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9 April 2024 Media Statement: Urgent Public Warning – Fraudulent Tender Activities Alert

Media Statement: Urgent Public Warning – Fraudulent Tender Activities Alert

9 April 2024

It has come to our attention that individuals have been approached by a person or persons claiming to be involved in the municipality’s supply chain and tender decision-making process. One fraudulent actor, using the name “Patrick Schata” among others, have contacted potential tenderers, promising favourable outcomes in exchange for E-Wallet payments or other forms of financial compensation.

What to do if you encounter this fraudulent activity:

Do Not Respond: Do not click on links, open attachments, make payments, or provide any personal or financial information.

Report Immediately: Contact the GRDM’s Ethics and Fraud Hotline on 0800 116 616, e-mail or SMS 30916

The GRDM is investigating these fraudulent activities while remaining committed to ensuring the integrity of our tender processes.

Your vigilance and cooperation in reporting such incidents are greatly appreciated to combat these fraudulent schemes.

Here is a copy of a fraudulent letter presented to a company: