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Air Quality

18 November 2024 Media Release: Garden Route Clean Fires Campaign prize handover ceremony at Oakhill Primary School, Knysna 

Media Release: Garden Route Clean Fires Campaign prize handover ceremony at Oakhill Primary School, Knysna 

18 November 2024

On Friday, 15 November 2024, the Air Quality Management Unit of the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) presented the 2024 Garden Route Clean Fires Campaign prize to the winning school, Oakhill Primary School in Knysna. The Executive Mayor of GRDM, Andrew Stroebel, and Councillor Jobieth Hoogbaard, GRDM Portfolio Chairperson for Community Services, joined Dr. Johan Schoeman for the handover ceremony.

uring a brief assembly session at the school, Mayor Stroebel explained, “Nine years ago, GRDM launched a special air quality awareness campaign to improve community well-being and environmental health. The initial focus was on guiding Oudtshoorn communities on ‘Clean Fires,’ but the initiative expanded to George, and over the past six years, GRDM has provided curriculum-aligned ‘Clean Air’ information packs to Grade 3 classes throughout the district,” he said.

In 2024, the Clean Air Project engaged 78 schools, involving 186 Grade 3 Teachers and 5,639 learners in areas from as far as Klipdrift and Nolls Halte, through George, Sedgefield, Knysna, Touwsranten and Karatara to Plettenberg Bay and surrounding areas. This marks a significant increase in scope, compared to the previous years and reflects the district’s ongoing commitment to broadening the impact of environmental education.

Mayor Stroebel further explained that by targeting Grade 3 learners makes sense because the theme of ‘Clean Air’ already forms part of the grade curriculum for Environmental Studies. Also, the best way to ensure a better, safer, and healthier environment in the not-too-distant future, is to create positive awareness in young minds now. The project offers extensive support for teachers through online information sessions and a self-study training course, which concludes with the awarding of 5 *CPTD points and a certificate of completion. *CPTD – Continuing Professional Teacher Development.

“As a special incentive to encourage a constructive approach to environmental education and effective use of the provided information and resources, the 2024 project included a competition with a grand prize of R10,000. Today, we are here to present this award to Oakhill Primary School. Your school demonstrated the highest level of engagement and innovative use of the resources. The criteria for winning included attendance at the online sessions, completion of the self-study course, and proof of creative implementation in classrooms, and your school, led by Mr. James Cross, stood out above the rest. We hope the funds will benefit the school. Congratulations on winning the prize money, and good luck with the exams. Enjoy your festive season!”Cllr Stroebel concluded.

Lastly, Mayor Stroebel extended a word of gratitute to Mr Dreyer Lötter MD: SATeacher e-Learning (Pty) Ltd for the excellent working relationship and innovation over the past years to make this project a success. He also thanked him for donating the R10 000 prize money.

Featured Image Caption: On the picture from left to right: Mr Dreyer Lotter from SA Teacher e-learning, Dr Johann Schoeman – GRDM Manager District Air Quality Control, Andrew Stroebel – GRDM Executive Mayor, Mr James Cross – Head of the Prep School, Cllr Jobieth Hoogbaard – Portfolio Chairperson of Community Services, Ms Caroline Cross – Grade 3 Teacher and Mr Howarth – Principal of the school.


10 October 2024 Notice of Public Participation Information Sessions, 4 – 7 November 2024 – Renewal of the Garden Route District Municipality’s Air Quality Management Plan

Notice of Public Participation Information Sessions: Renewal of the GRDM’s Air Quality Management Plan,
4 – 7 November 2024

Notice Number 32/2024

Notice is hereby given that public participation sessions will take place from 4 – 7 November 2024 in the Garden Route district to solicit inputs for the renewal of the Garden Route District Municipality’s Air Quality Management Plan. Herewith the schedule as follows:

4 November 2024, 09:00-12:00
Civic Centre Side Hall (Glaskas), Van den Berg Street,  Riversdale

4 November 2024, 13:00-16:00
Council Chambers, Queen Street, Ladismith

5 November 2024, 09:00-12:00
Thusong Community Centre, 12th Avenue, Bongolethu, Oudtshoorn

5 November 2024, 13:00-16:00
D’Almeida Community Hall, Mossel Street, D’Almeida, Mossel Bay

6 November 2024, 13:00-16:00
Banqueting Hall, 71 York Street, George

7 November 2024, 09:00-12:00
Piesang Valley Community Hall, 7 Green Point Avenue, Plettenberg Bay

7 November 2024, 13:00-16:00
5 Clyde Street, Knysna Central, Knysna

Click here to download the Official Notice

26 September 2024 Media Statement: Innovative Measures Announced to reduce sporadic offensive odours in Great Brak River

Media Statement: Innovative Measures Announced to reduce sporadic offensive odours in Great Brak River

26 September 2024

There are currently three industries in Great Brak River that are regulated through Atmospheric Emission Licences (AEL) issued by the Garden Route District Municipality’s (GRDM) Air Quality Unit. According to Dr Schoeman, Manager: District Air Quality Control: “It is important to emphasize that these AEL`s have stringent conditions, and the industries are mostly compliant with their respective licence requirements. The industries are regulated through various conditions of their licence, of which the annual emissions monitoring by an independent authority, is a key requirement.  The industries meet the minimum emission limits, which are established based on factors such as the potential health effects on the surrounding environment.”

“Since early 2024, residents from various communities near these industries have reported suspected offensive odours.  Some of these industries emits compounds known for releasing an offensive odour and has a low odour detection threshold,” says Dr Schoeman. He further explained, “Weather conditions play a significant role in the dispersion of odours, which tend to be more noticeable during the colder winter months.”

GRDM and the industries acknowledge all concerns and are working together to address them. Dr Schoeman noted that while the industries comply with its minimum emission limits, the companies recognizes that offensive odours may occasionally be released. Some of these industries are also regulated in terms of their operating times, to minimize the effect during the night and over weekends.

In response to these concerns, the industries have committed to best available technology to address the offensive odours. Some of which has already being implemented. In collaboration with GRDM, the industries have proposed a phased approach to reduce any odours. These measures include, among other things, the venting of gas through pipe ducting systems filled with water and odour suppressant liquid to act as a scrubber system. There is also an installation of rubber curtains at building entrance points to address wind drafts, the replacement of old boilers with improved technology with improved combustion, and the conversion of manufacturing processes to more energy efficient technology, which lowers fuel usage and subsequent emissions. It must also be noted that all these measures come with capital and operational costs and some of these changes do require environmental approval from the relevant authorities before it may be implemented. Dr Schoeman pointed out that “measures requiring authorisation are bound to take longer to implement, however, it is anticipated for the long-term measures to be implemented within the next 1-2 years”.

There remains strong cooperation between GRDM and industry, and all parties are confident that these measures will effectively mitigate and reduce the offensive odours associated with their respective industry.


16 September 2024 Media Release: Ozone Day – International Day of the Preservation of the Ozone Layer

Media Release: Ozone Day – International Day of the Preservation of the Ozone Layer

For immediate release
16 September 2024

Ozone Day, or formally called the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer, is celebrated annually on September 16. This day is commemorating the date (in 1987) of the signing of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer. The closure of the hole in the ozone layer was observed 30 years after the protocol was signed, but due to the nature of the gases responsible for ozone depletion their chemical effects are expected to continue for between 50 and 100 years.

The ozone layer is important as it protects earth from the harmful UV rays coming from the sun. It also helps to keep the temperature of the earth moderate by reflecting the harmful sun rays which makes the life of living organisms suitable on earth.

Climate change is linked to ozone depletion as many of the same gases that are causing ozone depletion are also contributing to climate change. These gases, such as the chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), are greenhouse gases, absorbing some of the infrared radiation emitted by the Earth’s surface, thereby effectively heating the Earth’s surface.

