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Human Resources

25 July 2024 Media Release: Garden Route District Municipality Hosts Training Provider Capacity Building Workshop

Media Release: Garden Route District Municipality Hosts Training Provider Capacity Building Workshop

25 July 2024

On Tuesday, 23 July 2024, the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) held a Training Provider Capacity Building workshop, attended by approximately 100 Skills Development providers. The training took place in the in person and was also attended via Microsoft Teams to ensure  broader accessibility.

The objectives of the workshop aimed to inform Skills Development providers about the registration process for becoming part of the panel of service providers and to educate service providers on crucial aspects relating to supply chain management at the GRDM.

Feature Image Caption: Participants in the Capacity Building Workshop


17 April 2024 Media Release: Garden Route District Municipality’s Workplace Skills Plan approved

Media Release: Garden Route District Municipality’s Workplace Skills Plan approved

For immediate release
17 April 2024

On Friday, 12 April 2024, the Education and Training Development Committee from Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) approved the Municipality’s Workplace Skills Plan (WSP). To conclude the final stage of the process, the Municipal Manager, Monde Stratu, on 16 April 2024 endorsed the Plan for submission to the Local Government Sector Education and Training Association (LGSETA) before 30 April 2024.

Municipal Manager of GRDM, Monde Stratu (front, middle), endorsing the WSP, in the presence of officials (FLTR back) Ilse Saaiman, Nolwando Sambokwe, Reginald Salmons, Michelle Smit, Salman Damons, Khanyisa Madolo, Jacqueline Thomson, Proy Koopman (front, left) and Trix Holtzhausen (right).

The process included rounds of internal consultations by the Municipality’s Human Resources’ Training Section with specific focus on the WSP and it included management and employees from the various departments of the Municipality, as well as trade union representatives.

With the GRDM being registered with the LGSETA, the Skills Development Act, requires all registered employers with an annual payroll exceeding R500 000, to pay skills development levies. These levies encourage learning and development across the country and are used to develop and improve the skills of employees.

Subsequently, a Workplace Skills Plan (WSP), together with an Annual Training Report (ATR) must be submitted to the LGSETA no later than 30 April, annually. By submitting the municipality’s Workplace Skills Plan (WSP) annually, allows the Municipality access to Mandatory and Discretionary Funding from the LGSETA for skills development.


12 May 2023 Media Release: GRDM empowers employees on Labour related matters that could be experienced in the workplace

Media Release: GRDM empowers employees on Labour related matters that could be experienced in the workplace

For immediate release
12 May 2023

From Tuesday, 9 to 11 May 2023, the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) held awareness sessions with employees about Violence and Harassment in the Workplace. The sessions also included labour-related issues. The session was presented by the Western Cape Department of Local Government (DLG) and the Commission of Gender Equality (CGE) and organised by the municipality’s Employee Wellness office.

The Violence and Awareness Session presented to the Garden Route District Municipality staff at the Municipality’s Roads Department.

GRDM officials were equipped with the necessary knowledge and understanding to address and prevent incidents as it is unpacked in the Code of Good Practice on the Prevention and Elimination of Harassment in the workplace, that came into effect on 18 March 2022.

Violence and Harassment

In-depth presentations were delivered by Mr Gorha Adonisi (DLG) and Mr Leonard Macakiti (CGE), providing valuable insights into the various forms of violence and harassment, its impact on individuals and organisations, and the legal frameworks in place for protection, as well as changes to the Employment Equity Act (EEA). The members that were present actively engaged in the session, seizing the opportunity to ask questions and clarify doubts.

Various topics were being touched on such as harassment – the different types of harassment, Interpersonal Conflict, Factors to establish, as well as the Nature and Extend of the Conduct.

The discussions covered a range of important subjects, including the:

  • guiding principles regarding the prevention, elimination, and handling of harassment
  • the formulation of effective harassment policies; and
  • the proper procedures for reporting incidents of harassment.

The responsibilities of employers were emphasised, particularly in cases that were formally reported, with the focus on implementing disciplinary measures and maintaining confidentiality while ensuring appropriate support and guidance for all parties involved.

