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Environmental Health

05 September 2023 Media Release:  Environmental Health Practitioners of the Klein Karoo supports ECD Centres with health and hygiene education

Media Release:  Environmental Health Practitioners of the Klein Karoo supports ECD Centres with health and hygiene education

For Immediate Release
5 September 2023

The Municipal Health Services section of the Klein Karoo region engaged with members of the Klein Karoo Early Childhood Development (ECD) Forum to discuss current health legislation applicable to childcare facilities in terms of the National environmental health norms and standards for premises and acceptable monitoring standards for environmental health practitioners (24 December 2015) and GRDM Municipal Health By-Laws of 10 December 2018 promulgated under the National Health Act, (Act 61 of 2003).

Health and hygiene education provided by EHPs is essential for preventing disease, improving health, and influencing lifelong behavioural change among children. Education on health and hygiene plays a significant role in supporting the holistic development of children. According to the World Health Organisation, providing children with adequate access to water, sanitation and hygiene is one of the most effective ways to survive. By improving key hygiene behaviours, such as ensuring safe drinking water, proper hand hygiene, and effective sanitation, EHPs believe that promoting health and hygiene improvement is a comprehensive way to prevent childhood diseases like diarrhoea.

The EHPs conducted Health and Hygiene education sessions at créches in Oudtshoorn and Kannaland on 29 August 2023, with an emphasis on:

– the importance of handwashing;

– correct handwashing methods;

– a clean environment; and

– personal hygiene.

EHPs remain committed to educating the public and remain steadfast in their belief that prevention is better than cure.

Did you know?

Environmental Health Practitioners (EHP) are appointed in terms of the National Health Act (Act 61 of 2003) and registered as such in terms of the Health Professions Act (Act 56 of 1974)? In order to ensure compliance with this act, EHPs have the authority to enter any premises, excluding private dwellings. EHPs may enter Early Childhood Development (ECD) premises for the purpose of conducting inspections, conducting environmental health investigations, and also providing health education to pre-schools, child care centres so that environmental health can be strengthened.


Die Tuinroete Distriksmunisipaliteit (TDM) se Omgewingsgesondheidspraktisyns wat werksaam is in die Klein-Karoo-streek (Oudtshoorn en omliggende areas), het onlangs met die Klein-Karoo Vroeë Kinderontwikkeling Forum-lede vergader, om die huidige gesondheidswetgewing van toepassing op kindersorgfasiliteite te bespreek. Hierdie samekoms was belangrik vir bespreking van huidige wetgewing soos van toepassing op kindersorgfasiliteite in terme van die TDM se Munisipale Gesondheidsverordeninge van 10 Desember 2018 en Aanvaarbare Moniteringstandaarde vir Omgewingsgesondheidspraktisyns (24 Desember 2015) gepromulgeer onder die Nasionale Gesondheidswet (Wet 61 van 2003).

Die Omgewingsgesondheidspraktisyns het op 29 Augustus 2023, Gesondheid- en Higiëne opvoedingsessies by kleuterskole in Oudtshoorn en Kannaland aangebied, met die klem op:

– die belangrikheid van handewas;

– die korrekte handewasmetodes;

– ‘n skoon omgewing; en

– persoonlike higiëne.

Die Omgewingsgesondheidspraktisyns bly daartoe verbind om die publiek op te voed en standvastig in hul oortuiging dat voorkoming beter is as genesing.


Featured image caption: EHP Ikanya Hendricks demonstrates the correct hand-washing method to learners at Excelsior Primary School in Calitzdorp.

04 September 2023 Media Release: Sod-Turning Event marks a milestone for Regional Waste Management Facility

Media Release: Sod-Turning event marks a milestone for Regional Waste Management Facility

For Immediate Release
04 September 2023

In a significant step towards more sustainable waste management practices, the official sod-turning ceremony for the Garden Route District Municipality’s (GRDM) Regional Waste Management Facility was held on Friday, 1 September 2023. The journey to this milestone began back in 2006 when investigations and processes for establishing the Regional Landfill Site commenced.

Sharing in this historic and groundbreaking occasion, were Executive Mayors and Municipal Managers and across the district, the GRDM Mayoral Committee Members and officials, representatives from National and Provincial Government, as well as engineering consultants and stakeholders from Standard Bank, Tefla and Zutari.

During his address, Municipal Manager of GRDM, Monde Stratu, gave a thorough background about the project. He explained: “Local municipalities have reached a point where their waste management sites have become exhausted, which is why this regional waste management facility is being constructed”. Further to this he said: “It was a blessing in disguise that the initial model did not realise as it saved GRDM millions of rands.

Stratu particularly commended the GRDM officials who have been driving the project to this point. “The resilience and commitment of all involved are paying off. And today, it is time to celebrate – despite what happened, we are still delivering on our promises,” Stratu emphasised.

In his remarks at the event, the Head of Public Sector- SA at Standard Bank, Timothy Mtlatla, spoke passionately about Standard Bank’s support to GRDM’s commitment towards green energy. He said: “Our institution remains focused on its purpose; our commitment is a profound purpose and is underscored by the meaningful impact to the community.  We are serving the sector that serves us”. Adding to these words, Mtlatla highlighted that the event is a remarkable example and testament of good working relations. And for this reason, he said: “With this initiative, we foresee a future that is cleaner and healthier for all communities we serve”.  Representatives from Tefla and Zutari also delivered their messages of commitment to the project.

Executive Mayors and Deputy Mayors from the local municipalities that were present, also shared words of support on behalf of their respective municipalities. Deputy Mayor of Mossel Bay, Cllr Cliffie Bayman, referred to this day as a significant step that is taken towards more sustainable waste management and environmental practices in a changing world of climatic changes and the now more common outbreaks of communicable diseases. With these words, he added that this event deserved to be on the 1 September, as it is the 1st day of Spring. He highlighted that “this is a season for new beginnings and the reason in which our environment shows the fruit of hard work – work that we have put in during the winter months”. Bayman in addition reiterated that Mossel Bay Municipality will take accountability with the GRDM to ensure that the objective of the facility is reached. In conclusion he said that Mossel Bay is a proud partner in full support of the project and therefore they are eager to see many benefits such as employment deriving from the facility.

Knysna Executive Mayor, Cllr Aubrey Tswenga, in his congratulatory speech to GRDM and participating municipalities, said: “Thank you for making the Regional Waste Management Facility a reality”. Tswenga, however, mentioned that more work still lies ahead to educate communities about waste management. “As municipalities,” he said that “we need to educate our communities to reduce waste to landfills. Further to this he urged the GRDM on behalf of Knysna, to continue to roll-out a regional educational programme to extend the lifespan of the facility.

Bitou’s Deputy Executive Mayor, Cllr Mavis Basukwe, during her words of support, said: “Bitou took a decision to participate in the project fully understanding the implications and consequences we would face from our communities and ratepayers”. As a result of showing leadership and the fact that Bitou fitted the cost implication in their budget over the years, she emphasised that “it is indeed pleasing to see the site is now finally under construction”. She thanked all participating municipalities and said that without them, the project would not have been feasible for Bitou alone and would have left Bitou in a serious predicament.

Executive Mayor of GRDM, in his keynote address extended warm words of gratitude to the service provider and consulting engineer, Tefla and Zutari, as well as to Standard Bank and participating municipalities for this legacy project. In unpacking his statement, Mayor Booysen added: “After today it won’t only be a legacy project anymore, but also a catalytic project, meaning that this project is a catalyst of what is coming”.

Mayor Booysen further referred to the realities of working together as stakeholders and said: “It is not easy for different municipalities to work today, as there are many aspects that can hamper initiatives such as this project. However, he commended Mossel Bay Municipality, especially Municipal Manager Collin Puren, for setting the tone on how government can work together and how intergovernmental relations should be executed. To the Deputy Executive Mayor of Mossel Bay, Cllr Bayman he said: “You went as far as advising us,” to safeguard a less complicated process.  Given the background of the project, Mayor Booysen urged councillors, professionals, and ward councillors to be decisive when decisions are made. “When we are decisive,” he said: “The ratepayers would back us up, because they would then understand what they are paying for and not making their own assumptions”. He elaborated that whenever a proposal is on the table, councillors would ask “how the project is going to affect the rates and taxes”. He advised: “It is our duty as politicians to go and explain to the taxpayers and ratepayers why we are doing what we do and why are we making the decisions in terms of what it will cost them”.

An Inaugural Site Meeting and Commencement of Works took place on the 13th of June 2023, which saw the official handover of the site to the appointed contractor, Tefla Group (Pty) Ltd. Over the following weeks, the site was established, benchmarks were verified by a surveyor on July 11, and the refurbishment of an existing farmhouse, set to become the site offices, is nearing completion. Clear and grub operations, excavations and material stockpiling is underway on the access roads and on Cell 1A.