Conversely, changes in the climate of the Earth could affect the behaviour of the ozone layer, because the ozone is influenced by changes in the meteorological conditions and by changes in the atmospheric composition that could result from climate change. Ozone loss can also impact climate change, as ozone depletion in the lower stratosphere can create a cooling effect on the earth.

“We can protect the ozone by banning ozone-depleting substances which will allow the ozone layer to slowly recover,” said Dr Nina Viljoen, Head of Environmental Management at Garden Route District Municipality. In addition, Viljoen emphasised that a healthy ozone layer protects millions of people from skin cancer and eye cataracts, safeguards ecosystems and slows down climate change – as many ozone-depleting substances ODSs are also potent greenhouse gases with high Global Warming Potential (GWP) that contribute to climate change.

Click here to read a related Facebook article.


11 July 2024 Media Release: Vehicle Emission Testing done in Hessequa

Media Release: Vehicle Emission Testing done in Hessequa

11 July 2024

Vehicle emission testing was recently conducted by Garden Route District (GRDM) and Hessequa Municipalities. The main objective of this ‘drive’ was to raise public awareness about vehicle emissions and to minimize their impact on ambient air quality in the region. The Garden Route district comprises of seven municipal areas, including Hessequa, Mossel Bay, George, Knysna, Bitou, Oudtshoorn and Kannaland.

Dr Johann Schoeman, Manager: District Air Quality Control, said: “Vehicle emissions testing is listed as a function of local authorities in terms of the National Framework for Air Quality Management in South Africa and is also regulated under Section 15 of the Hessequa Municipality: Air Pollution Control By-Law”.

“We stopped vehicles and each one had to undergo a visual inspection, and further testing was conducted with a ‘Smoke Check 1667 Opacity Meter’ on vehicles that emitted excessive dark smoke,” he said.

According to Schoeman, vehicles that were tested and failed were issued a repair notice, directing each owner to take their vehicle to a specified location for re-testing.

The vehicle emission testing campaign was conducted at the Sunrise picnic spot on the western entrance to Riversdale on the N2. A total of twenty-five (25) vehicles were stopped for inspection and testing.

Schoeman said drivers cooperated and all the vehicles passed the inspection. This indicates proper maintenance, especially of the large mainline trucks.

The GRDM’s Air Quality Management Section would like to thank Shagon Carelse and his team for their assistance and excellent cooperation in making the campaign a success.

Feature Image and Other Pictures Caption: Officials conducting visual and smoke check inspections during the recent vehicle emission testing in Hessequa.




The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa (1996) states that everyone has the right to an environment that is not harmful to their health or well-being. Recognizing this, the Garden Route District Municipality is taking proactive steps to fulfil its environmental responsibility by developing a 4th generation Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP).

The AQMP serves as a strategic blueprint for tackling air pollution within a specific area. It begins with a thorough assessment of current air quality conditions, identifying sources of pollution, and analysing trends over time. From there, the plan outlines targeted interventions aimed at minimizing health risks and environmental impacts associated with poor air quality. Public participation and collaboration from interested and affected parties is key in this endeavour.

We invite any person wishing to make comments with regards to the Air Quality Management Plan, to submit their comments in writing within 3 months of publication of this notice, either via email or SMS, or verbally via telephone or by attending stakeholder engagement meetings.

Dr Johann Schoeman – Email: | Tel: 044 693 0006 Jodi Howard – Email: or | Tel:  011 792 0880

Click and dowload the official Public Notice.

