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17 April 2024 Media Release: Garden Route District Municipality’s Workplace Skills Plan approved

Media Release: Garden Route District Municipality’s Workplace Skills Plan approved

For immediate release
17 April 2024

On Friday, 12 April 2024, the Education and Training Development Committee from Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) approved the Municipality’s Workplace Skills Plan (WSP). To conclude the final stage of the process, the Municipal Manager, Monde Stratu, on 16 April 2024 endorsed the Plan for submission to the Local Government Sector Education and Training Association (LGSETA) before 30 April 2024.

Municipal Manager of GRDM, Monde Stratu (front, middle), endorsing the WSP, in the presence of officials (FLTR back) Ilse Saaiman, Nolwando Sambokwe, Reginald Salmons, Michelle Smit, Salman Damons, Khanyisa Madolo, Jacqueline Thomson, Proy Koopman (front, left) and Trix Holtzhausen (right).

The process included rounds of internal consultations by the Municipality’s Human Resources’ Training Section with specific focus on the WSP and it included management and employees from the various departments of the Municipality, as well as trade union representatives.

With the GRDM being registered with the LGSETA, the Skills Development Act, requires all registered employers with an annual payroll exceeding R500 000, to pay skills development levies. These levies encourage learning and development across the country and are used to develop and improve the skills of employees.

Subsequently, a Workplace Skills Plan (WSP), together with an Annual Training Report (ATR) must be submitted to the LGSETA no later than 30 April, annually. By submitting the municipality’s Workplace Skills Plan (WSP) annually, allows the Municipality access to Mandatory and Discretionary Funding from the LGSETA for skills development.