Representatives from Local Government Department, Commission Gender Equality and Garden Route District Municipality with staff during the Violence and Harassment Sessions.

Human Trafficking

Prudence Ramnath (DLG) explained that trafficking manifests in various forms, such as individuals being forced into street peddling or begging, the illegal trade of body parts and organs for rituals known as “muti”, the illegal adoption of children, and the disturbing practice of forced marriages (known as “ukuthwala”).

“South African victims are recruited and exploited both within the country and across international borders, with South Africa often serving as a transit point for other African nations,” Ramnath stated.

Identifying trafficked victims involves recognising certain indicators, including physical abuse, the presence of a controlling older person accompanying the victim, a lack of identification or difficulties in effective communication, and potential health issues experienced by the victims, as well as struggling with unfamiliar laws and customs of the country or region. These circumstances ultimately favor the trafficker as the victim becomes highly vulnerable to exploitation, while the trafficker may exploit their “exotic” status to maximise profits.

Participating in the human trafficking cycle has unfortunately become increasingly accessible in today’s world.

According to Prudence Ramnath, it often starts with enticing offers that seem too good to be true, such as employment opportunities that specifically target job seekers, particularly young individuals who have recently completed their education. False job advertisements on social media platforms play a significant role in attracting people, promising lucrative salaries even for those without prior experience.

Ramnath warned that once someone becomes a victim of trafficking, they are likely to vanish within the system, and their children may also disappear. She urged staff to remain vigilant and familiarise themselves with their communities. “It’s crucial to recognise that traffickers often integrate themselves into our neighborhoods, residing among us,” she said. Ramnath also emphasised that human trafficking is an organised crime, highlighting the organised nature of these operations. In the case of the illegal trade of human organs, she stressed that victims are abducted solely for the purpose of harvesting and selling their organs on the black market, allowing traffickers to profit immensely from this illegal trade.

Did you know?

  • “Human trafficking is the buying and selling of people for the purpose of exploitation”- Prudence Ramnath (DLG).
  • Statistics indicate that approximately 40.3 million people are enslaved worldwide, with 250,000 individuals falling victim to modern-day slavery in South Africa alone.


10 May 2023 Media Release: GRDM adopts its Workplace Skills Plan

GRDM adopts its Workplace Skills Plan

For Immediate Release
10 May 2023

An organisation’s Workplace Skills Plan (WSP) describes its skills needs and the range of skills development interventions it will use to address them. It comprises of information from the Skills Audit and Personal Development Plan processes as well as the Organisational Needs Analysis through the Integrated Development Plan (IDP). To align the WSP with the IDP, the Training Section of GRDM must ensure that each employee completes a Skills Audit form and a Personal Development Plan (PDP).

On Monday, 24 April 2023, the Garden Route District Municipality’s (GRDM) Education, Training and Development Committee approved the 2023 Workplace Skills Plan. This meeting was also attended by the Western Cape Deputy Director: Training Coordination from the Department of Local Government and the Provincial Manager from the Local Government Sector Education and Training Authority (LGSETA).

According to Mr Reginald Salmons, Coordinator of Skills Development of the organisation, most of the skills-related projects included in the WSP are in their implementation stages and include the Home-Based Care; Work Based Learning and Development; Renewable Workshop Assistants; Tourism and Hospitality; Water and Sanitation; Fire Fighter, Patrol Officers and Just Energy Transition Projects. “With these projects, the main objective is to eradicate unemployment in the region and make unemployed people employable by equipping them with the necessary skills, particularly the youth,” Salmons said.

Photo Caption:  GRDM Municipal Manager, Monde Stratu, signing the WSP with Ms Trix Holthausen, Executive Manager of Corporate Services and officials from the Training and Development Section.


Op Maandag, 24 April 2023 het die Tuinroete Distriksmunisipaliteit (GRDM) se Opvoeding, Opleiding en Ontwikkelingskomitee die 2023 Werkplek Vaardigheidsplan goedgekeur. Hierdie vergadering was ook bygewoon deur die Wes-Kaapse Adjunkdirekteur: Opleidingskoördinering van die Departement van Plaaslike Regering en die Provinsiale Bestuurder van die Plaaslike Regering Sektor Onderwys en Opleiding Owerheid (LGSETA).