MG Stratu
Municipal Manager
54 York Street
PO Box 12

Tel:   044 803 1300
Fax:  086 555 6303
Notice number: 73/2024

11 January 2024 Media Statement: Garden Route District Municipality successfully defends Atmospheric Emission Licence Decision in Court

Media Statement: Garden Route District Municipality successfully defends Atmospheric Emission Licence Decision in Court

For immediate release
11 January 2024

During 2021, the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) Air Quality unit received an application for an Atmospheric Emission Licence (AEL) from Rooikat Recycling (Pty) Ltd for a proposed waste-to-energy pilot plant in Great Brak River, Mossel Bay district. The granting of the licence was also subjected to Environmental Authorisation (EA), with the competent authority being the Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning: Waste Directorate. The Environmental Authorisation and atmospheric emissions licencing processes ran concurrently. Two public participation processes were conducted, one for the EA and one for the AEL process. Sharples was appointed by the Applicant (Rooikat Recycling (Pty) Ltd to facilitate the applications as well as the public participation process, as required by legislation.

The Rooikat (PTY) Ltd Recycling Plant in Great Brak River.

From the onset, the application drew a lot of public attention. Several Great Brak River residents were concerned about the effect of the facility on their health and well-being.

The decision to grant the licence was based on various factors as guided by Section 39 of the National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act, 2004 (Act 39 of 2004).  The effect of the facility on the health and well-being of the residents were, amongst others, guided through an air quality impact report done by Lethabo Air Quality Specialists. This study indicated the emissions to be negligible and within the minimum emission limits of the specific licence categories and not exceeding the South African Ambient Air Quality Standards.

The Department granted Environmental Authorisation to Rooikat Recycling (Pty) Ltd after which the GRDM granted the Provisional Atmospheric Emissions Licence. Both these authorisations were, however, suspended due to two appeals lodged, one appeal by the Great Brak River Ratepayers Association.  The appeals were rejected by the Western Cape MEC and the GRDM Municipal Manager (the respective appeal authorities).

The issuing of the Provisional Atmospheric Emission Licence to Rooikat Recycling (Pty) Ltd then took effect.

A resident of Great Brak River, Mr Evert de Lange (refer to Mossel Bay Advertiser article of 29 July 2022 (Munisipaliteite en Wes-Kaap MEC voor hof gedaag oor Rooikat) then lodged a case, case 254/22, on 12 July 2022 at the High Court in George against, amongst others, the Garden Route District Municipality (First Respondent). There were multiple complaints, but in essence his complaint was that the GRDM did not follow due process in terms of Public Participation.

Stadler and Swart was appointed to represent the GRDM with its defence.

The Municipality’s issuing of the AEL to Rooikat was an administrative decision.  Although not articulated as such in the Plaintiffs Particulars of Claim (POC), the Plaintiff’s challenge to the public participation process leading to the AEL is, in substance, a review under the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act, 2000 (PAJA).

Section 7(1) of PAJA requires reviews of administrative action to be instituted within 180 calendar days.  Here the Plaintiff did not exercise internal remedies before instituting PAJA application and the lapse of time between the Municipality’s appeal decision and the date of summons exceeded 180 days.

Section 38(2) makes section 24 of the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA) applicable to applications for atmospheric emissions licenses.  Similarly, section 24(1A)(c) of NEMA places the sole responsibility for the public participation process on the applicant.

The Plaintiff’s averments that the Municipality failed in a duty to conduct the public participation process, is also legally unsustainable.  The Municipality plays no role in the public participation process; it evaluates the process as part of an atmospheric emissions license application.

On 28 November 2023 in the High Court of South Africa, Eastern circuit, local division, George, Honourable Judge Erasmus ordered that:

  1. The Plaintiff withdraws its claim against the Defendants.

  2. That the Plaintiff pays the First Defendant`s (GRDM) cost on a party-to-party scale, either taxed or as agreed.

  3. Third Defendant (MEC) did not seek an order for cost.

This order closes the Rooikat case. The ruling was in essence based on the fact that the Judge had insurmountable problems with Mr De Lange`s locus standi. The case should not have been referred to the court as Mr de Lange did not exhaust the internal remedies to address his concerns. That is: did not partake in the public participation process, did not object or appeal within these processes and, also, did not use the PAJA process within the 180 days.

