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Local Economic Development

1 August 2023 Media Release: The Garden Route remains a hub of agricultural exports

Media Release: The Garden Route remains a hub of agricultural exports

For Immediate Release
1 August 2023

The Garden Route is a region renowned for its natural beauty and diverse agricultural offerings. According to the latest data available to the District Economic Development Unit of Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM), the top ten exported products from the district collectively accounted for approximately 72.89% of the region’s total exports.

According to Ald. Memory Booysen, GRDM Executive Mayor: “A substantial share of exports, 25.05%, includes fresh apples, pears, and quinces”.

“These high-quality fruits are in demand worldwide. Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, Indonesia, and Egypt, for instance, are the largest importers of apples worldwide.”

“Coming in second at 18.76% are fresh or dried citrus fruits. The export of leather further prepared, after tanning or crusting contributes around 7.59% to the district’s export revenue,” said Booysen.

GRDM is also busy with the process to establish a fresh produce market for the Garden Route. At the moment, GRDM is on the lookout for land to purchase. This will be followed by a process of appointing a service provider to design the fresh produce market and drive additional processes. If the GRDM is able to have its own fresh produce market, it will also small-scale farmers to grow their businesses and create a more inclusive agricultural economy. This is in line with GRDM’s Growth and Development Strategy. Local producers will be able to supply produce to the regional market and save a lot of costs on transport and reduce greenhouse emissions.

The Garden Route is already known for its international agricultural footprint. One product, in particular, is the De Rustica Coratina Estate Collection Extra Virgin Olive Oil. The product achieved the prestigious Double Gold award during the 2023 Aurora International Taste Challenge, solidifying its status as the best in the world.
The top exported products also include canola, proteas, macadamia nuts, pomegranate, aloe cosmetic products, barley, wheat, gin, wine from Bitou & Kannaland, and live ostrich birds.

In addition to agriculture, the Garden Route excels in other industries, including boat building and furniture manufacturing, further contributing to the region’s economic growth.

While the Garden Route has achieved remarkable success in its export ventures, there are still challenges that need attention to unlock the district’s full potential. Some of the key challenges faced by industries include:

  1. Veterinary challenges with certification.
  2. Environmental/export Regulations on farming in other countries, such as the UK’s restrictions on citrus.
  3. Lack of value-adding for primary agricultural products despite high crop volumes.
  4. Connection to the power supply with competitive pricing.
  5. Lengthy permitting processes by the Department of Environmental Affairs and Cape Nature.
  6. Logistics to major ports and dry stock locations from the main centre.
  7. Absence of Southern Africa Development Community Free Trade benefits.
  8. Double charges on export and import duties on services, e.g., Botswana.
  9. Limited facilities for launching big boats and yachts.
  10. Challenges in marketing locally manufactured products.

The Garden Route authorities are addressing these challenges through a partnership with Seda, the Western Cape Departments of Agriculture and Local Government, creating platforms for market access at the Pop-Up markets in shopping malls and currently in the process of establishing an Agro-processing facility for honeybush, working towards creating a conducive environment for industries to thrive.

The Western Cape Department of Economic Development and Tourism is currently rolling out a provincial-wide export awareness campaign. A session was, as recently as 21 July 2023, held in George with several people interested in exporting.

Other potential commodities and some already growing for export, include but are not limited to honeybush, sceletium, tea, olives, grape juice, kiwifruit, cannabis, and strawberries, along with services in the IT sector.

Feature image: Rows of apple trees laden with fruit in late Autumn in George area of Waboomskraal South Africa.



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GRIFF is a festival for filmmakers, creative expression, education, new technology and media. The GRIFF festival supports emerging and established filmmakers, encourages community participation and learning through innovation. “Experience is everything” remains our mantra with an added online feel “Get your GRIFF on”

26 June 2023 SMME Booster Fund (the Fund) open for Applications

SMME Booster Fund (the Fund) open for Applications

The SMME Booster Fund (the Fund) is a fund that will provide financial support to organisations that implement business development support projects and/or programmes aimed at growing and developing SMMEs. The Fund will focus on projects and/or programmes that support high-growth, Western Cape-based SMMEs. The Fund utilises a co-funding implementation model which encourages collaboration and partnerships.

Business development support includes aspects of support such as training, mentoring, coaching, financial planning, assisting with compliance, providing financial assistance, facilitating access to finance, providing technical support in the form of equipment, specialised software and licensing etc. The financial support from the SMME Booster Fund will focus only on the technical support aspect of the project and/or programme. The rollout of the other aspects such as training, mentoring, coaching, access to market interventions etc. will be funded by the organisation applying for funding. The support provided by the Fund will thus enable the selected organisations to enhance their projects and programmes with an added element of technical support.

The Fund will support projects and programmes that focus on the following categories:

Category 1:  Export Development
Category 2:  Women-owned Business
Category 3:  Youth-owned Businesses
Category 4:  Township-based Businesses

The selection of beneficiaries for the Fund will be initiated through this call for proposals. The proposals received will undergo a pre-qualification check, an evaluation, and an adjudication phase. The proposals will be evaluated and adjudicated against pre-determined criteria.

Click on the link to access the following forms:  SMME Booster Fund Application Guide 2023  and Call for Proposals 2023

To apply please click on the following link:

For more information.  Please contact: or 021 4839112

For assistance on how to navigate the online application system, please click on the following link:  SMME Booster 2023 Online Application Platform Guide

Closing Date: 11 July 2023

Issued: Department of Economic Development and Tourism

17 May 2023 Media Release: Garden Route and Klein Karoo Tourism Office elevates the region at the 2023 Africa Indaba Show

Media Release: Garden Route and Klein Karoo Tourism Office elevates the region at the 2023 Africa Indaba Show

For Immediate Release
17 May 2023

Garden Route and Klein Karoo Tourism (GR&KK) Regional Tourism Office (RTO) of Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM), recently attended the 3 day Africa Travel Indaba 2023 held at the International Convention Centre (ICC) in Durban. In accordance with the GRDM Tourism and the Growth and Development Strategies, GRDM must market / sell the region.

Tourism marketing and development Unit is responsible for coordinating regional tourism initiatives and promotes and develops tourism throughout the region, while working closely with eight (8) Local Tourism Offices (LTO).  With a focus on selling and promoting the region’s vast potential, GR&KK also aims to attract global attention and foster economic growth in the district.

GR&KK tourism representatives who attended the 2023 Africa Indaba Show last week in Durban. FLTR: Joan Shaw – Tourism Manager from George/Wilderness/Uniondale Tourism, Denver Johnson – GRDM Tourism Officer and Thozeka Sikali from Visit Knysna.

From 09 May – 11 May 2023, preceded by a Business Opportunity Networking Day (BONDay) on 08 May 2023, the Africa Indaba Show aimed to provide a platform for thought leadership, knowledge sharing, and market insight. BONDay is developed in collaboration with global tourism organisations, continental experts, and industry associations.

During the trade show, African tourism exhibitors showcased their offerings to international and local buyers, destination marketing companies and leisure tourism service providers. The event allowed travel trade professionals to meet face-to-face with some of the most influential buyers on the continent, and gain a deeper understanding of Africa’s excellence and endless potential. As a result of these opportunities and quality connections, Africa will be able to shape its future.

According to GRDM representatives, several new and existing connections were made over the course of the three days, as the GRDM delegation engaged with various domestic and international buyers interested in learning about our area, re-visiting or expanding their tourism offerings by integrating the Garden Route & Klein Karoo into their existing packages.

The following top four tourism offerings were most popular under the tourism buyers

  • Educational trips to familiarize tour/travel agents of existing and new products/offerings in the Garden Route & Klein Karoo
  • High-end luxury travel (5 Star)
  • Incentive travel (Golfing, wine routes, craft beer and gin experiences)
  • Camping and caravan offerings in the Garden Route & Klein Karoo – most interest from the domestic market

The Western Cape stand was hosted by Wesgro, with the GR&KK Regional Tourism Office also forming part of it to promote the region along with Visit Knysna, George, Wilderness and Uniondale Tourism LTOs.

