Media Release: Garden Route District Municipality adds two new bakkies to its fleet
For immediate release 27 March 2024
In a significant move to enhance operational efficiency and service delivery, the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) officially started using two of its long-awaited brand-new vehicles. This purchase was made available through the capital budget allocated in this 2023/2024 financial year. The bakkies cost R632 000 collectively. These resources will improve the working conditions and service delivery capabilities of the maintenance team and the Calitzdorp Hot Springs.
In the past, the maintenance team had to make use of their personal vehicles for municipal tasks and thereafter claim for the kilometres travelled. This was not only inconvenient but also unsustainable for the municipality. Calitzdorp Hot Springs, managed by the municipality, had a bakkie that was old to repair.
Addressing the attendees during the handover ceremony, Alderman Memory Booysen expressed his optimism for the positive changes the new vehicles will bring. Portfolio Chairperson for Planning and Economic Development, Cllr Jobieth Hoogbaard, highlighted the importance of safety and responsibility. He encouraged the officials to travel safely and maintain the new assets with care, ensuring that they serve their purpose for as long as possible.
The manager of Victoria Bay and Swartvlei Caravan Park, Medron Bussack, Acting Manager of Calitzdorp Hot Springs, Elmo Labuschagne, and other officials of the resorts, Maintenance personnel Unathi Fana and Irvin Siljeur, expressed their gratitude, noting that the vehicles would significantly ease the challenges they face in maintaining the resorts, such as removing waste and other materials.
Feature Image: GRDM Executive Mayor, Ald. Memory Booysen (3rd from left) officially taking into acceptance the two new vehicles, together with (fltr) Manager of Victoria Bay and Swartvlei Caravan Parks, Medron Bussack, Acting Manager of Calitzdorp Hot Springs, Elmo Labuschagne, Acting Municipal Manager, Lusanda Menze, Portfolio Chairperson for Planning and Economic Development, Cllr Jobieth Hoogbaard, and the Maintenance personnel, Irvin Siljeur and Unathi Fana.
Media Release: Garden Route District Municipality paid tribute Alwin Fuller’s life at a special Memorial Service
For immediate release 4 December 2023
On 29 November 2023, Councillors, Management and Staff from the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) paid tribute to the life of Alwin Fuller during a special Memorial Service, after his passing on 25 November 2023 at the age of 38.
The Council Chamber was left in a sombre atmosphere when his wife, children and family members walked through the guard of honour formed by the GRDM Firefighters to attend the service. Messages of support were delivered by his colleagues. Pastor Kevin van Wyk delivered a touching biblical message for all present and affected by Alwin’s passing.
GRDM Executive Deputy Mayor, Cllr Gert van Nierkerk, issued a certificate of appreciation to Mrs. Lorna Fuller for the dedicated services rendered by her husband to the organisation.
Fuller was appointed on 1 September 2022 in the Planning and Economic Development Department and was in tenure of the organisation until he took his last breath. He fulfilled the role of Project Administrator for Projects and Bulk Infrastructure and became intricately involved with Energy projects driven by the organisation.
When comforting all present in his welcoming address, Portfolio Chairperson of Planning and Economic Development, Cllr Jobieth Hoogbaard, stated: “This time of year is usually a period for family to spend more time with one another and having family reunions”. Adding to these words, Hoogbaard encouraged all to use the sudden passing of Alwin as an opportunity to learn how precious time on earth is. “We need to also make time throughout the year to enjoy and create precious moments with others.”
Portfolio Chairperson of Planning and Economic Development, Cllr Jobieth Hoogbaard, welcomed all present.
Executive Manager: Planning & Economic Development, Lusanda Menze, remembered Alwin as hardworking and dedicated official.
Described by a few colleagues as a passionate and dedicated official, many also felt that his other side portrayed more humour and others described him as a person who frequently challenged red tape that stood in the way of projects. Almost all officials alluded to the fact that Alwin wanted to get things done. Passmore Dongi, his former manager, during his virtual message, reiterated Alwin’s stubbornness for the better good of the organisation. Dongi said: “I liked his stubbornness because I don’t like a colleague working so closely with me that portrays the same characteristics as I have – because of these different characteristics we made a great team”, he said. He also highlighted that Alwin left behind a huge legacy with key projects he spearheaded. One such project is the Energy Efficient program where GRDM received an Energy Efficient Certificate as the 1st District Municipality in the Western Cape and in the country.