The Regional Waste Management Facility, once complete, will include a domestic waste cell (Class B) and a separate hazardous waste cell (Class A) to accommodate low and medium-hazard-rated hazardous waste. Other infrastructure elements encompass roads, stormwater pipelines, leachate storage dams, contaminated stormwater dams, offices, laboratories, weighbridges, workshops, and security infrastructure. The project also includes a 3-hectare portion that will be used for a waste tyre recycling facility.   Both the Domestic Waste Cell 1 and the Hazardous Waste Cell will have a lifespan of approximately of 20 – 25 years.

The project’s timeline are as follows:

  • Construction Tender Closure (concluded) – October 25, 2022
  • Finalization of Debt Agreement (concluded) – July 2023
  • Contractor on Site (concluded) – July 2023
  •   Operations & Maintenance Tender Award – October / November 2023
  • Completion of Phase 1 – February 2024
  • Estimated Completion of Project – March 2025

The sod-turning event heralds the beginning of a cleaner and healthier future for the Garden Route region.

Listen to all the speeches here:

Welcoming remarks

Background of the project

Message of Support by Standard Bank

Message of Support by Zutari (PTY) LTD

Message of Support by Tefla (PTY) LTD

Message of Support by Mossel Bay Municipality

Message of Support by Knysna Municipality

Message of Support by Bitou Municipality

Commitment to Service Delivery

Closing Remarks and Vote of Thanks

Feature Image: Sharing in this historic and groundbreaking occasion, were Executive Mayors and Municipal Managers and across the district, the GRDM Mayoral Committee Members and officials, representatives from National and Provincial Government, as well as engineering consultants and stakeholders from Standard Bank, Tefla and Zutari.


14 July 2023 Media Release: Informal Food Traders receive Training: Mossel Bay

Media Release: Informal Food Traders receive Training: Mossel Bay

For Immediate Release
14 July 2023

Informal food trading is more prevalent in developing countries, particularly South African communities as it provides opportunities to earn income as an alternative to unemployment.

Environmental Health Practitioners (EHPs) plays an essential role in this regard by performing functions as listed in the SCHEDULE OF THE SCOPE OF PROFESSIONS OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (GOVERNMENT NOTICE R888 OF 26 APRIL 1991).

Regulation governing general hygiene requirements for food premises, the transport of food and related matters is Regulation 638 of 22 June 2018, promulgated under the Foodstuffs, Cosmetics and Disinfectants Act, 1972 (Act 54 of 1972) is used by Environmental Health Practitioners to ensure compliance of food premises within the Garden Route District Municipality(GRDM). This includes formal food premises and informal food stalls.

In the Mossel Bay Municipal Area, particularly in the Kwanonqaba and Asla Park, street trade has increased, especially over weekends (Friday afternoon until Sunday).

David Maloka, an Environmental Health Practitioner, is busy training informal food vendors on hygiene requirements.

On Friday, 24 June 2023 and Saturday, 25 June 2023, EHPs from the GRDM visited informal food stalls. A total of eight (8) informal food traders were visited.  Since a majority of the food stalls in this area sell meat and/or meat products, the purpose of the visits was to determine compliance with Regulation 638 and Regulation 1072 of 17 September 2004 promulgated under the Meat Safety Act, 2000(40 of 2000).

During the visit topics like Personal Hygiene, Effective Waste Management, and hygiene of the premises were covered. Among the shortcomings of informal food-traders’ is a lack of infrastructure, poor waste management, poor general cleanliness, failure to comply with personal protective equipment, and exposure to ambient air pollution. Informed food traders appreciated the technical skills training, recommendations, and advice.

Featured Image Caption:  Traders were advised to keep a container of water and soap on hand for hand washing.


15 June 2023 Media Release: First-of-its-kind Municipal Health Dashboard created by Garden Route DM

Media Release: First-of-its-kind Municipal Health Dashboard created by Garden Route DM

For Immediate Release
15 June 2023

Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) has launched a first-of-its-kind Municipal Health dashboard this year to provide easy access to data that Environmental Health Practitioners (EHP) gather and analyse on a daily basis. “This innovative tool utilises maps to present a heatmap of areas where persistent health issues, amongst others, are flagged, enabling GRDM to identify areas requiring additional interventions to meet health standards,” said Jessica Erasmus, a GRDM Environmental Health Practitioner.  Erasmus was involved in the business analysis and communication side of the system development to help the system builders bridge the gap between municipal health function and technology.