Africa’s Travel Indaba is an iconic African leisure trade show, owned by South African Tourism, with the specific objective of creating market access for our vast array of African leisure tourism products.

Learn more about each local tourism office by accessing their websites via the GR&KK website here:


22 March 2023 Media release:  Garden Route District hosts its 2nd Safer Schools Conference

Media release:  Garden Route District hosts its 2nd Safer Schools Conference

For Immediate Release
23 March 2023

On March 18, 2023, the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) hosted the second Safer School Conference in Plettenberg Bay in collaboration with 7 b-municipalities, the Western Cape Department of Community Safety, and the South African Police Services (SAPS) and several school representatives – including learners and principals. There were also a few community organisations present, such as neighbourhood watches and community policing forums.

During the Safer School Conference, the hall was packed with delegates.

Safer Schools encompasses a whole-of-society and whole-of-government approach, with numerous stakeholders working together to promote school safety and reduce the prevalence of violence. A game-changer objective of the event was to link schools with local police stations in order to raise awareness among children about crime and violence and their impact on individuals, families, and education..  Also, to influence, train, and equip learners, families, teachers, and community members with effective partnership knowledge that will encompass a holistic approach to how the school operates in terms of safety.

The interactive program of the day included addresses from a number of remarkable speakers, including GRDM’s Executive Mayor, Alderman Memory Booysen, who once again inspired learners with his own story of growth.  The other speakers also conveyed their messages, which included, the impact of substance abuse; crime at school; and gang-related issues, to the audience in an incredibly simple, but informative and understandable manner, encouraging participants to form a coalition with government and community stakeholders and reduce crime.

A speech by former prisoner Micheal Dlamini, who served over forty years in prison, was one of the highlights of the conference. Dlamini urged children to listen to their parents as well as elders in the community when they say NO. Also, they choose their friends wisely. “Gangsterism is not easy, and prisons are not good. Stop disrespecting your teachers – STOP bad habits.”

During the second segment of the program, there was much excitement and it was clear that the topics were something school-goers encountered every day. Five break-away groups were created addressing the following topics:

–  Social media impact

–  Impact of substance abuse

–  Gender-based violence

–  Gang-related issues

–  Sexual crimes and teenage pregnancies

All the learners present formed part of the different groups and ‘grow-ups’ were amazed by the knowledge, eagerness and confidence they portrayed.  Also, the curiosity in asking questions and feedback provided, was also a clear sign that the message reached them and they learned a lot through the conference.

During the closing remarks and vote of thanks, it was evident that partnerships are essential for addressing the topics discussed. Also that the success of this type of program depends on the cooperation of all stakeholders, from the government to sector departments, to communities and their leaders.  The importance of parenting also came to the fore, and the organisers were tasked with developing a program that would equip parents with the tools they need to succeed. The group discussions also identified other issues that needed to be addressed in future programmes that arose as shortcomings.  In order to ensure the success of the event, the outcomes of the day need to be channeled to the correct people.  In conclusion, the audience was reminded that a lot of knowledge was placed in their hands during the event, but that each person has a choice, and it is up to them to do the right thing with it.


01 March 2023 Media Release: Nishendra Moodley begins leadership role at the EDP

Nishendra Moodley begins leadership role at the EDP

For Immediate Release
1 March 2023

The EDP’s new CEO Nishendra Moodley takes over from outgoing CEO Andrew Boraine as the organisation prepares to build its reach and resilience over the next three years.

The Economic Development Partnership’s (EDP) new CEO, Nishendra Moodley, has officially taken over the organisation’s leadership from outgoing CEO and founder, Andrew Boraine.

This follows an extensive handover, during which the EDP’s leadership met many of the organisation’s partners and stakeholders to discuss the EDP’s growing role as a collaborative intermediary promoting ‘partnering for action’ towards inclusive, sustainable social and economic development in South Africa.

Nishendra says: “The EDP is a unique organisation that, under Andrew’s trusted leadership, has played a very influential role over the last decade, quickly adapting to provide strategic support in times of need such as during Cape Town’s water crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic. I share its principles, values and ethos and am excited about the creative role the EDP can play in our country. My aim is to deepen our practices as a collaborative intermediary and to work with our partners to build increasing capacity to implement joint actions for systems change.”

