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Local Government News

15 April 2021 Media Release:Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) hosts Khoisan-Kleinkrantz Project Engagement

Media Release: Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) hosts Khoisan-Kleinkrantz Project Engagement

For Immediate Release
15 April 2021

Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM), on 12 April 2021, hosted a meeting regarding the Khoisan-Kleinkrantz Project with the Khoi -San traditional leaders of Kleinkrantz.

Mr Monde Stratu, Municipal Manager of GRDM, chaired the meeting, accompanied by the Executive Manager for Planning and Economic Development at GRDM, Mr Lusanda Menze, and other officials. Senior Chief from Gona – Hess !Kwe Royal Kingdom, Mr Lionel Prins, was accompanied by Headman Jeemon Adams, Chief John Nankoe, Assisting Senior Chief Neville Olyn, Chief Dullin Appels, Senior Chief William Sukers, Paramount Chief Vernon Andries, Senior Paramount Chief and King Cornelius Botha fifth.

The narrative of the engagement was around processes relating to Khoi and San representation in the Garden Route District Council, in light of the development of Kleinkrantz being an important aspect for the King of the Khoisan and the community of Kleinkrantz. Mr Stratu explained that the “GRDM Council is ready to implement the Traditional and Khoisan Leadership Act 3 of 2019 as per the direction of the Western Cape MEC”. For the improvement and growth of relations between the municipality and the Traditional Leaders, this engagement was a step in the right direction for Kleinkrantz. Stratu highlighted the fact that both teams share a mutual understanding of how traditional leaders integrate into municipal structures.

During his concluding remarks, King GQona extended a word of thanks to the Stratu and his team by stating: “I am satisfied to hear the optimism from the municipality’s side to work with us. It is not just about Kleinkrantz, but our heritage too”.

Editor’s note:

The Traditional and Khoi-San Leadership Act 3 of 2019 aims to:

  • provide for the recognition of traditional and Khoi-San communities, leadership positions and for the withdrawal of such recognition;
  • provide for the functions and roles of traditional and Khoi-San leaders;
  • provide for the recognition, establishment, functions, roles and administration of kingship or queenship councils, principal traditional councils, traditional councils, Khoi-San councils and traditional sub-councils, as well as the support to such councils;
  • provide for the establishment, composition and functioning of the National House of Traditional and Khoi-San Leaders;
  • provide for the establishment of provincial houses of traditional and Khoi-San leaders;
  • provide for the establishment and composition of local houses of traditional and Khoi-San leaders;
  • provide for the establishment and operation of the Commission on Khoi-San Matters;
  • provide for a code of conduct for members of the National House, provincial houses, local houses and all traditional and Khoi-San councils;
  • provide for regulatory powers of the Minister and Premiers;
  • provide for transitional arrangements;
  • amend certain Acts;
  • provide for the repeal of legislation; and
  • provide for matters connected therewith.

Download the Act here: Traditional and Khoi-San Leadership Act 3 of 2019


9 April 2021 Obituary: ‘A servant of the people, a library containing a wealth of knowledge’ – GRDM Cllr Klaas Windvogel passes away

Obituary: ‘A servant of the people, a library containing a wealth of knowledge’ – GRDM Cllr Klaas Windvogel passes away

For Immediate Release
9 April 2021

It is with sadness that the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) Council was recently informed about the passing of Cllr Klaas Windvogel on Wednesday, 7 April 2021. The late Cllr Windvogel was a Proportional Representative from Oudtshoorn at the GRDM Council since 2016 and passed on as having served Council till the age of 60. Also read the statement issued by Oudtshoorn Municipality on Thursday, 8 April 2021.

After his passing became public, various tributes and messages of comfort poured in from different groups, communities and individuals who were known to him, including the political and church communities, family and friends. Many used social media platforms to share their fond memories of him, and his colleagues at GRDM shared tributes and condolences at a special prayer session hosted from the Municipality’s head-office in George on Thursday, 8 April 2021.

Cllr Windvogel is described as a servant of the people, who was also a member of the Community Services Portfolio Committee, one of the service delivery departments of GRDM.

Saddened and devastated by the loss of a great leader – “one of us,” ANC Chief Whip at the GRDM, Cllr Piet Van der Hoven, described the late councillor as a servant of the people.   Van der Hoven said: “We met almost 30 years ago, but even far beyond that, we both were involved in the struggle for democracy. He was a true cadre of his political party and served as regional chairperson of the South Cape region from 2015 to 2018”. Van der Hoven further recalled how Cllr Windvogel was one of the most reliable and humble souls. He further said: “He was also a conceivable person, but extremely scarce in words, although extravagant in wisdom.  He deliberated on issues in a well-thought through manner”. Van der Hoven further emphasised that Cllr Windvogel added immeasurable value to the caucus and that he served his constitution to the best of his ability with distinction. “He will be remembered as a real and committed cadre. Our deepest condolences to his wife, children, family and loved “many(ies),” – instead of loved ones, because he was dearly loved by many”.

