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Integrated Planning & Economic Development

Mr Lusanda Menze
Executive Manager:  Integrated Planning and Economic Development

Tel: 044 803 1300

The Executive Manager of Integrated Planning and Economic Development manages and oversees that the following municipal functions are executed:

  • District Property, Resort Management and Maintenance.
  • Extended Public Works initiatives and Programmes (EPWP), Tourism and District Economic Development Services.
  • Human Settlements
  • Integrated Development Planning.
  • Shared Services

Section: Tourism and District Economic Development Services
Vacant (Manager: Tourism and District Economic Development Services)

Tel: 044 803 1300

Ensure that efficient management and pro-active strategic service are provided to the District, which includes the following functions:

  • Garden Route & Klein Karoo Tourism
  • District Economic Development

Duties and responsibilities:

  • The responsibility of the Manager: Tourism and District Economic Development Services, is to oversee the identification of the key deliverables and goals detailed in the Master Plan / Sector Plans within the DED, GRDM’s IDP in respect of promoting district economic aspects in the region;
  • Oversee the identification of the key deliverables and goals detailed in Sector Plans within Tourism, GRDM’s IDP in respect of promoting Tourism aspects in the region.
  • Manage the review and coordination of the Tourism marketing and development strategy for the region.


1. District Economic Development
Natalie Arries (Senior District Economic Development Officer)


  • Coordinate and facilitate key applications and procedures associated with the identification, implementation, monitoring and reporting of the effectiveness of Local Economic Development (LED) initiatives, programmes and projects in creating a conducive environment for entrepreneurship and business development and job creation
  • Commitment to supporting B-municipal LED units in terms of carrying out and achieving the objectives of the above mandate, creating and sharing linkages and networks in order to leverage opportunities for economic growth and development.
  • Capacitating citizens, community-based organizations, businesses and other interest groups towards achieving sustainable ways to meet social, economic and material needs and improve quality of life.

2. Garden Route and Klein Karoo Tourism
Vacant (Senior Tourism Coordinator)
Tel: 044 803 1300

  • Promoting and positioning the Garden Route and Klein Karoo region as a preferred tourist destination;
  • Coordinate the tourism marketing activities in the region;
  • Coordinate the development of marketing materials, e.g. brochures, videos, social media, website and products that involve tourism information to keep domestic and international tourists informed;
  • Coordinate the exhibiting at tourism exhibitions, networking sessions and educationals; and
  • Implement the Tourism Marketing and Development strategy in the region.

Expanded Public Works Programme, Rural Development and Job Creation
Richard Dyantyi (Manager: Expanded Public Works Programme, Rural Development and Job Creation)

Tel: 044 803 1300

Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Manage, monitor and evaluate EPWP progress across sectors;
  • Manage and report on all EPWP project sites & adherrence to safety aspects;
  • Manage the national MIS/RIS system;
  • Identify EPWP best practices and manage quarterly beneficiary survey on the impact of EPWP on the alleviation of poverty and reducing unemployment within the district;
  • EPWP project coordination in the region;
  • Promote integrated Rural Development and Social upliftment with the purpose of improving the quality of life of rural communities;
  • Liaise with all government spheres regarding activities, projects and interventions in rural nodes in terms of the DRDLR Guidelines; and
  • Advocate the inclusiveness of rural communities within Agri-Park implementation;

District Integrated Development Planning, Intergovernmental Relations and Public Participation
Mercy James (Manager: IDP, IGR and PP)
  044 803 1300

Duties and responsibilities:

  • Develop and manage IDP plans for Garden Route District Municipality;
  • Coordinate IDP in the district;
  • Manage the Intergovernmental Relations function; and
  • Manage the Public Participation Function and Coordinate it on a district level.

Project Management, Property Management, Maintenance and Resorts Services
Dzivhuluwani Mashila (Manager: Project Management, Property Management, Maintenance and Resorts Services)
044 803 1300

Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Manage and control Council’s property portfolio, including but not limited to town planning functions;
  • Manage and coordinate short term leases of all properties – liaise with legal and finance;
  • District spatial planning functions as required by SPLUMA – coordinating role;
  • Manage and coordinate, implement the municipal tribunals for the district, as required by SPLUMA;
  • Manage and coordinate the Council’s resorts;
  • Responsible for the alignment and integration of the Garden Route DM Spatial Development Framework (SDF) with Garden Route DM Integrated Development Planning (IDP) – in support of the Garden Route DM IDP Manager – SDFs of the B Municipalities and the Provincial SDF;
  • Responsible for planning coordination and implementation of relevant assigned catalytic  projects as identified in the approved Garden Route District SDF and the relevant integration with the Integrated Development Plan of Garden Route District Municipality;
  • Responsible for the planning, coordination and implementation of relevant approved projects assigned to the PMU as identified in the Growth and Development Strategy of Garden Route District Municipality;
  • Coordinating relevant Green Energy initiatives and approved projects of the Garden Route District Municipality, including engaging with relevant key stakeholders and arranging a Garden Route Green Energy Summit as a platform for the Garden Route District to engage with relevant Key Stakeholders to define relevant challenges and opportunities within the Green Energy space; and
  • Manage and coordinate the implementation of the infrastructure maintenance plan.

Section: Human Settlements
Joel V Mkunqwana (Manager: Human Settlements) & Shehaam Sims (Manager: Human Settlements)