Nishendra’s arrival coincides with an expanded vision, adopted by the EDP Board to build the EDP’s resilience and reach over the next three years. While the EDP’s core offering remains the same, the organisation’s key focus areas for the next three years include Energy and Climate, Water Resilience, Infrastructure and Mobility, Employment and Economic Opportunity, Food Systems, Spatial Transformation and Strategic Capacity Building. The organisation will also engage with partners nationally to increase its impact.

The EDP’s leadership meets with municipal leadership in the Garden Route District on 01 March 2023. From left to right: Rushka Ely, EDP; Lusanda Menze, Executive Manager: Planning and Economic Development; Melanie Wilson, Manager: Tourism and District Economic Development; Andrew Boraine, former EDP CEO; Monde Stratu, GRDM Municipal Manager; Nishendra Moodley, EDP CEO; Natalie Rubenheimer, Senior DED Officer, and Paul Hoffman, EDP.

“South Africa faces a ‘crisis of implementation’ – as a county we have strong policies and plans but often low agreement on how to deliver on them,” says Nishendra. “We need new ways to engage with the complex, inter-connected challenges we face, and to ensure that we achieve impact through our collective action. The EDP’s role as an independent intermediary that promotes action-oriented partnering and the building of trust is thus more relevant than ever.”

While Andrew has stepped down as CEO, he will continue to play a support role to the EDP. With over 40 years of experience as a systems change-maker, he will now work as an independent partnering practitioner, while teaching and promoting relational governance approaches.

“I’m stepping down fully believing in the continued purpose, role and value-add of the EDP, and confident of Nishendra’s vision and capacity to drive it to the next stage. Leadership transitions in organisations, if handled poorly can result in uncertainty and loss of momentum, but under the full oversight of the EDP Board, we’ve undertaken a very thorough overlapping transition period, while ensuring continued programme delivery. I am confident that we have been able to apply sound transition management principles to ourselves.”

“I am looking forward to stepping out of a management role, which I have held variously for the past 28 years, to have time to focus on two areas: finding ways to better connect the world of practice to the realm of ideas, and to build change-maker and adaptive leadership capabilities in the next generation of development practitioners.”

The EDP Board thanks Andrew, the management and staff of the EDP as well its partners and stakeholders for a seamless leadership transition that has strengthened its offering and positions the EDP for growth in the coming years.

Author: Kate Ribet – Issued by Western Cape Economic Development Partnership

14 Febuary 2023 Media Release: Garden Route Growth and Development Strategy Implementation Plan now in place

Media Release: Garden Route Growth and Development Strategy Implementation Plan now in place

For immediate release
14 February 2023

Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) Council approved the Garden Route Growth and Development Strategy Implementation Plan on 30 January 2023. The implementation plan has been completed through consultation workshops with stakeholder groups for each of the seven priority focus areas in the Garden Route Growth and Development Strategy (GRG&DS).

The Garden Route District Municipality in partnership with all spheres of government, the business community and key community organisations developed a Growth and Development Strategy 2040 (GRG&DS) which was adopted by Council on 30 March 2021.

A formal partnership agreement was entered into with the Western Cape Economic Development Partnership (WCEP) to develop the GRG&DS, in collaboration with the GRDM. The agreement also includes the compilation of Cluster Implementation Plans, based on the following seven(7) strategic focus areas:

  • A Water Secure Future
  • A Circular Economy
  • Resilient Agriculture
  • Sustainable Tourism
  • Supporting Wellbeing and Resilience
  • A connected economy: Transport and Rural-urban integration and ICT
  • Sustainable Local Energy Transition

Click here, to download the implementation plan here.
Click here, to download the Growth and Development Strategy.

By starting off the practical work, a range of workshops, facilitated by the Western Cape Economic Development Partnership (WCEDP), took place from 11 – 15 July 2022, to develop implementation plans for each of the seven strategic priorities as identified in the GRG&DS.

The Garden Route Economic Recovery Plan containing interventions, as well as initiatives identified in the GDS, were formed the basis from which the implementation plans were developed.