Executive Deputy Mayor, Cllr Gert van Niekerk, delivered the eulogy.
Municipal Manager, Monde Stratu, delivered the vote of thanks at the service.
Pastor Kevin van Wyk shared a Word of Comfort with the family and colleagues.
Programme Director of the event was GRDM’s Ayakha Magxotwa.
Colleague and friend, Mats-will Louis, shared his personal experiences with Alwin.
Tando Gauzela served with Alwin on the Energy Forums and how they approached matters.
Emile Conrad performed an instrumental of the song “Amazing Grace”.
Natalie Arries and Grace Rwayi performed the song “There is coming a day”.
Integrated Development Planning colleague of Alwin, Ayakha Magxotwa, while directing the programme, shared memorable tales about his experiences and moments with Alwin. He remembers and experienced Alwin also in a more personal manner.
Executive Deputy Mayor, Ald. Gert van Niekerk summed Alwin up as a shy, reserved person. He said: “Alwin played a crucial role within the Infrastructure, Projects and Resorts Management Units of the Planning and Economic Development Department. Alwin also worked closely with Communications to ensure awareness was created about Green Energy”. In closing his speech Ald. van Niekerk said that in the face of loss, “let us celebrate the life of a man that left us too soon; but left behind a legacy. We are all fortunate that God borrowed Alwin to us”. In concluding Alwin’s journey with the organisation, Ald. van Niekerk handed over a token of appreciation to Alwin’s wife, Mrs Lorna Fuller at the event, for the dedicated and loyal service her husband rendered to the organisation.
Through his message of comfort, Pastor Kevin van Wyk urged all present to “reflect on potential obstacles hindering our path to achieving goals”. Pastor van Wyk made an example about a person receiving a gift leaving it unopen. He said: “By leaving the gift unopen, has the same meaning as not receiving the gift”. He encouraged the family and officials to, much like Alwin, stand firm in preserving the essence of what he represented, resisting any attempts to diminish his legacy”.
Pastor van Wyk also emphasised the importance of embracing love and accepting the invitations extended to us. “The time for acceptance is now,” he said. “We must ensure that the love bestowed upon us is received wholeheartedly. In times of turmoil, he compared God to an anchor, a steadfast presence amid life’s unpredictable winds. Him resonating with Alwin’s life, as he also grew up in the area where Alwin was born, during the event multiple times requested all present to put their hands together in celebration of Alwin’s life. He said: “This creates energy which is also symbolic to the role fulfilled by Alwin in this organisation. He said: “Every time we clap our hands let us remember Alwin in the energy we create”.
Municipal Manager, Monde Stratu, extended a special vote of thanks, specifically to the family of Alwin you borrowed their husband to the organisation. Mr Stratu said that Alwin was well-aware of what his mandate He understood the vision of the organisation and his role within his Department, because he took his mandate seriously.”
To the staff, Mr Stratu shared words of appreciation to all GRDM colleagues who worked closely with Alwin and who spoke fondly about “our brother” during the service. “I am also thankful to those colleagues that made his life bearable within the institution. Thank you for your humanity in which you interacted with Alwin and that you treated him with dignity”. To these words, Stratu emphasised: “Thank you for your interaction with Alwin, we are grateful for the demeanour that you treated him with dignity. Evidence is showing us that life is too short, for that we must love each other.”
“We come from different homes, families, homes, coming with different agendas etc, but after all we are all children of God and in God’s eyes, we are all equal. Love each other and appreciate one another. ”
Alwin was laid to rest from the VGK Church in Rosemoore, George, on Saturday, 2 December 2023 at 9:00.
Rest in Peace Alwin Fuller – Garden Route District Municipality’s Council and Staff will miss you dearly.