Volgens mnr Reginald Salmons, Koördineerder van Vaardigheidsontwikkeling van die organisasie, is die meeste van die vaardigheidsverwante projekte wat in die Werkplek Vaardigheidsplan ingesluit is in hul implementeringsfases. “Die hoofdoelwit van hierdie projekte is om werkloosheid in die streek uit te roei en werklose mense indiensneembaar te maak deur hulle toe te rus met die nodige vaardighede, veral die jeug,” het Salmons gesê.

24 March 2023 Media Release: GRDM Municipal Manager and officials welcome interns to the organisation

Media Release: GRDM Municipal Manager and officials welcome interns to the organisation

For immediate release
24 March 2023

Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) Municipal Manager, Monde Stratu, and officials (mentors) recently welcomed seventeen (17) interns from various training institutions to the Municipality’s offices in George.

Eleven (11) students studied at the South Cape College, three students are from Stenden University, two are from the Uconomy Platform and one student is from CHIETA Sponsored.

With each student now gaining practical experience at the organisation, they are exposed to various fields, such as Human Resources, Communication, Resorts, Record and Archives, Disaster Management, to name a few. The role of GRDM is to provide them with guidance in notable areas of shortcomings and coach/mentor these students in their field of study. They will be provided practical training on a rotational basis throughout the organisation during their period of their internship. The Public Management students will be placed at Registration, Archives and Auxiliary Services until their contracts expire.

The role of their mentors/supervisors is to ensure that the students keep a record of what tasks they have completed. This information will be contained in a Portfolio of Evidence (POE). The document must be signed off by their mentors/supervisors and final approval will be given by the Head of Department on completion of the experiential training. At the end of their tenure, each student will submit their approved document to their respective training institutions.

In total, R966 000 in stipends will be paid to the interns by the National Skills Fund, Bankseta, CHIETA or Uconomy Platforms over the 18-month period. From this amount, GRDM will partially cover the cost of almost R85 000 for students from Stenden University. These students study in the field of Disaster Management and are placed at the municipality’s district Disaster Management Centre in George.

Garden Route District Municipality is committed to contributing to the success of each student who is part of the programme and who shows dedication for the entire eighteen (18) month period. Providing students with workplace experience will ultimately prepare them to be ready for the job market.

Caption: Interns (with mentors) currently undergoing experiential training at Garden Route District Municipality.


2 December 2022 Media Release: LGSETA conducts another due diligence visit at GRDM

LGSETA conducts another due diligence visit at GRDM

For immediate release
2 December 2022

As part of the Due Diligence process, a Local Government Sector Education Training Authority (LGSETA) delegation led by Mr E Saeke, Manager in the Office of the CEO, and Ms J September, Provincial Coordinator, visited the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) on Wednesday, 30 November 2022. The meeting follows GRDM’s application for a Discretionary Grant (DG) when the funding window for the period from 09 October 2022 to 01 November 2022 opened.

The Garden Route Skills Mecca Team supported the Training Team at the GRDM and coordinated the needs of the Skills Development Teams across all eight municipalities (including GRDM) and submitted a combined application for the following projects during the window:

  • Fire Fighter training
  • Water Reticulation
  • Water Purification
  • Minimum Competency Training
  • Bursaries for Unemployed Youth (18.2)
  • Bursaries for Employed Officials (18.1)
  • Artisan Training (Plumbing, Electrical, Bricklaying and Carpentry)

The Garden Route Skills Mecca (GRSM) Coordinator, Dr Florus Prinsloo said: “The above combined collaborative approach demonstrates that the District Development Model is being implemented pragmatically within the Garden Route for the benefit of all residents”.

The meeting was chaired by Trix Holtzhausen, Executive Manager of Services, who thanked LGSETA for considering GRDM for these projects. “We would like to thank LGSETA for their past and ongoing support, as well as assure you that these projects will greatly contribute to alleviating poverty within our district.”

After careful evaluation and consideration, LGSETA selected the following projects for the due diligence visits:

  • Fire Fighter training
  • Water Training
  • Artisan Training (Plumbing, Electrical, Bricklaying and Carpentry)

These projects amount to R30 million and will benefit employed and unemployed youth.

Dr Florus Prinsloo, gave a brief overview of the Garden Route Skills Mecca and introduced the Garden Route Skills Mecca Technicians who assist with the drafting of LGSETA proposals.

GRDM Skills Development Coordinator Reginald Salmon and Senior Training Officer Angeline Naidoo presented the different proposals. As Skills Development Facilitators, both officials act as a link between the LGSETA and the Municipality.

Fire Chief Deon Stoffels also attended the meeting with Brian Afrikaner, who facilitates training at the fire service. Stoffels thanked LGSETA for considering GRDM for Firefighter training and explained that GRDM recently received accreditation from the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO). ” LGSETA’s Fire Training will be the first of its kind in the district, and it will serve as a pilot project to prepare GRDM for more significant projects in the future,” he concluded

Several sites and training facilities in the George area were visited by LGSETA delegates.

After the formal presentations, the delegates from LGSETA were accompanied to by the Training Section and GRSM Technicians to the various sites and training facilities within the George area. The following areas were visited:

  • Outeniqua Water Works in Pacaltsdorp
  • African Skills Village in Thembalethu
  • Garden Route District Municipality Fire

Did you know:

What is Seta discretionary grant?

Discretionary grants are paid out at the discretion of SETA management for skills development projects linked to scarce and critical skills (sector priority occupations). Funding for discretionary grants is focused on Professional, Vocational, Technical and Academic Learning (PIVOTAL).

What is due diligence?

Due diligence takes place when the LGSETA initially approves a project and then needs to check if the municipality will be able to deliver the training. Training venues, training facilities where participants will be trained, and accreditation of the service provider are all checked.


19 October 2022 Media Release: Great attendance by staff at second GRDM Employee Wellness Day for the year

Media Release: Great attendance by staff at second GRDM Employee Wellness Day for the year

For immediate release
19 October 2022

On 14 October 2022, stakeholders from various organisations visited the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) to take part in the municipality’s second Employee Wellness Day for the year.

Employees from various offices of the municipality took part in the day packed with activities which included health screening tests, breast cancer and mental health awareness talks (October is breast cancer and mental health awareness month), a blood donation drive, as well as an active grid class together with nutrition talks. Medical Aid companies involved, also presented their annual presentations to stakeholders. Furthermore, information stalls were available for staff to source details about their lifestyles, health and overall well-being. The Western Cape Department of Health, the Cape Retirement Fund, various medical aids (Bonitas, LA Health, SAMWUMED, Sizwe-Hosmed and KeyHealth), the Virgin Active team, First National Bank, Nedbank, Spec-Savers and the Western Cape Blood Service, attended to the questions posed employees.

Employees were eager to donate blood at the Employee Wellness Day.

In total, 141 health screening tests were performed, with fourteen (14) first-time donors and 17 regular donors who donated blood – five (5) willing staff members were unable to donate blood.  Further to these, mental health questionnaires/checklists were completed by employees who underwent health screening tests.

Early this year, with the first Blood Drive hosted by GRDM, a total of 20 donors were targeted. This time around, 39 donors participated in this selfless act. Nineteen (19) of the donors were new, while 9 were regular donors. In total, 136 health screening tests were performed on staff for either blood pressure or blood sugar levels, to name a few.

Staff members participated in the Active Grid Class conducted by Virgin Active.

These figures are an indication of how GRDM employees take ownership of their health and overall well-being. The event was organised by the Human Resources Unit’s Employee Assistance Programme Unit.

Did you know?

  • Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of death globally.
  • An estimated 17.9 million people died from CVDs in 2019, representing 32% of all global deaths. Of these deaths, 85% were due to heart attack and stroke.
  • Most cardiovascular diseases can be prevented by addressing behavioural risk factors such as tobacco use, unhealthy diet and obesity, physical inactivity, and harmful use of alcohol.
  • It is critical to detect cardiovascular disease as early as possible so that management with counselling and medicines can begin.

Research statistics show that although 75% of the population in the Western Cape might require blood transfusions in their lifetime, a mere 1.5% are blood donors. If you’re otherwise healthy, it’s very likely that you can donate blood and help balance out these numbers. With a single donation you could save three lives – and it won’t cost you a cent.

Staff members underwent various screening tests and attended educational talks.

Are you interested in donating blood and saving the lives of three people? Visit the Western Cape Blood Services website at

18 October 2022 Financial Assistance towards Further Studies 2023

Financial Assistance towards Further Studies 2023

Applications are invited from students currently receiving tuition at Accredited Learning Institutions and learners who are currently Grade 12 or have passed Grade 12, for financial assistance towards further studies during the 2023 academic year. The financial contribution by GRDM, is restricted to full-time study and attendance at SAQA accredited Tertiary, or TVET institutions. This is ONLY applicable to students whose parents permanently reside within the Garden Route municipal area.

Application forms are available at the GRDM and satellite offices during normal office hours (Monday – Thursday 07:30 – 16:30; Friday 07:30 – 13:30). Application forms are also available from the GRDM’s website at


A detailed Curriculum Vitae and cover letter, application form, and certified copies of the following documentation must be attached: Latest or Grade 12 results or equal qualification; latest examination results of students currently enrolled at tertiary institutions; certified copy of I.D.; affidavit of parents’ combined income and proof of residential address (municipal account).

Please forward the application form and all documents to: Records, Garden Route District Municipality, 54 York Street, P.O. Box 12, George 6530, for attention: Training and Development Section.

For any enquiries, do not hesitate to contact Mr Reginald Salmons at 044 803 1363, Ms Angeline Naidoo at 044 803 1420 or Mrs Angela-Ziva Coetzee at 044 803 1344 during office hours.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Should candidates not be contacted within two months of the closing date, they must consider their application as unsuccessful.

Closing date: 11 November 2022 Notice number: 117/2022

Click here to view/download the Official Advert.
Click here
to download the Application Form.

30 September 2022 Media Release: Garden Route Skills Mecca Technicians warmly welcomed by Municipal Manager

Media Release: Garden Route Skills Mecca Technicians warmly welcomed by Municipal Manager

For immediate release
30 September 2022

The Garden Route Skills Mecca (GRSM) continues to support all municipalities in the District with enhancing skills development. Complementary to this support, the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) has secured funding that offers all municipalities in the Garden Route, one-year full time Garden Route Skills Mecca (GRSM) Technicians. They were appointed through the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP).

GRDM Municipal Manager, Monde Stratu, addressing and welcomed all Garden Route Skills Mecca Technicians at the Garden Route District Municipality.

According to Reginald Salmons, Coordinator for Skills Development at GRDM, five (5) of the technicians are placed at the GRDM and all the seven (7) local municipalities in the district became a workplace home for one (1) technician each, totaling twelve (12) technicians. They are all qualified in either one of the following fields: Business, Economics, Finance, Engineering, Human Resources or Public Administration.

The local municipalities’ Technicians are placed at respective Local Economic Development (LED) Units, and undergo an intensive work-based learning programme to design, develop and implement proposals, projects and programmes for skills development within their towns. In addition, they assist LED Units with reporting, administrative, secretariat tasks, and create, build and maintain a Portfolio of Evidence (POE). The POE will enable them to be considered for future relevant Recognition of Prior Learning processes within the Skills Development Sector. They are mentored and supported by the GRSM team located at the GRDM.

GRSM Technicians warmly welcomed to GRDM, 14 September 2022

On Wednesday, 14 September 2022, Technicians attended an induction session at the GRDM Roads Department in George. They were warmly welcomed by the GRDM Municipal Manager, Monde Stratu. As he welcomed them, he emphasised the vision of the organisation and indicated GRDM’s ongoing commitment towards empowering young people through the various EPWP and Skills Development Programs. Stratu requested each Technician to commit 100% and called on them to represent the GRDM with pride and diligence. He also wished them the best of luck and encouraged them to do their best while they are on contract with the GRDM.

