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Executive Mayor

11 November 2020 Media Release: Garden Route District Community Safety Forum established – another first for the Garden Route

Media Release: Garden Route District Community Safety Forum established – another first for the Garden Route

For Immediate Release
11 November 2020

“Safety is everyone’s responsibility”

28 October 2020 marked a historic occasion for the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) when the GRDM in collaboration with the Western Cape Department of Community Safety, launched the first-ever Garden Route District Community Safety Forum in Mossel Bay. This event follows after several engagements and workshops, including an Alcohol Harms Reduction Work session, a Safety Plan Workshop and a Gender-Based Violence (GBV) workshop in 2019.

In December 2018, the Premier of the Western Cape, Mr Alan Winde, hosted a meeting with District Mayors – and Municipal Managers in the Western Cape. The purpose of the engagement was to introduce the Western Cape Provincial Cabinet’s District Safety Initiative Project, funded by the Department of Community Safety for four years.
Subsequent to the meeting, a Transfer Payment Agreement (TPA) was signed between the municipalities in the district and the Department of Community Safety where after funds were transferred to the GRDM. The TPA obliged the District Municipality to submit safety- and business plans in support of safety initiatives in the district. This approach emphasises the establishment of effective safety structures to facilitate and co-ordination role-players at the district and local municipal level. As part of this agreement, the WC Department of Community Safety will guide and assist each District Municipality with the development of a resilience model, to build safe and cohesive communities, which will be monitored through the municipal safety structures.

The launch was attended by Mayors and Deputy Mayors from across the district, Councillors and representatives from the Western Cape Department of Community Safety, the South African Police Services, Department of Correctional Services, Department of Social Development, Department of Home Affairs, the Provincial Traffic, the District Men’s Sector and senior municipal officials. During the official welcoming address, the GRDM Deputy Executive Mayor, Alderlady Rosina Ruiters, thanked the Western Cape Department of Community Safety for initiating and rolling out the project in the Garden Route and emphasised the critical importance of safety in the district.

Mr Justin Lottring, Deputy Director for Community Police Relations at the Western Cape Department of Community Safety did a presentation on what he called ‘the milestones reached” in leading up to the launch. He gave a brief background report on the progress made since 2018, future plans in terms of safety initiatives in the district and what stakeholders can expect from the Garden Route District Safety Forum. “Today we are pleased to be in a partnership with the GRDM to improve safety in the district. I believe that there is a link between well-being and safety, and that trust clearly influence and flow out of it. If partners don’t trust one another, they wouldn’t be able to work together,” Lottring said.

Alderman Memory Booysen during his keynote address.

The GRDM Executive Mayor, Alderman Memory Booysen during his keynote address was persuasively stated that fighting crime is a collective effort. “What happens after today is the ‘real science’ of what is important. We collectively need to work together and address the current situation of over-crowdedness at correctional facilities within the district,” Alderman Booysen said. He said: “As a District Municipality, we do not want to overstep or interfere in the local municipality’s business. We are aware that some of the municipalities in the district are struggling and for that reason, we want to form partnerships and work together to combat crime.” In conclusion Alderman Booysen thanked stakeholders for their presence and support and said: “Let’s all keep on spreading the message by taking a ‘whole of society’ approach”.

In support of the newly established Forum, the different municipal- and sector department representatives each delivered a short message of support to the District Municipality for leading the district in a safer environment. As a token of their commitment, representatives signed a pledge, manifesting their support and willingness to partner with the GRDM.

As for the way forward, the GRDM will coordinate the establishment of local Community Safety Forums in each Local Municipality in the district to identify, develop and implement safety strategies, safety plans and safety projects. Safety plans will be captured in the IDP processes and existing safety partners will be utilised to assist the GRDM and local municipalities to combat COVID-19 and promote social distancing in the local hotspot areas.



15 September 2020 Media Alert: Executive Mayor to present the Garden Route’s ‘COVID-19 Policy Response to the Tourism Sector’ to National Parliament

Media Alert: Executive Mayor to present the Garden Route’s ‘COVID-19 Policy Response to the Tourism Sector’ to National Parliament

For Immediate Release
15 September 2020

The Executive Mayor of Garden Route District Municipality, Alderman Memory Booysen, will at 19:40 this evening present the Garden Route’s ‘COVID-19 Policy Response to the Tourism Sector’ to the Select Committee on Trade and Industry, Economic Development, Tourism, Employment and Labour. The engagement is hosted by the Committee on behalf of the National Parliament.

All Mayors who will present their response plans are required to specifically focus on the followings aspects, namely:

-Financing that the District Municipality offers Tourism SMMEs including Cooperatives;

-Concessions and incentives that the district municipality offers Tourism SMMEs and Cooperatives;

-Non-Financial Development Programmes;

-Partnership initiatives with other spheres of government including other development institutions;

-Donor funding to support Tourism SMMEs and Cooperatives;

-Partnership Initiatives established with private sector including civil society and institutional of higher learning;

-Policy response initiated in response of COVID-19;

-Action Plans to reset the Tourism Industry post COVID-19; and

-The way-forward/Policy Recommendations.

This engagement started at 14:00 today and is expected to conclude at 21:00.

A warm welcome to our district

Odds are, the moment you enter the iconic Garden Route District, your soul will awaken with a jolt!

We offer the perfect balance of nature and metropolis, outdoor adventure and shopping mall delight – our region is a gem, a springboard to launch visitors into an adventure of excellence across the entire region. You will find that there is never enough time to see and experience all that an area has to offer – so you have to come back again to continue your journey.

On a serious note, during your time with us, we encourage you to exercise caution and to be tolerant while travelling on the road. Please obey the speed limits, the road rules, do not text or call while driving, do not drink and drive, and always wear a seatbelt. An important number to dial in case of an emergency is 044 805 5071 or 10177.

See you on the Garden Route!