Notice is hereby given in terms of the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act (No 56 of 2003) (MFMA), read with the Municipal Asset Transfer Regulations (R878 of 2008), the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act (No 3 of 2000) as well as the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act (No 32 of 2000) that the Council of the Garden Route District Municipality in terms of resolution H.8 dated 07 November 2022 intends to alienate the following Council Properties.
Media Release: GRDM De Hoek Mountain Resort transitioning to a green accommodation facility
For Immediate Release 29 November 2022
As part of its strategic objectives, Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) is keeping to its promise of being a leading district in pursuing green energy. In 2017, GRDM installed a 150kwh solar system on its parking lot at its George head-office. Now the municipality has done it again at their resort situated 35 km outside Oudtshoorn, De Hoek Mountain Resort.
On 25 November 2022, the GRDM Executive Mayor, Alderman Memory Booysen, the GRDM Municipal Council and officials launched this initiative with stakeholders to celebrate this event.
Municipal Manager, Monde Stratu, during his address said that with the summits that GRDM hosted over the past few years, this event is a result of one of the summits, the Green Energy Summit. The Summit contributes to the municipality’s Growth and Development goals. Through these initiatives, Stratu said: “We look at what is it that we can do as an entity to reduce our carbon footprint, reduce our dependency on fossil fuels and to produce energy, so that we can reduce our municipal bills of our own properties and buildings”. Adding to these words, Stratu added: “we have to ensure that our facilities (resorts and buildings) are gradually taken off the grid of ESKOM, so that we can reach a point where we are independent and to sell back to ESKOM the electricity that we produce from our own sources”. Stratu also used the opportunity to extend words of appreciation to Passmore Dongi, Project Manager at GRDM and the Unit, for the efforts that they have put into this project.
GRDM Executive Mayor, Alderman Memory Booysen, during the keynote address.
Municipal Manager, Monde Stratu explained the purpose of the event and the background of the project.
Executive Manager for Planning & Economic Development, Lusanda Menze, directed the programme.
Passmore Dongi, Project Manager at GRDM, explained how the project unfolded.
Menno Sulsters, Director of SEM Solutions, explained how the small-scale embedded generation system operates
Cllr Jobieth Hoogbaard, Portfolio Chairperson for Properties, welcomed all present at the launch.
Deputy Executive Mayor, Ald. Gert van Niekerk, delivered the vote of thanks to all stakeholders involved.
Councillors, officials and stakeholders who attended the launch of the Solar System at De Hoek Mountain Resort.
During an emotional speech, Passmore Dongi, GRDM’s Project Manager responsible for renewable energy, praised the Municipal Manager and his management team, as well as the Executive Mayor, Ald. Memory Booysen and Council for their support with the implementation of the project. He also emphasised the importance of ideas and the potential they have to become reality. He noted: “You can only do something when you dream.” Therefore, “dream as many times as you can,” he said.
Dongi explained that De Hoek Mountain Resort’s current electricity bill amounts to R45 000,00 per month. However, in two years’ time, GRDM might only be spending R5 000,00 and the solar system would have already paid for itself. “What we ultimately want to see is a district that is energy-secure,” he said. Dongi added that most of these projects cannot be achieved by GRDM on its own. He thanked the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) for the funding made available for the Energy Master Plan that will direct the GRDM in going forward in terms of Green Energy projects. “The idea is to reduce energy consumption by 80 to 90% at the resort,” he explained.
Menno Sulsters, Director and Project Manager at SEM Solutions, said that it had been a long road, but a worthwhile journey. In technical terms, he explained how the small-scale embedded generation system operates. In conclusion he said: “During this summer period, the system will generate extra energy that will be sold back to the Oudtshoorn Municipality”.
Alderman Booysen during his keynote address, stated: “We are giving strategic leadership, often on behalf of other municipalities, and at other times for ourselves, so that GRDM continues to be unique”. In addition, Mayor Booysen noted that GRDM has made many promises since 2016, and has “given hope to the people of the Garden Route.” He also touched on the significance of district municipalities and referred to the ongoing debate over their existence. “Every time these debates come up,” he said: “I would say to my colleagues, ‘you may think what you want; while district municipalities still exist, we as GRDM are striving to be different’”.
In addition he said: “The people of the Garden Route need the GRDM and the GRDM has shown that it works for the people of the Garden Route. Adding to the words of Dongi, he said: “Even if we dream, we must wake up to implement the dream and this is exactly what the GRDM has proven all along”.
Before the ribbon-cutting ceremony, in his final remarks, Mayor Booysen encouraged all Councillors present with the following words: “This GRDM Council, your legacy must stand. We must reach a stage that no matter who comes next, they must not be able to dismantle what we have done. Whoever comes next must continue this journey and the GRDM must remain standing”.
Deputy Executive Mayor, Ald. Gert van Niekerk extended words of appreciation to all stakeholders, councillors and officials present to witness the launch of this ground-breaking project. In closing he said: “It was an honour and privilege to be part of this historic occasion”. He praised and congratulated the Municipal Manager and the GRDM team who had the vision to implement this project.
The ground-mounted, grid-connected solar photovoltaic (PV) system was installed, along with a grid-connected battery system, as a pilot installation that will demonstrate how a resort can save up to 90% on energy costs. A detailed study informed the decision, yielding that the optimum solar PV capacity is 45kWp together with a 160kWh/24kW battery system. With this system, the facility can be powered by solar energy while also charging the batteries, as it generates power during the day.
In the case of fully charged batteries, excess PV power is exported to Oudtshoorn Municipality’s grid, and De Hoek Mountain Resort is reimbursed. A grid-tied battery storage system will discharge and release energy into De Hoek’s electrical reticulation at night, ensuring that no electricity will be exported to maximize self-consumption during the day.
In total, three (3) tables of locally produced mounting structures were installed on concrete foundations, each holding 28, 28, and 26 PV modules respectively of 550Wp each. The Solar PV modules are also locally assembled, meeting the Department of Trade Industry and Competition’s local content requirements.
Now that De Hoek Mountain Resort is powered by renewable energy, it can boast of providing environmentally friendly holiday accommodation.
GRDM will continue to make all its buildings and properties eco-friendly.
Feature Image: Executive Mayor, Alderman Memory Booysen, in front of the Solar System structures at the De Hoek Mountain Resort.
Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 46 of the George Land Use Planning By-Law, 2015 that the undermentioned application has been received on Erven 22494 and 22495, George by the George Municipality, Directorate: Planning and Development.
Any objection(s) and/or comment(s) with full reasons therefore and how their interests are affected, should be lodged in writing via email to the responsible Administrative Officer (Primrose Nako – or if no email facility is available, via SMS to the cellphone number of the said Official (only provided on request) and/or to the applicant, in terms of Section 50 of the George Land Use Planning By-Law, 2015, on or before 02 April 2022, quoting the application erf number, your property description, physical address and full contact details (email and telephone) of the person or body submitting the objection/comment, without which the Municipality/applicant cannot correspond with the said person/body.
Enquiries or requests for more information on the application may be directed to the Town Planning Department on Telephone: 044 801 9171 or email the responsible Administrative Officer (Primrose Nako – or the applicant (details below). The application will also be available, on the Municipal Website ( for 30 days. Any comments received after the aforementioned closing date may be disregarded.
Garden Route District Municipality mourns the tragic loss of another employee
For Immediate Release 8 December 2021
On Monday, 6 December 2021, when management and staff arrived at the respective offices of Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM), they learned about the tragic passing of their colleague, William Jonas.
William sadly passed away on Sunday, 5 December 2021 at the age of 44 after he was a victim of a brutal attack in George, a few days prior to landing up in the Intensive Care Unit. He leaves behind his wife and children, as well as many friends and colleagues.
According to a Human Resources official from GRDM, Lynn Marajh, the late William was appointed on 3 June 2016 on an Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) contract. His contract would have come to end during January 2022.