Speaker of the GRDM Council, Ald Barnie Groenewald, extended a special message of comfort to the family and said: ”Our sincerest condolences to the family,  friends and the African National Congress (ANC) on the loss of a soft, loving person who was a true comrade and colleague. He will be sorely missed”.  Ald Virgill Gericke from the Plaaslike Besorgde Inwoners (PBI) shared the following words with the family: “Our deepest sympathy and condolences to his wife, children and broader family. Also heartfelt condolences to the ANC on the loss of a dear and committed cadre. May God comfort us all in this bereavement – Amen,” he said.

During the prayer session, GRDM Executive Mayor, Ald Memory Booysen, said: “Once again we are hit by a tragedy, hit by an incident that we are never getting used to. Cllr Windvogel was not a man of many words, but every time he engaged us, he was constructive. Things will never be the same, especially from a political perspective, as it is not the first time since 2016 that the ANC has lost a member,” Mayor Booysen added.  He concluded by saying:  “Our prayers are with the family and with the caucus. We are all affected by the passing of Cllr Windvogel and we must hold hands under these difficult circumstances. He encouraged his colleagues at GRDM by saying: “words will never be enough, the pain will always be there, but fortunately if we work together we can comfort each other to a certain extent. We hope and pray that God will give us comfort and strength during these difficult times”.

After delivering a prayer at the session, GRDM Councillor, Cllr Ivan Mangaliso, also extended a heart-warming message with the family, friends and colleagues of the late Cllr Windvogel.  He said: “Today is a sad day, because we have lost a library, a wealth of knowledge and experience that could have impacted so many lives in the future to come.  Our loss is difficult, because we saw and regarded Cllr Windvogel as a chairperson, a friend, comrade, as confidant – we have seen him as someone who we could depend on when we needed advice and guidance. We could communicate with him in very challenging times”. To these words, he added: “I thank God that we had the opportunity to engage with him and that he had formed part of our lives”. ICOSA’s GRDM Councillor, Cllr Wilbur Harris also shared a encouraging message with the family, stating that, “we want to encourage the family of our dear colleague, to have faith and trust in God that he departed to his eternal home with Jesus.  What Cllr Windvogel did for the community of Oudtshoorn will not go unnoticed – rest in peace,” he said.

The prayer session was concluded by GRDM Portfolio Chairperson for Roads and Public Transport, Cllr Rowan Spies, who delivered a vote of thanks. During his speech, he also shared some of his memories of Cllr Windvogel.  To the Oudtshoorn community he said: “The capacity that ‘Oom Klaas’ brought to your community was outstanding and what he did for Oudtshoorn will never be forgotten. Also, what he did for the youth and to those who will continue in his footsteps from now onwards, is highly appreciated”.

To the Windvogel family Cllr Spies said:  “Our appreciation to you is enormous. Cllr Windvogel’s footprints are deep and will last long and therefore we thank you for what he sacrificed for our communities. We wish you strength for the next few days, weeks and grieving months ahead,” he concluded.

Details of a memorial services which will be hosted by GRDM will be made available on various platforms in due course.

Rest in Peace Servant of the People, Cllr Klaas Windvogel.

GRDM Council, Management and Staff

9 April 2021 Media Release: Sudden passing of another beloved Roads Services colleague and friend mourned

Media Release: Sudden passing of another beloved Roads Services colleague and friend mourned

For immediate release
09 April 2021

Officials at the Garden Route District Municipality’s (GRDM) Roads Services in George were left ‘speechless and sad’ when they were informed on the morning of 6 April 2021 about the passing of their co-worker Mzwabantu Mbem. He tragically succumbed together with his partner, sister and child, during a fire at his household over the Easter weekend at the age of thirty-one (31).

According to Andre Mouton, a former supervisor of the late Mbem, he will always be remembered as the “giant with the gentle nature”. Mouton described Mzwabantu as an exceptionally quiet and introverted person, kind and respectful and much loved among his colleagues. “The characteristics of Mzwabantu that will always remain with me is his positive attitude; always ready to assist his peers to solve problems with workable solutions,” he said.

Mzwabantu Mbem commenced his career on 1 May 2017 as Senior Worker at the GRDM Roads Services in Herbertsdale. He was later transferred to the George Maintenance Team. Prior to his appointment at the GRDM, Mzwabantu obtained a NQF Level 4 qualification in Roads Construction and during the last two years of his employment, he equipped himself by attending different training courses as well as attaining his Code 10 driver’s license. He was also busy with a mentorship course that would enable him to fulfill his aspiration to become a foreman in the future.

Marius Mqhokrwana, colleague and friend of the late Mzwabantu described him as a man of few words, a person who merely did what he was tasked to do.’ He further described “Mbem” as a people’s person and a person who loved being around others, in particular his family.

“Mbem was known to be the ‘leader of the pack’ in terms of work performance. He was an intelligent young man, hard-working and committed, we all foresaw a promising future for him. As quiet as he was, he leaves a big gap and is going to be greatly missed.”