According to Clive Africa, GRDM Executive Manager for Community Services, “the dashboard aligns with Section 1 of the National Health Act, 2003 (Act 61 of 2003), which mandates Municipal Health Services to monitor various aspects such as water quality and safety, food control, waste management, premises health surveillance, disease prevention (excluding immunisations), vector control, pollution control, disposal of the dead, and chemical safety”.

“To monitor these focus areas, daily inspections are conducted and linked to the system, capturing details of businesses, owners, addresses, and GPS coordinates, to name a few,” said Jessica.

“The data from these inspections are then repurposed for monthly monitoring reports, providing the number of inspections per EHP, per region, and per premises.”

GRDM has leveraged its existing Geospatial Information System (GIS) Unit and an external GIS company, to help build a system that maps data and provides real-time satellite views.

“Integrating addresses of premises and GPS coordinates into the system allows GRDM to plot business and premises locations, sampling points, illegal dump sites, and communicable disease trend data,” said Africa.

“This integration also enables GRDM to access historical data on businesses, including compliance and non-compliance issues, with a single click, facilitating a better understanding of the municipality’s data.”

Benefits of the Municipal Health Dashboard:

  • Real-time data access allows GRDM to gain in-depth insights into the causes of specific communicable disease outbreaks in certain areas.
  • It enables GRDM to investigate whether shared water sources or common shopping areas contribute to disease outbreaks, which helps in community education and prevention efforts.
  • The dashboard information facilitates collaboration with relevant authorities responsible for addressing water source issues or other underlying problems, thereby assisting in resolving health-related concerns.
  • Overall, the dashboard offers a holistic and real-time view of GRDM’s daily activities, serving as an early warning system to prevent environmental health-related disasters.
  • The dashboard allows for the management of municipal health services. This is done by looking at the birds’ eye view of the whole district to make important managerial decisions and to enhance the functioning of the Environmental Health Practitioners.

EHP Francois Koelman, recognised as one of the best EHPs in South Africa in 2018, also played a similar role as Erasmus when he worked closely with Business Engineering in 2016/17 to develop a municipal app for EHPs – another first-of-its-kind app for municipalities. The app is also used today to link information to the Municipal Dashboard.

Feature image: Green is compliant and red is non-compliant/or requires intervention (illegal dumping) and indicates the status of the region.


08 June 2023 Media Release: Do you have a Municipal Health related complaint and would like to report it?

Media Release: Do you have a Municipal Health related complaint and would like to report it?

For immediate release
08 June 2023

Municipal Health covers aspects of human health, including the quality of life, determined by physical, chemical, biological, social and psychosocial factors in the environment. It also refers to the identification, evaluation, control, correction and prevention of the environmental factors that can potentially adversely affect the health of present and the future generations.

Environmental Health Practitioners, who form part of Municipal Health, are responsible for ensuring the following key focus areas are looked after:

  • Water Quality Monitoring
  • Food Control
  • Solid Waste Management
  • Health Surveillance of Premises
  • Supervision and Prevention of Contagious Diseases (excluding Immunization)
  • Vector Control
  • Environmental Pollution Control
  • Disposal of Human Remains
  • Safe handling of Chemical Substances

This excludes port health, malaria control and control of hazardous substances. The above-mentioned aspects are mentioned in the Scope of Environmental Health Practitioners. Environmental Health Practitioners have a statutory obligation to protect the health of the present and the future generations as enshrined in the Bill of Rights.

Contact the following Garden Route District Municipal Health Offices to lodge your complaint:

Garden Route regions:


Emmy Douglas
Chief: Municipal Health (Outeniqua – George)

Address: Mission Street, Industrial Area, George, 6530
Tel: +27(0)44 803 1501 / Cell: +27(0)78 457 2824


Chief: Municipal Health (Wilderness – George)
Mission Street, Industrial Area, George
Tel: +27(0)44 803 1501


Desmond Paulse
Manager: Municipal Health (Oudtshoorn & Kannaland)
Address: 94 St John Street, Oudtshoorn
Tel: +27(0)44 272 2241 / Cell: +27(0)83 678 6530


Chief: Municipal Health (Mossel Bay)
Address: C/O Sampson & Marling Street, Ext 23, Mossel Bay
Tel:  +27(0)44 693 0006