Dedicated clusters have been established through which catalytic projects, tasks and identified activities will be executed.

The GRDM in collaboration local B-Municipalities, National and Provincial Government, agencies and the private sector at a later stage, form part of these working clusters. Relevant stakeholders per strategic priority were also identified as key members of the specific clusters.

The implementation of the GRG&DS is crucial to ensure the impact it will have on the region, through partnerships and collaboration. The implementation of the plan will happen over the next 18 years and is linked to the performance agreement of the Executive Manager: Planning and Economic Development.

6 July 2022 Media Release: Calitzdorp Hot Springs to host a Music, Arts, and Food Gathering with a purpose

Media Release: Calitzdorp Hot Springs to host a Music, Arts, and Food Gathering with a purpose

6 July 2022
For Immediate Release

Echo Outdoor Gatherings is no stranger to the regional electronic music scene and for years they have hosted events of the highest quality.

After holding their flagship event – Elements of Life – successfully at De Hoek Mountain Resort near Cango Caves for the past five years, Daniel Mentz (event organizer), branched out to Calitzdorp Hot Springs in March with another exciting festival: Valley Of Dreams. The three-day event turned out to be a huge success, which was sold out completely, with people trekking from across the country to attend. According to David, the event attracted nearly 600 festival-goers, which was also a much-needed boost for business and tourism. Festival-goers venture out into the area during an event to explore and some opt to stay for longer as they usually travel from all over the country to attend such festivals.

“Our festival-goers want to make the best of their stay and frequently talk about what they were up to when venturing out to explore the area,” said Mentz.

This July, Echo Outdoor Gatherings will return to Calitzdorp Hot Springs with an even bigger event called ‘Elements of Fire’.

From Friday, 29 July to Sunday, 31 July festival-goers can look forward to a weekend that promises to be a visual and sonic experience like no other. Food stalls will sell falafels, breakfasts, steaks, and freshly pressed juice. Vegan and vegetarian options will also be made available.

Various craft stalls will sell items like dream catchers, leather works, jewellery, clothing brands, and macrame. There will also be two fire shows every night.

Winter Warmer Drive

Echo Outdoor Gatherings wanted to say thank you to the community of Calitzdorp for their warm welcome and decided to give back. This is why they are currently running a food and blanket drive for Friends Of Calitzdorp Animals (FOCA).

FOCA was launched six years ago when the founding member helped some friends to look after stray animals. Today they feed 250 dogs, 70 cats and facilitate up to 30 sterilisations a month. FOC are also constantly building kennels and continues to educate the local residents on animal welfare.

‘The amount of neglect FOCA witnesses every day is horrifying, to say the least,” said Mentz.

To supplement the Winter Warmer Drive, Echo Outdoor Gatherings and Feel Good Entertainment will donate 10% of the bar proceedings for the weekend to FOCA.

Garden Route District Municipality is proud to host the Echo Outdoor Gatherings events as Daniel takes pride in what he does. Every event is carefully planned and those attending must adhere to strict rules.

“Family is at the core of Echo Outdoor Gatherings and will always be,” said Mentz


28 June 2022 Media Release: Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) and SASSETA visit GRDM

Media Release: Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) and SASSETA visit GRDM

28 June 2022
For Immediate Release 

An Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) delegation consisting of national and provincial officials visited the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) on 13 and 14 June 2022. The aim of the two-day visit was to learn more about the Garden Route Skills Mecca (GRSM) model and to investigate the possibility of replicating the Skills Mecca concept in other parts of the country.

On the first day, representatives from GRSM and the GRDM EPWP section accompanied the delegation on several site visits to training centres in the area that support the GRSM. Delegates visited Cheeba Africa, African Skills and François Ferreira Academy where they were given thorough insights of each facility and the type of training provided.  Through several Sector Education and Training Authority (SETA) grants and EPWP programmes, learners have successfully completed courses at the training centres visited by delegates and have been able to enter the job market.

The second day was reserved for engagement.  Lusanda Menze (GRDM Executive Manager:: Planning and Economic Development) gave an overview of GRDM and its Growth and Development Strategy and Dr Florus Prinsloo (GRSM Coordinator) gave a comprehensive overview of the GRSM model.

