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03 December 2024 Save the Date: Notice of Special Council Meeting – 11 December 2024 at 11:00


Notice is hereby given that a SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING of the Garden Route District Municipality will be held at the CA Robertson Council Chambers, and via Zoom at 54 York Street, George, on 11 December 2024 at 11:00.

Members of the public are invited to following the proceedings through the Municipality YouTube channel at:

Click here to download the Official Notice

22 October 2024 Save the Date: Notice of Special Council Meeting – 24 October 2024 – 15:00


Notice No. 134/2024

Notice is hereby given that a SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING of the Garden Route District Municipality will be held at the CA Robertson Council Chambers, and via Zoom, 54 York Street, George, on 24 October 2024 at 15:00.

View the proceeding at:

MG Stratu
Municipal Manager
54 York Street
P O Box 12
Tel: 044 803 1300

Click here download the Official Notice

Save the date: Council Meeting on 30 October 2024 at 11:00


Notice is hereby given that an COUNCIL MEETING of the Garden Route District Municipality will be held at the CA Robertson Council Chambers and via Zoom, 54 York Street, George,
on 30 October 2024 at 11:00.


MG Stratu
Municipal Manager
54 York Street
P O Box 12
Tel: 044 803 1300

Notice Number 131/2024
14 October 2024

05 July 2024 Media Statement: GRDM Executive Mayor, Deputy Executive Mayor, Whip of Council and Mayoral Committee, elected

Media Statement: GRDM Executive Mayor, Deputy Executive Mayor, Whip of Council and Mayoral Committee, elected

5 July 2024

The Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) is proud to announce the inauguration of several of its new executive leadership today, including a new Executive Mayor, Ald. Andrew Stroebel who hails from Hessequa where he was the Speaker for one-and-a-half terms since 2016/17. Today’s proceedings follow the National and Provincial election outcomes which resulted in former GRDM Executive Mayor, Ald. Memory Booysen moving to the Western Cape Legislature. Booysen was sworn in on 13 June 2024 alongside 41 other politicians.

During today’s inauguration, the Western Cape Minister for Infrastructure, MEC Tertuis Simmers was present. Mayors from the seven (7) local municipalities, members of the public and media, were also present in person and some logged in virtually to witness the special occasion.


The new GRDM Executive Mayor, Ald. Stroebel from the DA was elected unopposed. Subsequently, the Deputy Executive Mayor, Ald. Vlancio Donson from the Independent Civic Organisation of South Africa (ICOSA) was also elected unopposed. He replaces Ald. Gert Van Niekerk from the Freedom Front Plus. A new Whip of Council, Cllr Monique Simmers was also elected unopposed. She replaces Cllr Betsie van Noordwyk from the DA, who recently submitted her resignation from this position, which she held since 2021.

During Mayor Stroebel’s acceptance speech, his key message was his commitment to addressing the pressing issues of service delivery, infrastructure improvement, and sustainable economic development through transparent governance and open communication. He emphasised his commitment to financial sustainability, and highlighted the importance of performance-based accountability, environmental conservation, and teamwork to build a prosperous, inclusive, and resilient future for the district municipality.

Monde Stratu, the GRDM Municipal Manager, also welcomed and congratulated the new leadership on taking office. He committed that the administration would follow through on the goals as set out by the Executive Mayor.

“We as the administration are ready to hit the road running with what is expected,” said Stratu.

The profile of Ald. Stroebel is available here:

The acceptance speech by the Executive Mayor can be accessed here:


The Executive Mayor also announced his Mayoral Committee Members today. Mayoral Committee Members form part of the committees outlined in Section 80 of the Local Government: Municipal Structures Act 117 of 2008. Such a committee is established primarily to assist the Executive Mayor.

Those in these critical positions will oversee the following portfolios:

  • Community Services: Cllr Jobieth Hoogbaard
  • Corporate Services: Ald. Nompumelelo Ndayi
  • Financial Services: Ald. Dave Swart
  • Planning and Economic Development: Ald. Rosina Ruiters
  • Property and Asset Management: Cllr Hilton Stroebel
  • Roads and Transport Services: Cllr Daniel Cronje

This inauguration marks a new chapter for the GRDM as the Administration and Council continues to strive for excellence in service delivery and community development.

Feature Image: Newly elected political leadership at GRDM, from left to right: Ald. Vlancio Donson (Deputy Executive Mayor), Ald. Andrew Stroebel (Executive Mayor) and Cllr Monique Simmers (Whip of Council).


05 July 2024 Acceptance Speech by Executive Mayor, Ald. Andrew Stroebel

Acceptance Speech by Executive Mayor, Ald. Andrew Stroebel

5 July 2024

Good morning Speaker, esteemed Councillors and distinguished guests, the administration, members of the public and the media

As the newly elected Executive Mayor of the Garden Route District Municipality, I am honoured to stand before you today and to share my vision for the future of this beautiful Garden Route.

Over the past fifteen (15) years, I have had the privilege of engaging with the people of our region, listening to their hopes, their concerns, and their dreams. It is clear to me that the residents of this district are deeply passionate about their home, and they are ready to work alongside us to build a brighter tomorrow for all who live in it.

This administration and Council’s top priority will be to address the pressing issues that matter most to our citizens. We will focus on enhancing service delivery, improving infrastructure, and fostering sustainable economic development. Through transparent governance and open communication, we will strive to rebuild the trust between the municipality, the community and the seven Local Municipalities.

No single person or organisation is perfect, mistakes could have been made, but we must own them, fix them and learn from them, starting today.

There will be no witch hunt of any employee as long as you have the relevant qualification and skills for your job, have done nothing seriously wrong and you are completely honest, diligent and hard-working. We are paid to be here and to deliver services to a standard that the public expects.

My door will always be open to all employees because I believe that with mutual respect and having a shared vision, we will be able take this municipality to the next level.

I believe in strong financial discipline and that’s why there will be a refocus on the financial sustainability of this municipality, the liquidity, and implementing the District-on-a-diet approach.

Additionally, we will work tirelessly to balance the perfect environment for the private sector to create more job opportunities, particularly in the thriving tourism and agriculture sectors. By supporting local small businesses, attracting strategic investments, and nurturing entrepreneurship, we aim to cultivate a diverse and resilient economy that provides meaningful employment, especially for our youth.

The Roads function and the Regional Waste Management Facility will also be at the forefront of our agenda and it must be championed by the Members of the Mayoral Committee (MMC) through Council as a top priority.

All MMC’s are selected not by loyalty but by performance and I will reconsider the Mayco each quarter, solely based on performance. The message can’t be clearer: Shape up or ship out.

Disaster Management and Fire & Rescue Services will always be close to my heart. I will strive to be with you on the ground as much as possible because you deliver an excellent service which we must support, as there is nothing more important than saving lives.

Furthermore, we recognise the importance of sustainable environmental practices and the effect of climate change. We will promote the conservation of our natural resources, do our best to enhance waste management systems, and explore renewable energy solutions to reduce our carbon footprint and safeguard the unique beauty of the Garden Route for generations to come.

My fellow citizens, the road ahead may not be an easy one, but I am confident that with team work, and with collective leadership, we can overcome the challenges and seize the opportunities that lie before us. By working hand-in-hand, we will build a future that is prosperous, inclusive, and resilient, a future that we can all be proud to call home.

I’m willing to take hands with this administration and every council member, to work with you, listen to you, and build relationships and trust through love and respect to provide citizens hope for a better tomorrow.

I thank you.