Committee Services
Background of Committee Services
The Committee Services Section is in the Corporate Services Department, which is regarded as the Heart of the organisation.
Committee Services Section renders administrative and secretariat support to (Council) the municipality in order to facilitate proper administrative practice through the following functions:
- Provide a high level of efficient secretariat service in the execution of duties.
- Overall coordinating, planning and organisation of the activities within the Committee Services Section to ensure that all sections adhered to timeframes that are in place for the submission of relevant reports.
- Logistical and procedural requirements associated with Council’s meetings and Committee support in order to ensure that requirements are communicated, arranged and confirmed and enabling the meetings to commence and proceed without interruptions and/or disruptions.
- Provision of secretarial support to Council and the various committees and sub-committees to ensure the performance of the specific secretarial sequences at meetings with regards to the circulation and completion of agendas and minutes.
- Render a translation and interpret service in order to ensure technical terms and terminology to ensure that they are accurate and remain consistent throughout translations revisions and ensures the successful implementation of Council’s Language Policy.
- Liaising with both internal and external stakeholders to ensure a continuous flow of information pertaining to the preparation and conducting of meetings.
Committee Services Objectives
- Provide secretarial services to Council, Executive Mayoral Committee, Section 79 & 80 Committees and other standing Committees of Council in support of appropriate decision-making processes.
- Provide meetings and general administrative support services to the department.
- Render translation/interpret and typing services to the Municipality’s decision making structures to facilitate accurate communication.
- Councillors rely on the administration for support, advice and assistance with the day-to-day activities of Council.
District Council established the following Section 79 & 80 and other standing committees in terms of legislation: