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Mandela Day

Municipal Health in George celebrated Mandela Day with clean-up operation

“100 Nelson Mandela Centenary 2018” celebrations

Officials from the Eden District Municipal Health office in George celebrated “Mandela Day” by means of a clean-up operation at the Molen River in Thembalethu, George.

This operation was carried out in collaboration with the following stakeholders: Breede-Gouritz Catchment Management Agency, DWS, Cape Nature, George Municipality (Waste Management & Expanded Public Works Programme) and a few community members of Thembalethu. Instead of 67 minutes, 100 minutes were devoted toΒ the initiative as part of the “Nelson Mandela Centenary 2018” celebrations.

Eden DM Municipal Health in Hessequa visited Kruisrivier and Goedgegund Primary schools

“100 Nelson Mandela Centenary 2018” celebrations

The Eden District Municipal Health Office in Hessequa visited the Kruisrivier and Goedgegund Primary schools (rural schools) where the team donated pencil bags, water bottles and school clothes to the learners.

It is always heart-warming to see the smile on the face of a child. However, the team feels it is disappointing that they “can not reach out to communities in this way, on a regular basis”.


Municipal Health officials in Bitou visited the New Life Creche in Qolweni

“100 Nelson Mandela Centenary 2018” celebrations

Eden District Municipal Health officials from Bitou celebrated Madiba Day in Plettenberg Bay when they visited the New Life Crèche in Qolweni.

The team consisting of Mr Gawie Vos, Ms Zoleka Goniwe, Ms Nokuphiwa Mbali, Mr Yusuf Isaacs and Ms Busisiwe Jacobs assisted the staff with their daily duties including: hand washing, serving of food and washing of dishes. The visit was concluded on a high note when each toddler received a healthy party pack from the team.


Eden DM in collaboration with Oudtshoorn empowered creches in Greater Oudsthoorn

“100 Nelson Mandela Centenary 2018” celebrations

The Eden DM Executive Mayor, Cllr Memory Booysen, his office and employees from the Municipal Manager’s office, this year focused on empowering Early Childhood Development (ECD) institutions on Mandela Day. The District also partnered with Oudtshoorn Municipality and Ward Councillors from the Municipality who serve on the Eden DM Council to ensure that the most vulnerable crΓ¨ches benefitted from the initiative. During Mayor Booysen’s address to crΓ¨ches he emphasised the importance of improving the “conditions at ECD centres” and commended teachers for their “dedication and selfless efforts to ensure the well-being of all children”.

The following crèches received 20 mattresses, 20 blankets and 10 chairs each: Katryntjie and Sommeblom crèche in Oudtshoorn, Emmanuel Crèche in Dysselsdorp and De Rust Pre-Primary in De Rust.

More photographs can be viewed by browsing to Eden District Municipality’s Facebook page here:Β

Nelson Mandela Day logo

Executive Mayor of Eden District Municipality launches the Nelson Mandela Centenary 2018 celebration

β€œBe the Legacy”

Today, the Executive Mayor of Eden District Municipality (Eden DM), Cllr Memory Booysen, launched the β€œ100 years Nelson Mandela Centenary 2018” celebrations with its National theme β€œBe the Legacy,” at the Municipality’s Head-Office in George.

After the official launch, Mayor Booysen will be heading to Oudtshoorn Municipality to continue with the a joint programme with Executive Mayor of Oudtshoorn Municipality, Cllr Colan Sylvester.

Officials based at Eden DM sub-offices will take part in various initiatives within the entire district throughout the day.

Eden DM Madiba Day Celebrations

The global call to action for people and organisations to embrace the values and legacy of Utata Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela is one that is closely linked to Eden District Municipalities’ commitment to uplift people and the communities.

In the spirit of Madiba and his vision to create positive change to the lives of others, the Eden DM Executive Mayor, Councillor Memory Booysen, Deputy Executive Mayor, Councillor Rosina Ruiters, Mayoral Committee Members and Eden DM Officials, on 18 July 2017 visited George Hospital paediatric ward to Give love, support and handed out β€œCare Kits” which consisted of basic necessities such as toothpaste, toothbrush, dettol, face cloths, soap and blankets.

Chief Executive Officer: George Hospital, Michael Vonk, sent a special letter of appreciation to Eden DM Executive Manager: Corporate-/Strategic Services, Ms Trix Holtzhausen and said: β€œOn behalf of the patients and mums in the paediatric ward, I would like to thank you and your team for spending your 67 minutes at George Hospital. The generous donations and warm smiles that you all brought to the hospital would definitively have brightened the day of these children, as we all celebrate Madiba’s birthday. Please will you extend my thanks to the Executive Mayor and all of his Councillors who also came to give their time to support this worthy cause”.

An excited group of Eden DM Official at the entrance of the George Hospital.

Eden DM Executive Manager: Corporate-/Strategic Services, Ms Trix Holtzhausen extended a word of gratitude: β€œI would like to thank the officials who joined this initiative and for all their effort to make it special for the mothers and children in the hospital and by demonstrating the spirit of Mandela Day”.

Few of Eden DM employees expressed how they felt when giving back to those in need, this Mandela Day:
Assistant Human Resources Manager: Calvyn Scheepers responded, β€œWhat a day (67 minutes) well spent at George Hospital especially in the children’s ward and noticing the smiling faces of these children when our Mayor handed them the care kits. Madiba was fond of kids and it was just appropriate that we gave our 67 minutes to these wonderful kids. There can be no greater gift than that of giving one’s time and energy to others without expecting anything in return.” Let’s make Madiba day an everyday occurrence.

Bandile Mbalo also mentioned: β€œIt was so inspirational and an honour to contribute his 67 minutes to the goodwill of the Mandela day and humble to touch the lives of the children and see them walking the mile that Mandela has walked”. Umtu ngumtu ngabantu.

Eden DM is very proud of the wonderful employees and how they continue to strive to give back to those in need to help build our beautiful country. Mandela Day reminds us of Madiba’s famous saying that, “what counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead”.

Eden DM Madiba Day Celebrations

The global call to action for people and organisations, embracing the values and legacy of Utata Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, is one that is closely linked to Eden District Municipality’s commitment to uplift people and communities.

In the spirit of Madiba and his vision to create positive change to the lives of others, the Eden DM Executive Mayor, Councillor Memory Booysen, Deputy Executive Mayor, Councillor Rosina Ruiters, Mayoral Committee Members and Eden DM Officials, visited the George Hospital Paediatric Ward, to give love, support and handed Care-kits (facecloth, soap, toothbrush & toothpaste), to children.

We would like to thank the CEO of George Hospital, Mr Michael Vonk, for allowing us to visit the Paediatric Ward.

The Eden DM delegation with the Managing Staff of the George Hospital Pediatric Ward.