The late William will be remembered for his reserved and level-headed personality. Although he was employed at the EPWP Unit, he was known to almost the entire organisation, as his worked spanned across the entire region alongside the Maintenance Unit. Those who worked close to him such as Mario Appels, Superintendent at GRDM, remembers the late William as an enthusiastic, hardworking and goal driven individual – always respectful. “Being the reserved person he was, he had a fine eye for details around him. Apart from being his quiet self, he was also funny and knew how to make his colleagues laugh,” said Medron Bussak, Administrative Assistant: Resorts. On a more personal level, William knew what his responsibilities as a family man were – “he loved his family,” Medron said. His music taste for the old school genre was symbolic to the type of characteristics he embodied.
“At GRDM we will always remember William as a helpful person who had a great passion for his work.”
The municipality will on Monday, 13 December 2021, host a memorial service to celebrate William’s life and to share a moment with his family, to bid him farewell.
“Rest in peace William, you will be dearly missed.”
The link to follow the proceeding via our Youtube channel will be published in due course.
Feature Photo: William Jonas, with the Executive Mayor, Memory Booysen (middle) and his team members (fltr) Wayne Cronje, Irvin Siljeur and Sheldon Flemming earlier this year at an event that was hosted by GRDM at the Rosemoor Stadium in George.
Joint Media Release: Properties between Garden Route DM and Mossel Bay transferred – partnership established
23 February 2021 For Immediate Release
The agreement entered into between the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) and the Mossel Bay Municipality (MBM) is a joint effort to rectify the registration details of certain properties in the Deeds Registry, some of which are still registered in the name of the then Divisional Councils. The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was made possible by co-operation and a joint effort by both municipalities to ensure that their asset registers reflect the correct information by formalizing the actual ownership, use of and responsibilities with regard to the properties.
One of the major projects resulting from this MoU is the moving of the GRDM Fire Base to Mossel Bay. This project is currently in its initiation phase and will have a positive impact on the proximity of the majority of GRDM firefighters to other parts of the Garden Route. The MoU, which will be signed on 23 February 2021, outlines that a subdivision of an erf of 17 312 m² in Mossel Bay needs to be undertaken. The MBM Fire Services base is already situated on this property, while the Southern portion will be utilised by the GRDM Fire and Rescue Services.
The GRDM Fire Base will be more strategically positioned to combat wildfires in the region once this project has been finalised. The farthest point to the west from Mossel Bay is Witsand, which is a distance of approximately 150km from the proposed new base, while Plettenberg Bay is situated approximately 140km away from the Mossel Bay Fire Base to the east.
Other properties agreed to be transferred, leased, sold or developed, include:
Erf 488 in Tergniet will be transferred from GRDM to MBM. This property is currently utilised and under the control of MBM and includes a parking area, ablution facilities and a waste transfer station.
Erf 76 and 77 in Little Brak River will be transferred to MBM. MBM already utilises these properties as a cemetery.
Erf 78 in Little Brak River will be transferred to MBM because a community hall is built on it and already in use by MBM.
Erf 238 in Little Brak River is a public street, utilised and maintained by MBM. This property will be transferred.
Erf 1040 in Little Brak River contains a reservoir which is already used by MBM and will subsequently be transferred to their register.
MBM will submit an offer to purchase Erf 99 in Glentana, which is in extent of 47 057m². This property is currently utilised and under the control of MBM as a parking area, ablution facilities and picnic and braai areas.
GRDM will transfer a portion south of Morrison Road, Portion 2 of the Farm Hoogekraal No. 23, now referred to as erf 832, Glentana, to MBM.
GRDM will transfer a portion of erf 271, north north-west of Impala Avenue in Rheebok to MBM.
MBM will subsequently transfer erf 12406 in Mossel Bay to GRDM. This is the current property where the GRDM Municipal Health Services sub-office already operates from.
GRDM and MBM will undertake a collective approach to develop erf 271 in Rheebok, which is 413 333m², and erf 264 Rheebok, in the extent 17 131m², into one unit. This development will conform to the development standards of the surrounding area, while ensuring a green lung with linkages is maintained to other green areas. MBM will be responsible for obtaining the applicable environmental and planning approvals, but both municipalities will bear the costs and equal interest in the development of the property.
All the above interventions prove that when the spheres Local Government work in harmony with one another, far more meaningful change is possible, without bottlenecks and unnecessary red-tape.