Gawie Vos
Chief: Municipal Health (Lakes – Bitou)
Address: 7 Gibb Street, Plettenberg Bay
Tel: +27(0)44 501 1600 / Cell: +27(0)83 557 1522


Chief: Municipal Health (Knysna)
Address: 26A Queen Street, Knysna
Tel: +27(0)44 382 7214


Haemish Herwels
Chief: Municipal Health (Hessequa)
Address: 23 Michell Street, Riversdale, 6670
Tel: +27(0)28 713 2438 / Cell: +27(0)83 678 6545


30 May 2023 Media Release: Employee Wellness Day at GRDM Head Office

Employee Wellness Day at GRDM Head Office

Immediate release
30 May 2023

The Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) recently organised an Employee Wellness Day on May 26, 2023. The event was held at the GRDM head office front parking area, aimed to promote the well-being of employees across various departments.

Under the theme “Mind, Body and Motion,” all participants were encouraged to dress sporty and actively participate in the session. This session served as an annual introduction to the Wellness Day Policy, emphasising the significance of maintaining good physical and mental health for all employees. The specific purpose of this Wellness Day was to introduce a draft Policy for the Annual Garden Route Wellness Day in the region. This policy aims to facilitate coordination between the District, B-municipalities, and other relevant stakeholders in the field, ensuring a collaborative approach to wellness initiatives.

To ensure an engaging experience, a Virgin Active Zumba group activity was aranged by the Virgin Active team, in which GRDM employees enthusiastically participated. Additionally, various stalls were set up, offering services such as Health Screening Tests, Financial Advice, Medical Aids, and Retirement Fund Advice to keep everyone entertained and informed.

Lusanda Menze, Executive Manager of Planning and Economic Development, delivered a supportive message regarding the importance of employee wellness within the municipality. He emphasised that employee wellness is a key program and highlighted the significant amount of time spent at work.

Menze stressed the need for colleagues to develop camaraderie and work together while also recognising the tendency to overlook our own well-being. He emphasised the criticality of self-enrichment and maintaining good health in our personal time. He further emphasised the value of prevention over cure and highlighted the importance of early detection, urging everyone to prioritise self-care.

Also, a snakes and ladders game presented by Environmental Health Practitioners (EHP) at the event and those who used it enjoyed it thoroughly. The floor of the game was designed in-house to target younger generations and its aim was to teach children about the disadvantages of pollution, the issue of illegal dumping, that waste should not be burned, instead be reduced, reused and recycled. When the snake catches one of the players, a valuable lesson is learned and when a ladder is climbed, a good environmental task is done. Adult participants enjoyed the fun to engage and still learned about these crucial environmental matters. Magnets with reporting information on illegal dumping, were also distributed, as part of the ongoing illegal dumping campaign where people are encouraged to report illegal dumping so that the perpetrators can be caught and fined.

EHPs also displayed a sampling kit to showcase their professional gear and the process of taking samples. Broken, dented and rusted cans were also displayed to inform employees what to look out for when buying canned food to protect their health. Additionally, the team distributed pamphlets about Tuberculosis, soil pollution and diarrhoea to staff present.

About 145 employees were in attendance of which 20 staff members including management had free prostate-specific antigen (PSA) tests done by CANSA.

Apart from the Virgin Active group fitness session, a few staff members enjoyed playing soccer and netball as part of the physical activities.

Two highlights of the day were when Planet fitness gave employees 7-day free vouchers to make use of their gym facilities and one of the employees won a R300 in the lucky draw for employees, done by Sanlam.

The GRDM hereby extend a message of gratitude to the following service providers who participated in the event, nl:

  • Western Cape Health Department who provided free preventative services such as: family planning, cervical screening (pap smear), HIV testing, Tuberculosis, Diabetes and Hypertension screening.
  • Cancer Association South Africa (CANSA) offered free Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) tests.
  • Consolidated Retirement Fund gave free advice to staff regarding retirement benefits.
  • Municipal Health Services of GRDM created awareness about Municipal Health related aspects and displayed their services at the event.
  • Key Health and Bonitas Medical Aids assisted employees with necessary advice in relation to medical aid benefits.
  • Virgin Active presented a free group active Fitness Session to those who were present.
  • Planet Fitness handed out free 7-day vouchers to staff to make use of their gym facilities.
  • FNB and Nedbank banks shared valuable finance advise with those who visited their stalls.
  • Sanlam advised employees about their products and a surprised employee left the event with a R300 in the pocket after they have done a lucky draw for all GRDM participants presents.


