Roads Services
The Garden Route District Municipality Road Agency services an area of approximately 23 331 sq km. The area is divided into 15 wards that are serviced by 16 maintenance grader operators. According to the agreement with the Western Cape Provincial Government, a minimum of 10 000 km gravel road surface must be graded annually. Where needed, re-graveling projects are undertaken and it is the Road Agency’s responsibility to rehabilitate the quarries where the gravel is sourced from. Each ward also has one maintenance team.
A dedicated reseal team ensures that all surface roads, allocated to the Road Agency, are maintained. This includes pothole repair and applying seal to road surfaces.
Public Transport – Section 12(6)(d)
- Act 22 of 2000 (NLTTA)
- Statutory planning (CPTR, OLS, RATPLAN, PTP, ITP)
- Public Transport Infrastructure is created
- Function of Garden Route District with reference to Municipal Structures Act section 84(I)(g) and the NLTTA (22 of 2000)
- Post funded by Garden Route District Municipality
- Planning and Infrastructure funded by PGWC: Branch Public Transport
For more information or queries, please contact:
Mr John Daniels
Executive Manager: Roads and Transport Planning Services
Tel: 044 803 1300