversity Act (Act 10 of 2004) requires that all “Organs of State in all spheres of Government”, develop an “Invasive Species Monitoring, Control and Eradication Plan” for land under their control. These plans have to cover all listed invasive species in Section 70(1) of the Act.

According to Executive Mayor, Alderman Memory Booysen, “the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) has complied with the required mandatory legislation to take responsibility for eradicating alien species on its properties to adhere to the above”.  Booysen stated that during 2019 Council already appointed a service provider to compile an Invasive Monitoring Control and Eradication Plan as outlined in the two sets of legislation that regulate the declaration and control of Invasive Alien Species in South Africa.

These include the :

  • Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act (43 of 1983, CARA); and
  • the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act (Act 10 of 2004, NEMBA).

GRDM, in 2019, submitted the Invasive Monitoring Control and Eradication Plan to the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and Environment (DFFE) for approval. After numerous engagements, including inspection of Council’s properties based on the submitted plan, on 05 August 2021, the GRDM received approval for the Plan. Following this, the GRDM Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) Section was mandated to monitor and evaluate properties bi-monthly as part of a monitoring and management control plan.  This approach was established to mitigate the risks on Council properties and adhere to NEMBA. Therefore, the progress and status of the Council properties regarding invasive species control is regularly tabled in Council.

Other recommendations from the GRDM Council regarding the management and monitoring of invasive and alien species includes:

  • creating fire breaks on Council’s properties; and
  • regular clearing and the erection of fencing at all Council properties to avoid sanction as outlined by section 102 of the Act (NEMBA).

Some of Council’s properties are located on the coastal lines with where there is a vast range of biodiversity species. However, easy accessibility to these properties contributes to illegal dumping, which poses a high risk to the threatened species. Numerous cleanup actions were conducted and are continuously planned for these properties.

With the current GRDM Council that approved Invasive Species Monitoring, Control and Eradication Plan, as well as all the control plans with specified timeframes, it is evident that future invasion by alien species is and will be managed and reduced.  An aggressive approach will be taken to implement proposed solutions and controls, pending the budget available within the 2021/22 financial year.

GRDM Invasive Species Monitoring, Control and Eradication Plan


1 July 2021 Media Release: Western Cape Human Settlements Budget will empower residents in the Garden Route

Media Release: Western Cape Human Settlements Budget will empower residents in the Garden Route

For Immediate Release
1 July 2021

Western Cape Minister of Human Settlements, Tertuis Simmers says that his Department’s budget, totalling more than R 2.35 billion for the 2021/22 financial year, will help to qualify and deserving Garden Route District residents improve their lives.

Accompanied by his senior executive team, including the Acting Head of Department, Ms Phila Mayisela, virtual meetings were held with the Kannaland, Oudtshoorn, Knysna, George, Mossel Bay and Hessequa Municipalities. Full Municipal Councils were present in each meeting. A virtual meeting with the Garden Route District concluded the engagements.

Minister Simmer said: “I enjoyed engaging the various Councils, even though we had to conduct the meetings on a virtual platform due to the current increases in COVID-19 cases and the adjusted alert level 4 restrictions. It is unfortunate that we could not engage the Bitou Municipality due to the current instability in that Council.

I am particularly happy that the Councils are in full support of our strategic priority area, which is to create opportunities in the affordable housing market. This is particularly important, as more than 70% of the province’s citizens are employed, while in the Garden Route District itself, more than 80% of the residents are in a form of employment.

This means these residents who are registered on the Western Cape Housing Demand Database and have expressed a need to be assisted by the State, would in all likelihood not qualify for a free, fully subsidised housing opportunity, as their household income could be between R 3 501 – R 22 000.”

These affordable housing opportunities include the Non-Credit Linked-, Credit Linked- and Finance Linked Individual Subsidies (FLISP). It also includes the Credit Readiness Programme, which is linked to FLISP, which assists those currently seeking to acquire a property but who would first need to improve their impaired credit record.

Breaking New Ground (BNG) free housing units will still be offered to those earning between R 0 – R 3 500 per month, noting that the elderly, people living with certified disabilities, those who have been 15 years and longer on the Western Cape Housing Demand Database (WCHDD) and backyard dwellers will be prioritised.

Furthermore, the new Informal Settlements Upgrading Partnership Grant (ISUPG), which amounts to just over R 457 million for the entire province, is a people-centred and partnership-based approach to support informal settlement residents across the Western Cape. It will ensure that more than 74 000 households in various informal settlements across the province will experience an improvement in their area.

This programme will be implemented in Thembalethu and Wilderness Heights, both in the George municipal area, Zoar in Kannaland, Vision, Rheenendal and Sedgefield, all located in the Knysna municipal area and in Mossel Bay.

Minister Simmers added: “It was pleasing to confirm that the fund we proposed previously, and now known as the Western Cape Asset Finance Reserve for Human Settlements, is finally a reality. This reserve has been created for human settlements to augment the insufficient Municipal Infrastructure Grant (MIG) allocations in municipalities, as well as assist municipalities to unlock the value of strategic assets including land and buildings.

It will also assist with job creation initiatives, including developing business/industrial hubs and other initiatives. As part of the broader criteria to access the fund, municipalities should focus on creating affordable housing opportunities.”

The allocations to municipalities of their combined Human Settlements Development Grant (HSDG) and ISUPG for the 21/22 financial year are:

Kannaland: R 6.1 million

Oudtshoorn: R 12. 4 million

Knysna: R 46. 6 million

George: R 97. 1 million

Mossel Bay: R 211. 3 million

Hessequa: R 35. 1 million

Bitou: R 33. 2 million

“It is further unfortunate that due to the current COVID-19 alert level, we could not conduct the sod turning event in Melkhoutfontein for the new housing project, nor hand over any houses and title deeds in George and Slangrivier respectively. Along with the George and Hessequa Municipalities, we hope to find dates in due course to complete these activities, so that our deserving and qualifying residents can benefit in this empowering manner.

I’d also like to state that we remain committed to working hand-in-hand with local authorities, as they are a critical and strategic partner in the delivery of housing opportunities. It is my hope that they will share the information we presented with their residents, so that we can maximise housing opportunities across our province.

As the Western Cape Government, we remain committed to accelerating human settlement delivery, while promoting social inclusion through the development of integrated, resilient, safe and sustainable human settlements in an open opportunity society,” added Simmers.

Media Enquiries:

Marcellino Martin

Spokesperson for Minister Tertuis Simmers

021 483 3397 (o)

082 721 3362 (m)


Nathan Adriaanse

Director Communication & Stakeholder Relations

Tell: 021 483 2868

Mobile: 083 2631720
