30 August 2024 Media Release: Spring approaches the Garden Route
Media Release: Spring approaches the Garden Route
For immediate release
30 August 2023
“Throughout the year the Garden Route was faced by significant cold fronts and certainly more of the same is on the way before the Southern Cape can say goodbye to the winter of 2024, but the natural environment is visibly wakening to spring,” says Cobus Meiring of the Garden Route Environmental Forum (GREF).
Favourable rains received throughout the year will ensure that springtime will bring all its splendour to the uniquely beautiful region with its unmatched biodiversity and splendour. As incoming cold fronts decrease in number and strength and stop damaging infrastructure and the vulnerable coastline the famous Garden Route beaches will recover well in time for the approaching summer and festive season.
Tourism is one of the key drivers of the Garden Route economy and dependent on the steady influx of tourists. Comparatively to the average South African employment figure the Garden Route has a relatively low unemployment figure at below twenty percent, but it is still extremely high and pose a challenge to the region’s ability to provide an acceptable quality of life to its citizens.
Some of the general factors challenging regional prosperity is slow economic growth, insufficient energy supply and the unpredictable and damaging effects of a changing climate to which the Garden Route is no exception.
Environmentally- speaking extremely high levels of invasive alien plants remain a threat to the Garden Route landscape and is something the community must address themselves as government lacks the means to address the scourge on private land.
Land owners and land managers are encouraged to comply to environmental legislation and clear their land of invasive alien plants where they can and promote the revival of indigenous vegetation. Indigenous vegetation is vital for the survival of critically endangered species such as coastal fynbos and other sensitive eco- systems, dramatically reduce fire risk and increase water security.
The Garden Route Environmental Forum (GREF) is a regional environmental management and climate change think- tank.(www.grefscli.co.za).
Feature Image: Garden Route splendour adds to regional economy -JP Nel, Moontide