A memorial service to honour and celebrate the life of Mzwabantu Mbem will be held on Friday, 09 April 2021, to grant his colleagues and friends the opportunity to bid their final farewells.  The Memorial Service will be broadcasted from the GRDM Council Chambers and will be available on Youtube at:

08 April 2021 Public Reminder: Memorial Service of the late Mzwabantu Mbem takes place today, 9 April 2021 at 10:00 am

Public Reminder: Memorial Service of the late Mzwabantu Mbem takes place today, 9 April 2021 at 10:00 am

This Memorial Service will also be broadcasted via Youtube and open for
attendance via Zoom:  https ://

ID: 938 8022 7849 | Passcode: 134109
Youtube live:

Click on the link to download the Programme

Programme Mzwabantu Mbem

8 April 2021 Public Notice: Draft Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan for the 2021/2022 Financial Year is accessible

Public Notice: Draft Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan for the 2021/2022 Financial Year is accessible

Click to download or access the document.

For any enquiries contact:  GRDM Performance Manager, Ms Ilse Saaiman at:

E-mail: and
Reception: 044 803 1300

7 April 2021 Media Release: Bitou Municipality initiates Kranshoek Pilot Project on Covid-19 Awareness

Media Release: Bitou Municipality initiates Kranshoek Pilot Project on Covid-19 Awareness

For Immediate Release
7 April 2020

Kranshoek Neighbourhood Watch team on their door-to-door awareness and education of Covid-19 virus.

The Multi-Disciplinary Team in the Bitou Local Municipal area, recently arranged a Pilot Project for the Kranshoek community. The Project aims to raise Covid-19 awareness by utilising the structures in place to reach residents within the local community and considers all Covid-19 Alert Level 1 Regulations, adjusted from 1 March 2021.

Disaster Management Officer at Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM), Lee-Ann Joubert, in conjunction with Sergeant Jansen from Kwano-South African Police Services (SAPS), steers this Pilot Project. The Plettenberg Bay, Kranshoek Neighbourhood Watch (NHW) teams represent the teams on the ground who will ensure that the intended audiences are informed. Kranshoek NHW team members were provided with training on the awareness of Covid-19. Following this, they were tasked to do door-to-door awareness, educating the community on the virus and how to stay safe. This project was put in place to stretch over a period of 31 days, with ongoing monitoring and weekly feedback from the NHW. After completion of the 31 days, the success of the project will be evaluated through another multi-disciplinary awareness campaign in the area. The statistics of the new Covid-19 cases within the community, from the beginning to the end of the project, will also be collated and compared to assist with determining its impacts.

All door-to-door visits will highlight the importance of sanitising hands, wearing face masks, reporting any symptoms to a clinic, what to do when someone tests positive for Covid-19, and the contact details of information centres, as well as all relevant stakeholders.

Role players including representatives from the SAPS, Garden Route District Disaster Management, Bitou Communications, the Western Cape Department of Health, Kranshoek NHW, Community in Blue, Plett-Hospice, the Ward Councillor and Ward Committee, Law Enforcement and Environmental Health Practitioners, all play an important role in the success of the project.


7 April 2021 Public Notice: Draft Reviewed 2021/2022 IDP, Draft 2021/2022 Medium Term Revenue and Expenditure Framework and Multi-Year Budget

Public Notice: Draft Reviewed 2021/2022 IDP, Draft 2021/2022 Medium Term Revenue and Expenditure Framework and Multi-Year Budget

Notice 18/2021


Notice is hereby given that the Garden Route District Municipal Council’s Draft Reviewed Integrated Development Plan for the period 2021/2022, the Medium Term Revenue and Expenditure Framework as well as the Multi-Year Budget for the period 2021/2022-2023/2024, were compiled in accordance with the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act 2000 (Act 32 of 2000) and Municipal Finance Management Act 2003 (Act 56 of 2003).

These documents were considered by the Garden Route District Council at a District Council meeting held on Tuesday, 30 March 2021.

These documents will be available for public inspection and comments at all main local libraries, satellite offices and the Garden Route District Municipality’s IDP Unit, 54 York Street George and on the GRDM municipal website from 12 April 2021.

All comments and inputs must be directed to:

The Municipal Manager
Garden Route District Municipality
54 York Street

Persons who are unable to read or write are encouraged to contact the Garden Route District Municipality during ordinary office hours, where they will be assisted to formulate their written comments or objection.

The public has 21 days to comment on the aforementioned documents from the publication date of this notice.

Please contact the District IDP Manager (Ms Mercy James) or Budget Manager (Ms Louise Hoek) at 044 803 1300 with any enquiries.

Click to download the following documents:


7 April 2021 Public Notice: 2019/2020 Annual Report &  2019/2020 Oversight Report

Public Notice: : 2019/2020 Annual Report &  2019/2020 Oversight Report

Notice  No. 24/2021

Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 129(3) of the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003 (Act 56 of 2003) that the Garden Route District Municipal Council hereby makes public the Oversight report on the Annual Report of Council for the 2019/2020 financial year.

The Oversight Report and 2019/2020 Annual Report were approved by Council on 30 March 2021.

The Oversight Report and 2019/2020 Annual Report are available at the Integrated Development Planning (IDP) unit of the Garden Route District Municipality and can also be viewed on the Garden Route Municipality’s website

For further enquiries, please contact:
Mrs M James (IDP Unit)
Tel no: 044 803 1431