11 April 2023 Media Release: Awareness about Clean Air a priority for Garden Route DM

Awareness about Clean Air a priority for Garden Route DM

For Immediate Release
11 April 2023

Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) is committed to promoting a healthy and sustainable environment for its residents. In light of that, GRDM is proud to sponsor the 2023 Clean Air Project, which aims to promote awareness about pollution among primary school students in circuits one and two of the Eden/Karoo educational district. This project will have a significant impact on the community with 96 teachers and 2917 learners participating.

The 2023 Clean Air Project is designed to align with the CAPS curriculum regarding pollution, and focuses on Life Skills in Grade 3. The project is divided into several stages, starting with the distribution of resources to the different schools. The resources include six (6) posters, lesson plans, worksheets, and game cards, available in English, Afrikaans, and iSixhosa.

The second stage involved a 30-minute online introduction presentation, which was well attended and received by teachers. As part of stage three, teachers were provided with self-paced online training where they can earn 5 CTDP points.

During the fourth and final stage of the 2023 Clean Air Project, the project will be implement in the classroom with the learners.  So far, the programme has been well received by all the schools and teachers involved.

It is worth noting that Oudtshoorn has achieved a reward for the best air quality in Africa, according to IQ Air. This achievement is attributed to GRDM consistent investment and contribution towards improving the air quality in the area. It is the goal of GRDM to have all the towns in the Garden Route district among the top ten with the cleanest air in Africa.

The 2023 Clean Air Project is just one of the many initiatives that GRDM’s Air Quality Section is undertaking to achieve this goal. “With the success of this project, it is hoped that more schools in the region will participate in the coming years.  The project is currently in its 6th year cycle. We have reached all the schools in the district and are currently working on the second round. The Klein Karoo was covered last year; next year and the following year, it will be George, Uniondale, Knysna, Plettenberg Bay and all primary schools in-between,” said Dr Johann Schoeman, GRDM Manager: District Air Quality Control

School visits booklet 2023


Die Tuinroete Distriksmunisipaliteit borg die 2023 Skoon Lug Projek, wat daarop gemik is om bewustheid te skep oor lugbesoedeling onder laerskoolleerders van die Eden/Karoo opvoedkundige distrik. Die projek is in lyn met die CAPS kurrikulum en fokus op Lewensvaardighede in Graad 3. Die inisiatief sluit die verspreiding van hulpbronne na skole, aanlyn opleiding vir onderwysers, en implementering van die projek in die klaskamer in. Die program is goed ontvang deur alle skole, onderwysers en ander rolspelers. Tuinroete Distriksmunisipaliteit werk daarna toe om alle dorpe in die streek onder die top tien Skoonste lug in Afrika te bevorder.


18 February 2023 Media Release: Measles Awareness Session Held at Rosemore Crèche in George to Promote Prevention Measures

Measles Awareness Session Held at Rosemore Crèche in George to Promote Prevention Measures

18 February 2023

A measles awareness session was held recently at Rosemore Crèche in George, where Environmental Health Practitioners (EHPs) from the Garden Route District Municipality’s Community Services Department educated approximately 50 children and staff members on the importance of preventing the spread of this highly contagious viral infection.

Measles, which can have serious consequences for young children, typically exhibit symptoms 10 to 14 days after exposure. Those infected by it usually has a cough, runny nose, inflamed eyes, sore throat, fever, and a red, blotchy skin rash. The session covered the transmission of measles, prevention measures, and the significance of consistent handwashing.

Measles spreads easily through the air via respiratory droplets from coughing or sneezing, as well as through saliva, skin-to-skin contact, touching contaminated surfaces, and from mother to baby during pregnancy, labour, or nursing.

Education was led by Ivy Mamegwa, an EHP from the Wilderness region, one of the eight areas served by the GRDM. The goal of the session was to increase community awareness of measles and to promote personal hygiene practices to prevent its spread.

To prevent the spread of measles, it’s important to ensure proper ventilation and practice proper handwashing. The best defence, however, is to get vaccinated. Pamphlets were provided to the children and staff members to take home and share with others, including their parents, to further increase awareness and promote prevention measures.

Advice from EHP is to practice good hand hygiene. It continues to be one of the main strategies for stopping the transmission of pathogens.


14 October 2022 Media Release: Health Education Committee invited to witness youth who dance with ‘change in mind’

Media Release: Health Education Committee invited to witness youth who dance with ‘change in mind’

For Immediate Release
14 October 2022

A small group of youngsters known as the ‘Spiritual Dance Group’ from the Kwanokutula community in Riversdale, Hessequa, last week performed various dance routines choreographed by Rebecca Johnson, Suikerbossie Soup Kitchen. Rebecca invited the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) Health Education Committee to witness several of their performances. The theme of their dance routines revolved around illegal dumping, hand washing, looking after your environment and self-love.

The GRDM Health Education Committee, which consists of Environmental Health Practitioners (EHP), was recently established and exists for the following reasons: 

  • municipal health education needs of the community are addressed by improving the GRDM municipal health education;
  • standardise and streamline GRDM municipal health education materials; and
  • increase public awareness pertaining to the nine key performance areas of Municipal Health Services.

EHPs have a statutory obligation to ensure that everyone lives in an environment that is not harmful to his or her health and well-being according to Section 24 of the Constitution of South Africa.


Upon arrival at the old Kwanokutula sports field, EHPs were met by a group of kids between the ages of five (5) and 15. Parents, in full support of the initiative, were present as they cheered the kids who performed with precision. EHPs also joined the various groups when they danced alongside the kids in support of the initiative.

According to the Chairperson of the Health and Education Committee, Jessica Erasmus: “It is not often you find a passionate young group of children pouring their hearts out in dance and especially a dance to promote a cleaner environment, amongst others. With young children taking a stance like this, we need to show our support for them as young ambassadors for the community. We will continue to support initiatives like these and hope to have more youthful groups cross our paths to fight for a cleaner environment together and to eradicate illegal dumping as a team.”


When asked how she came up with the idea, Rebecca said: “At the nearby bus stop with a few of my friends, Hannelie Claassen, Claradene Blaauw, Juanita Jafta and Ronica Maans, we saw bullying taking place and then decided to stand by the children to ensure it didn’t happen again. What happened in the past was that whenever a bus arrived, the older kids would push the younger ones to the back. There’s a system in place now that allows the shortest kids to stand in front while the taller kids stand in the back. After we resolved that issue, I thought about some fun, activities for kids to build relations. It’s easy for kids to get involved in the wrong things when they’re bored, which is why I recruited them for spiritual dance classes.”


Rebecca has lived in Kwanokutula for 12 years. She used to be a Sunday school teacher and started a soup kitchen about four months ago. She is a mother of a 23-year-old son, 14- and 12-year-old daughters, and a 27-year-old daughter with one child. With her passion for kids, she’s also adopting six and eight-year-olds from a neighbourhood where parents struggle with substance abuse. “I want my house to become a permanent home for them,” said Rebecca.


Volgens Raadslid Betsie van Noordwyk van Tuinroete Distriksmunisipaliteit wat woon in die Hessequa-streek, is daar al pogings aangewend om Kwanokutula skoon te maak, maar onwettige storting gaan voort. “Ek het self al vir ure rommel opgetel, maar die volgende dag het dit weer dieselfde gelyk”. Rdl. Van Noordwyk moedig die publiek aan om ten alle tye op ‘n verantwoordelike manier op te tree. “Die impak van onwettige storting kan tot baie ernstige implikasies lei”.

“Onwettige storting lok, onder andere, muise en rotte wat siektes aan mense kan versprei. Siektes sluit in die Hantavirus Pulmonêre Sindroom, Leptospirose, Rat-bytkoors, Salmonellose, Tularemia and Limfositiese Chorio-mengitis,” het Rdl van Noordwyk gesê.

Onwettige storting moet aangemeld word by plaaslike munisipaliteite.


6 October 2022 Media Release: Environmental Health Practitioners educate communities in celebration of World Environmental Health Day

Media Release: Environmental Health Practitioners educate communities in celebration of World Environmental Health Day

For immediate release
6 October 2022

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted by the United Nations as a worldwide call-to-action, to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity now and in the future. Environmental Health plays an essential role in the implementation of these SDGs.

As World Environmental Health Day was celebrated on 26 September 2022, Environmental Health Practitioners (EHP) from Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) also contributed to this world-wide initiative and rolled out awareness and education campaigns in the Mossel Bay, Klein Karoo and Bitou areas. This year’s theme was “Strengthening Environmental Health Systems for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals”.

Mossel Bay

EHPs from the GRDM Municipal Health office in Mossel Bay, embarked on a campaign to educate the community of Mossel Bay about environmental health issues that could affect their health and overall well-being.