It is also important to note that the Air Quality unit followed all the correct procedures to deal with the application.

District Manager for Air Quality Control at GRDM, Dr Johann Schoeman, highlighted: “The project is operational –  all start-up tests have been concluded and an official commission date was determined and communicated to the Air Quality unit in terms of its Provisional Atmospheric Emissions Licence”.

Schoeman further stated that “a continuous emissions monitoring system is recording their emissions, and the monitoring reports are submitted to the Air Quality unit. There are no exceedances at this stage. All relevant conditions are being complied with. Complaints in the Great Brak River area are not attributed to the Rooikat Recycling project and the conclusion is that the Rooikat Recycling Project does not have a detrimental impact on the environmental and the health of the receptors”.


22 September 2023 Media Release: Focus on the Garden Route District Municipality Industry Working Group

Media Release: Focus on the Garden Route District Municipality Industry Working Group

For immediate release
22 September 2023

The industry working group focusing on air quality management was established early in 2011, short after the new National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act (NEMAQA) came into full effect on 1 April 2010 and the old Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Act (APPA) of 1965 repealed.  The focus of the platform is to actively involve the industrial sector in Air Quality Management and to serve as a platform for information sharing and capacity building purposes.

A Working Group quarterly engagement.

The quarterly engagement include topics such as licence application procedures, the South African Atmospheric Emission Licensing & Inventory Portal (SAAELIP), emission monitoring and reporting, legislation and proposed amendment, etc.

As the time progressed, a self-compliance auditing system was introduced which requires industry to verify compliance with conditions of their Atmospheric Emission Licence. The compliance verification is completed on the municipal collaborator portal which is tailored to each individual AEL.

“Since the transition from APPA to NEMAQA, and the handover of the Atmospheric Emission Licence function from Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning (DEADP) to the district, the working group from the district side is viewed not only for compliance purposes, but to improve service delivery, consultation, openness, and transparency and giving best value” said Dr Johann Shoeman, District Manager for Air Quality in the Garden Route.

Another achievement is that since its establishment, not one quarterly meeting was missed. “Even during Covid 19, we managed to hold meetings virtually and currently meetings are held hybrid to accommodate attendees from far,” Schoeman said.

The GRDM Air Quality unit is often complemented by external stakeholders, specifically on the Working Group and all indications are that this platform forms an essential part of managing air quality sufficiently in the Garden Route district.


12 September 2023 Media Release: Garden Route monitoring station reporting live on SAAQIS

Media Release: Garden Route monitoring station reporting live on SAAQIS

For Immediate Release
12 September 2023

The Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) procured a low-cost mobile sensor from Earthsense in the United Kingdom, called the Zephyr. This mobile unit can measure various pollutants such as particulate matter, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, ozone, hydrogen sulfide, volatile organic compounds and carbon monoxide. The sensor is used throughout the district to identify air quality hot spots. These hot spots are based on historic complaints and air pollution activities. This unit has become an indispensable component of air quality management in the district.

“This is another achievement and further step in sharing important air quality information with the public, as these monitoring data have been reported on the South African Air Quality Information System (SAAQIS),” said Dr Johann Schoeman, Manager: GRDM District Air Quality Control.

SAAQIS makes air information available to stakeholders, provides a common system for managing air quality in South Africa and provides uniformity in the way data, information and reporting are managed.  The SAAQIS aims to provide public access to air quality information. The availability of information facilitates transparency in processes, informs decision-making, and builds capacity. Through the SAAQIS, relevant information can be streamlined, tools are provided to assist in managing air quality, and stakeholders are made aware of air quality issues.

The SAAQIS presents real-time ambient air quality monitoring information together with the Air Quality Index on modern platforms. This information is available through the SAAQIS website (http// and an innovative mobile application tool (available on Android and iOS mobile platforms).  Besides the Zephyr, the fixed air quality station in George, under the control of the Provincial Air Quality department, and the Eskom station in Mossel Bay are also reporting on SAAQIS.

