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Garden Route

67 Minutes of Charitable Work

“100 Nelson Mandela Centenary 2018” celebrations

In honour of Madiba and in celebration of the “100 Nelson Mandela Centenary 2018”, approximately 50 (fifty) officials of the Eden DM Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) visited the Rosemoor Rotary Old Age Home, to assist caretakers with their daily activities.  Some of the tasks performed were the pruning of trees, spading of the garden soil and cutting of grass.  Female officials washed the walls, windows and bed linen. The team also restored the fireplace of the Centre.

Roads Services Madiba Day

“100 Nelson Mandela Centenary 2018” celebrations

For their 67 minutes, Roads Department officials handed out food to job seekers who gather at the pickup point in Industrial Road. Items such as beans, meat, samp and soup mix were donated by Roads officials who joined forces to make a hearty, warm meal that was handed out with bread.  Roads Officials who can be seen in the photographs: Ms Jeanine Saaiman, Ms Angela Buys, Ms Teresa Norjie-Singh and Mr Rigardt Pyler.

Eden District Municipal Health Office in Mossel Bay donated dog food to the Mossel Bay SPCA

“100 Nelson Mandela Centenary 2018” Celebrations

Officials from the Eden District Municipal Health Office in Mossel Bay donated dog food to the Mossel Bay SPCA and also used the opportunity to play with the dogs at the facility. Executive Deputy Mayor of Eden District Municipality, Cllr Rosina Ruiters, Cllr Erica Meyer, Mr Wayne Odendaal, Ms Marlene Losper, Dr Johann Schoeman, Ms Jenay van Niekerk and Mr Angus Andries, participated in the initiative.

Kennel Manager of the facility, Ms Jolandi Esterhuizen, thanked the team and received the items on behalf of the facility.

Rampbestuur en Brandweer afdelings besoek Van Der Hoven Laerskool

“100 Nelson Mandela Centenary 2018” vieringe

Eden Distriksmunisipaliteit (Eden DM) se Rampbestuur en Brandweer afdelings het die Van Der Hoven Laerskool besoek. Die skool bestaan uit 4 onderwysers, ‘n sekretaresse en 75 leerders tot en met Graad 5.

Mnr Gerhard Otto van Eden DM het die verskillende afdelings aan die personeel en leerders voorgestel. Tydens die aktiwiteite het me Gail Bekeer noodhulpwenke aan die kinders verduidelik en me Tippie Bouwer het noodnommers aan die leerders verskaf. Brandweerpersoneel het ‘n skuim demonstrasie gedoen en die kinders hul ‘bunker’ pakke laat aantrek. Ter afsluiting, is kerrie en rys aan die leerders bedien, waarna ‘goodie bags’ en sakke vol klere aan almal oorhandig is.

Die skoolhoof, me Anita Oosthuizen, het die Eden span hartlik bedank vir die gebaar.

Municipal Health in George celebrated Mandela Day with clean-up operation

“100 Nelson Mandela Centenary 2018” celebrations

Officials from the Eden District Municipal Health office in George celebrated “Mandela Day” by means of a clean-up operation at the Molen River in Thembalethu, George.

This operation was carried out in collaboration with the following stakeholders: Breede-Gouritz Catchment Management Agency, DWS, Cape Nature, George Municipality (Waste Management & Expanded Public Works Programme) and a few community members of Thembalethu. Instead of 67 minutes, 100 minutes were devoted to the initiative as part of the “Nelson Mandela Centenary 2018” celebrations.

Eden DM Municipal Health in Hessequa visited Kruisrivier and Goedgegund Primary schools

“100 Nelson Mandela Centenary 2018” celebrations

The Eden District Municipal Health Office in Hessequa visited the Kruisrivier and Goedgegund Primary schools (rural schools) where the team donated pencil bags, water bottles and school clothes to the learners.

It is always heart-warming to see the smile on the face of a child. However, the team feels it is disappointing that they “can not reach out to communities in this way, on a regular basis”.


Municipal Health officials in Bitou visited the New Life Creche in Qolweni

“100 Nelson Mandela Centenary 2018” celebrations

Eden District Municipal Health officials from Bitou celebrated Madiba Day in Plettenberg Bay when they visited the New Life Crèche in Qolweni.

The team consisting of Mr Gawie Vos, Ms Zoleka Goniwe, Ms Nokuphiwa Mbali, Mr Yusuf Isaacs and Ms Busisiwe Jacobs assisted the staff with their daily duties including: hand washing, serving of food and washing of dishes. The visit was concluded on a high note when each toddler received a healthy party pack from the team.