The Executive Manager for Corporate Services responsible for Skills Development at GRDM, Trix Holtzhausen, facilitated the introduction session. Holtzhausen motivated and challenged them to become true ambassadors for the GRSM and she encouraged them to think innovatively and creatively. Reginald Salmons, Coordinator for Skills Development at GRDM facilitated the topic “Andragogic approach to learning about the Skills Mecca” (what each of them already know about the Skills Mecca). This was through a multiple-choice questionnaire based various skills development policies and documents.

Dr Florus Prinsloo, the GRDM Skills Mecca Coordinator, facilitated the discussion on the answers to the questionnaire, allowing for debate and deeper understanding of the world of skills development in South Africa. At the end of the session all the Technicians received memory sticks containing twenty resource documents that included the:

– Skills Development Act
– Garden Route Growth and Development Strategy; and
– critical documents that form the basis for their future work within the Garden Route Skills Mecca.

In conclusion, each Technician was given the following homework to engage in once back at their offices:

  • Watch PPP Intro Video 17 Minutes
  • Prep for Module 1 and Module 2, planned for 13 October 2022
  • Immediate Work  = Health and Welfare Sector Education and Training Authority Project,
  • Imminent Work JET Project
  • Follow Ups – Memorandum of Understandings, Integrated Development Plans, Indabas, Public Private Partnerships
  • Schedule & Plan: Task Team and Forum

The session concluded with Dr Prinsloo thanking everyone for their attendance and participation in the session.

Did you know?

Garden Route Skills Mecca (GRSM) refers to a concept that the Garden Route District Municipality in collaboration with stakeholders in all seven local Municipalities are implementing to the benefit of all who live and thrive in this region. To ensure continuity and alignment to the processes that have organically emerged with the development of the Garden Route Skills Mecca since 2017, existing institutional arrangements and structures have been adopted, adjusted as necessary and are being formalised cross the district.

The Garden Route Skills Mecca actively creates partnerships with an arrange of role players that also serve as an ongoing intelligence gathering system to inform the work of the Garden Route Skills Mecca. In this manner the Garden Route Skills Mecca is the directly linked to and supports the national District Development Model.

Feature Image: Executive Manager for Corporate Services at GRDM (right) and Coordinator for the Garden Route Skills Mecca (second, left) with GRDM Skills Development officials and Garden Route Skills Mecca Technicians soon after the introductions.



2 September 2022 Media Release: The Garden Route District Municipality launches its electronic job application system

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗚𝗮𝗿𝗱𝗲𝗻 𝗥𝗼𝘂𝘁𝗲 𝗗𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗰𝘁 𝗠𝘂𝗻𝗶𝗰𝗶𝗽𝗮𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘆 𝗹𝗮𝘂𝗻𝗰𝗵𝗲𝘀 𝗶𝘁𝘀 𝗲𝗹𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗶𝗰 𝗷𝗼𝗯 𝗮𝗽𝗽𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝘀𝘆𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗺

For immediate release
2 September 2022

In another historic event, the newly developed e-recruitment system for the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) was officially launched today.

This paperless online job application system aims to make it convenient for applicants to apply for vacant positions without visiting any of the municipality’s offices, completing an application form or making copies of their Curriculum Vitae and other relevant qualifications every time they apply.

It is GRDM’s vision to be a leading, enabling, and inclusive district, so this system will allow vacancies to be advertised, viewed, and applied for online, enhancing recruitment and selection.

During the launch GRDM Municipal Manager, Monde Stratu congratulated the Corporate Service Department, under the leadership of Trix Holtzhausen, and all involved for reaching this stage in terms of recruitment. “A few years ago we started with the process to go paperless, for example with the Council agendas and today is a clear indication by launching the e- recruitment system, we are moving in the right direction,” Stratu said.

To learn more about the system a tutorial video on how to register and apply for a vacancy using the GRDM E-recruitment portal is available at:

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