Tsholofelo Pooe from National EPWP presented on the their EPWP Training Framework and possible linkages to the Garden Route Skills Mecca.

MOU between GRSM and SASSETA discussed.

Joining the delegation on the second day, were Chris Mudau and Thamsanqa Mdontswa from the Safety and Security SETA (SASSETA). After listening to the presentations given by GRDM and GRSM, they presented on the SETA’s mandate, Skills Development Levy (SDL) breakdown, and strategic scope amongst other topics.

SASSETA’s sub-sections and constituencies include:

  • Policing
  • Corrections
  • Justice
  • Defence
  • Intelligence Activities
  • Legal Services
  • Private Security and Investigation Activities

There are 17 SDL contributors in the Garden Route, which comprises law firms and security companies.  It is for this reason that SASSETA and GRDM will enter into talks to establish an MOU that will see closer cooperation with GRSM.

The two-day delegation visit was concluded with a visit to Calitzdorp Hot Springs where a Security Training Centre has been established through formal partnership between BM Skills Development (who is a SASSETA Accredited Training Provider) and the GRDM.




13 June 2022 Media Release: Garden Route Skills Mecca Focuses on Renewable Energy

Media Release: Garden Route Skills Mecca Focuses on Renewable Energy

For Immediate Release
13 June 2022

The fifth quarterly Garden Route Skills Mecca (GRSM) Forum was held virtually on in May 2022 and focused on renewable energy strategies for the Garden Route.

This follows a fruitful engagement Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) had with the Energy & Water Sector Education Training Authority  (EWSETA) on Tuesday, 17 May 2022.  During the engagement, EWSETA expressed its desire to support renewable energy projects in the Garden Route, which is in line with its support of Just Energy Transition (JET),  Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ), and the work done in South Africa by The South African Photovoltaic Industry Association (SAPVIA).

EWSETA has a significant demand-based focus, and it is important for them to determine what the needs are of employers and businesses. They receive a limited skills levy income and need to partner with other agencies to address this challenge. This is why they’ve agreed soon enter into a memorandum of understanding with GRDM.

During his opening remarks, the GRSM Forum chairperson, Ald. De Vries remarked that renewable energy is gaining momentum as countries around the world are increasingly understanding the benefits it offers.

During the forum, Mr. Warrick Pierce, Technical Leader on Energy Systems Modeling at the Energy Centre of CSIR, presented the Draft Municipal Electricity Master Plan for the GRDM. The Draft document was funded by GIZ and co-funded by the CSIR and is considered to be a mini Integrated Resource Plan (IRP).

Mr. Pierce noted that the plan looks at different possible energy futures and the employment opportunities it may hold. Furthermore, the plan’s focus is twofold as it looks at each municipality individually in the region and the Garden Route as a whole to achieve optimisation.

To draft plan addresses issues of future demand usage and that municipalities need to know their customers – their past behaviors towards energy and how this is changing in terms of self-generation.  There seems to be clear indication that Solar PV is the priority option for the Garden Route to consider. The Draft Energy Master Plan will be tabled to the GRDM Council this month for adoption and a media release about it will be issued.

The final presentation was done by Kirsten Freimann, from GIZ, who is the Head of Project: Career Path Development for Employment (CPD4E), which is a new 3-year program that started in June.

The program aims to address two major concerns identified by GIZ, which are the economic recession and the high youth unemployment rate plaguing South Africa. With the help of the Swiss Development Agency, The German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development Government was able to raise €10.5 million for the project.

CPDE4E strives to improve the employability of the youth by unlocking employment potentials by supporting entrepreneurship and SME development in township economies, as well as (ecologic) industrial parks.

The transition from learning to earning will be done by matching soft skills with entrepreneurship training with specific measures in place for girls and women.

Demand-driven TVET/ skills development will improve delivery capacities, through lecturers, in-company mentors, short skills programs, new occupational profiles, and curricula development. It is anticipated that it will strengthen private sector involvement in agile training interventions. This could lead to job creation and meeting demands.