Any member of the public can now access the website and monitor the air quality results of the George station, Mossel Bay station as well as the mobile station. The mobile station’s location is movable, depending on where it is utilised at that specific point in time. An air quality index is plotted on the site and indicates the state of the air on a scale from excellent to poor.

The reporting live on SAAQIS is a further enhancement of air quality management in the district and a way of open and transparent communication to its residents. It lives up to our vision of “having air quality worthy of the name Garden route”.

For more information, please contact Dr Johann Schoeman, District Air Quality Manager by e-mailing

Did you know: Air Quality ambient monitoring is a statutory requirement of District Municipalities, in terms of the National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act, 2004 (Act 39 of 2004).

Click on – The map of South Africa shows three (3) green spots in our district. We have a mobile station between Mossel Bay and Herbertsdale (Mossdustria) on the far left. The other two are at Mossel Bay and at George’s. You will find the following information if you click on the homo ns mobile station.

Featured image caption : A low-cost mobile sensor from Earthsense in the United Kingdom, called the Zephyr.


11 April 2023 Media Release: Awareness about Clean Air a priority for Garden Route DM

Awareness about Clean Air a priority for Garden Route DM

For Immediate Release
11 April 2023

Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) is committed to promoting a healthy and sustainable environment for its residents. In light of that, GRDM is proud to sponsor the 2023 Clean Air Project, which aims to promote awareness about pollution among primary school students in circuits one and two of the Eden/Karoo educational district. This project will have a significant impact on the community with 96 teachers and 2917 learners participating.

The 2023 Clean Air Project is designed to align with the CAPS curriculum regarding pollution, and focuses on Life Skills in Grade 3. The project is divided into several stages, starting with the distribution of resources to the different schools. The resources include six (6) posters, lesson plans, worksheets, and game cards, available in English, Afrikaans, and iSixhosa.

The second stage involved a 30-minute online introduction presentation, which was well attended and received by teachers. As part of stage three, teachers were provided with self-paced online training where they can earn 5 CTDP points.

During the fourth and final stage of the 2023 Clean Air Project, the project will be implement in the classroom with the learners.  So far, the programme has been well received by all the schools and teachers involved.

It is worth noting that Oudtshoorn has achieved a reward for the best air quality in Africa, according to IQ Air. This achievement is attributed to GRDM consistent investment and contribution towards improving the air quality in the area. It is the goal of GRDM to have all the towns in the Garden Route district among the top ten with the cleanest air in Africa.

The 2023 Clean Air Project is just one of the many initiatives that GRDM’s Air Quality Section is undertaking to achieve this goal. “With the success of this project, it is hoped that more schools in the region will participate in the coming years.  The project is currently in its 6th year cycle. We have reached all the schools in the district and are currently working on the second round. The Klein Karoo was covered last year; next year and the following year, it will be George, Uniondale, Knysna, Plettenberg Bay and all primary schools in-between,” said Dr Johann Schoeman, GRDM Manager: District Air Quality Control

School visits booklet 2023


Die Tuinroete Distriksmunisipaliteit borg die 2023 Skoon Lug Projek, wat daarop gemik is om bewustheid te skep oor lugbesoedeling onder laerskoolleerders van die Eden/Karoo opvoedkundige distrik. Die projek is in lyn met die CAPS kurrikulum en fokus op Lewensvaardighede in Graad 3. Die inisiatief sluit die verspreiding van hulpbronne na skole, aanlyn opleiding vir onderwysers, en implementering van die projek in die klaskamer in. Die program is goed ontvang deur alle skole, onderwysers en ander rolspelers. Tuinroete Distriksmunisipaliteit werk daarna toe om alle dorpe in die streek onder die top tien Skoonste lug in Afrika te bevorder.
