16 June 2022 Today is Youth Day – Let’s all lead by example
Today is Youth Day – Let’s all lead by example
16 June 2022
16 June 1976 was a very dark day for South Africa as many students lost their lives during an uprising against the Apartheid Government who issued a directive that Afrikaans should become the medium of instruction in schools. Students marched peacefully to protest and demonstrate against the Government’s directive but were met with force by heavily armed police, causing the uprising that ended tragically.
Those who lost their lives that day did not do so in vain as they helped to expose the brutality of the Apartheid Government, which received more international revulsion afterward. There are many lessons that 16 June 1976 has taught us, one of which is to lead by example. In other words, show, don’t tell.
Many children and students have already lost hope because of the COVID pandemic, not returning to school, and falling victim to drugs and alcohol abuse. It is up to the entire country to assist Government, NGOs, and parents to turn issues around and break the vicious cycle of hopelessness.
Leading by example can be many things and encouragement is one of them.
Maybe you are someone who fell into the same trap and managed to get out of it. If so, why not share your experiences with someone you know are in need of your positive message? Explain to them the challenges you faced but that it was not impossible. Show them the positive results your actions yielded and if you can, commit yourself to walk a journey with them.
Even if you have not had the unfortunate experience of staying away from school, you can help through encouragement and being there for others.
Remember, this is not something you have to do on your own. Ask your parents, teachers, community and religious leaders for advice.
Follow the example of those who stood together on 16 June 1976 and help rebuild a legacy of a prosperous South Africa.