FLTR: Environmental Health Practitioners David Malok (left), Carin Olwagen (Registered Psychological Counsellor, Department of Health – second, left), Monique Anthony (middle), Anelisa Fizani (second, right) and Neo-lay Britz (right) at a clinic in Mossel Bay.

The team informed communities on why and where to report health violations and what individuals can do to minimise risks relating to their health. To demonstrate these risks, a short video clip was played at the D’Almeida and Asla Clinics in the area with the help of Carin Olwagen, a registered Psychological Counsellor at the D’Almeida Clinic.

While the team distributed pamphlets in the area as part of the campaign activities, they also explained the purpose of the Environmental Health function to community members.

In closing, containers were placed at both clinics, to allow the public to insert and report any complaints in relation to health violations. Complainants also have the option to do this anonymously. Over two hundred (200) pamphlets were distributed during the campaign.

Bridgton, Oudtshoorn

GRDM Environmental Health Practitioner, Willie Plaatjies, in discussion with a resident of the Klein Karoo area, during the door-to-door campaign.

The EHPs from the GRDM’s Municipal Health office in Oudtshoorn, collaborated with the Environmental Officer and Cleansing Services section of the Greater Oudtshoorn Municipality to roll out a clean-up and awareness activity regarding illegal waste dumping in Oudtshoorn. The programme was rolled out to ensure clean and hygienic conditions in the community of Old-Bridgton.

The clean-up operation was done by Oudtshoorn Municipality’s Cleansing Services section and the activities involved the collection of illegally dumped waste, sweeping streets in the neighbourhood, as well as the transport and disposal of waste at the Grootkop waste landfill site. A health awareness and education campaign was essential to ensure sustainability during this waste clean-up project. EHPs from the GRDM’s Oudtshoorn office conducted door-to-door education and awareness in the illegal dumping hotspot areas to inform the public of the health risks posed by illegal waste sites in the community.

Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) participants, appointed by the local municipality, are trained by EHPs as peer educators and were utilised to assist them with door-to-door awareness and education activities.

The team further collaborated with different community stakeholders and role-players (e.g. church leaders) and the local municipality to develop appropriate health education material and different methodologies e.g. pamphlets, posters, fridge magnets etc. to conduct health and hygiene awareness and education.

The discussions of the campaign included the following:

  • Health risks of illegal dump sites which attract vectors like mice, rats, flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches etc. This in turn, spreads communicable diseases such as encephalitis, dengue fever, leptospirosis etc. Furthermore, toxic releases from illegal dumpsites lead to respiratory illnesses such as asthma. Children sometimes play at the sites and step on broken glass, nails and sharp  objects – in some cases this can be fatal.
  • The correct way to manage waste in black bags, rubbish bins or skips for garden waste.
  • Where illegal dumping can be reported at the local municipality.
  • Waste removal arrangements on public holidays.

Through this initiative 140 households were reached.

An open space that was previously used as a dumping site is now planned to be used by the community as netball and cricket fields.

To measure the success of this initiative, monitoring and evaluation of areas will be done by the GRDM team, to determine the impact of the campaign performed by the EHPs and EPWP workers.


Bitou’s EHPs  visited the Kranshoek Primary School to inform learners and educators on what Environmental Health function entails (Scope of Practise).  The team also explained all the nine (9) Municipal Health key performance areas in detail.

GRDM’s Environmental Health Practitioner, Nokuphiwa Mbali, demonstrating proper hand wash techniques to the learners during the session.

In addition, they conducted and presented a hand-wash activity to the learners and explained to them what the proper techniques of washing hands are and the importance of clean hands for ones health. All learners showed their eagerness and enjoyed the activities during the session. The principal extended a word of gratitude to the team and thanked them for their role in educating the communities of the Kranshoek area.

Did you know?

Municipal Health Services is defined in the National Health Act, 2003 include the following Key Performance Areas: Water Quality Monitoring, Food Control, Solid Waste Management, Health Surveillance of Premises, Supervision and Prevention of Contagious Diseases (excluding Immunization), Vector Control, Environmental Pollution Control, the Disposal of Human Remains and the Safe handling of Chemical Substances. (This excludes port health, malaria control and control of hazardous substances. The above-mentioned aspects are mentioned in the Scope of Environmental Health Practitioners).

Environmental Health Practitioners have a statutory obligation to protect the health of the present and the future generations as enshrined in the Bill of Rights.