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16 Days of Activism

24 October 2024 Media Release: SAPS, GRDM, Mossel Bay Municipality and stakeholders in the Garden Route collaborate in launching October the Safer Festive Season campaign in Mossel Bay

Media Release: SAPS, GRDM, Mossel Bay Municipality and stakeholders in the Garden Route collaborate launching October  the Safer Festive Season campaign in Mossel Bay

For immediate release
24 October 2024

The South African Police Service (SAPS), Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM), Mossel Bay Municipality, and various stakeholders from the Garden Route launched the Safer Festive Season campaign yesterday, 23 October 2024, at the Extension 23 Sports Ground Stadium in Mossel Bay. The event brought together police officers, municipal leaders, youth, and community members, all united in promoting safety during the upcoming holiday season.

Stakeholer representatives in attendance at the Joint Operation Centre in Mossel Bay.

The day commenced with a briefing session at Mossel Bay’s Joint Operations Centre, where plans and resources in ensuring the safety of residents and tourists, were discussed. Following the briefing, stakeholders participated in an integrated roadblock near PetroSA before gathering at the stadium for the official launch of the campaign.

During the briefing, Executive Mayor of GRDM, Andrew Stroebel, emphasised the importance of crime prevention in sustaining the district’s rapid growth, particularly as the Garden Route remains a major tourist destination. He expressed the municipality’s commitment to public safety, adding that “the crime rate is being addressed with utmost priority to continue fostering economic growth”. Western Cape Provincial Commissioner, Adv. Lieutenant General Thembisa Patekile, highlighted the need to support officers’ well-being, including addressing their housing needs. Mayor Stroebel responded that GRDM is actively working to become a housing authority, with an application currently in process.

The delegation subsequently participated in the roadblock near PetroSA in Mossel Bay creating awareness about safety in general.

Speakers addressing the representatives from various organisations as well as members of the community.

Arriving at the stadium, the delegation was welcomed by officers in ‘Blue’, representatives from various other organisations, community members and school representatives from the area, to name a few. The formal programme commenced with a parade in honour of the role of SAPS officers in the community and the safety of the residents of the district.

In his address at the event, Mayor Stroebel extended words of appreciation to all the partners involved in the campaign specifically pointing out SAPS, emergency services and the various departments that have come together in unity to make the launch of the Safer Festive Season campaign possible. He said: “Your dedication to ensuring the safety and security of our community is invaluable, and it gives me immense confidence in our collective ability to face the challenges of the festive season”. In addition, he further reiterated that “the Garden Route is not only a beautiful and vibrant region but also a significant tourist destination, drawing thousands of visitors during the holiday period”.

“We recognise the increased responsibility on our shoulders to ensure that both our residents and visitors feel safe and protected. Through our partnerships and the tireless work of all stakeholders involved, we are well-prepared to meet this challenge head-on.”

Parades of honour by SAPS officers at the event.

While Mayor Stroebel mentioned that safety and security cannot be achieved by one entity alone, he noted that “through strong partnerships we are able to ensure a cohesive and proactive approach to managing risks. These partnerships allow us to work together towards the common goal of providing a secure environment, not just over the festive season, but throughout the year,” he added. “Together, we will continue to build a region where everyone can enjoy the holidays in peace and security, knowing that they are supported by a strong and capable network of professionals,” he concluded.

Executive Deputy Mayor of Mossel Bay Municipality, Ald. Cliffie Bayman, when offering the residents of the Garden Route the assurance that Mossel Bay and the broader Garden Route is in safe hands while heading into the festive season, he said: “Today is an opportunity to show that partnerships built up through, for example, the Joint Operation Centre, have helped safeguard Mossel Bay and, through the K9 Unit, Mossel Bay has played a key supporting role in growing safety in the broader Western Cape”. In addition, Ald. Bayman further reminded all present that “today is a show of force and collaboration, a promise that the Council will continue to build on the success of these partnerships”. On behalf of the Mossel Bay he offered his full support towards the campaign and an overall safer festive season.

The operational plan handed over to Western Cape Commissioner, Adv. Lieutenant General Thembisa Patekile.

Lieutenant General Patekile encouraged communities to exercise caution during the December holidays as he made specific mention to the issue of gender-based violence (GBV), domestic violence, particularly women and children. Patekile further said: “We urge everyone as SAPS takes GBV extremely seriously – through our efforts, we will continue to protect the vulnerable, the elderly and women, as well as children”. In general, Patekile further encouraged communities to change their attitude, change the narrative and he advised that “we want you to be happy, everybody must be happy, as long as there should be no loss of life”.

Patekile further mentioned that SAPS deals with plenty occurrences of the loss of lives amongst young persons. He advised that “we should prevent situations that trigger conflict and that we should respect one another’s space”.  he He further advised: “After attending an event, go home and sleep, do not cause problems”.  He urged parents and communities to advise the youth, specifically young men, to act wisely and in the best interest of everyone’s safety. In terms of growing the economy he encouraged the public not to purchase counterfeit food at stores. These are merely a few of the many tips he shared with all present.  In terms of extortion, he seriously advised that victims of extortion should report their cases to the toll-free number 0800 314 444.

Dry-runs conducted during the event.

The rest of the activities included the Code of Conduct of SAPS Officers delivered by Constable Slingers in committing themselves to the safety of society, dry-runs of various crime-related incidents that police officers are tasked with on a daily basis, the marching of the Guard of Honour and instrumental performances by the men and ladies in blue, an exhibition and ultimately the handing over of the Operation Plan to the Lieutenant General Patekile.

Strong partnerships created and fostered for a safer Garden Route district.

Representatives from the Community Policing Forum, Spiritual Crime Prevention, the Department of Correctional Services, as well as the Provincial Traffic Department were also in attendance.



28 November 2022 Media Release: GRDM and stakeholders launch 16 Days of Activism Campaign against Gender-Based-Violence in Thembalethu

Media Release: GRDM and stakeholders launch 16 Days of Activism Campaign against gender-based-violence in Thembalethu

For immediate release
28 November 2022

Representatives from Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) and local municipalities in the district, as well as Sector departments and Civil Society on Wednesday, 23 November 2022, launched a joint campaign to commemorate the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence (GBV). Approximately 150 stakeholders and members of the community attended the event.

The objectives of the programme were to encourage the community to speak out on abuse and violence, as well as to promote a safer and more caring society. With various challenges experienced in society, awareness of the negative effects of abuse on women, children, people with disabilities and other vulnerable groups will be created through the programme’s initiatives. The programme ultimately encourages a society that is free of violence and abuse.

The program’s stakeholders continuously create strategic intervention mechanisms to achieve this ideal of a violence-free society. Some of those interventions include:

  • initiatives that are in line with the programme such as sport events with specific focus on women and children as victims of GBV;
  • women gala events in collaboration with other stakeholders;
  • radio youth dialogues to discuss the topic of GBV;
  • health screening drives;
  • murals that will be painted on sport fields depicting essential telephone numbers to report GBV;
  • night vigils, marches for violence against GBV;
  • information sessions at churches;
  • health screening for women and men and educational talks with men in an effort to change their behaviour;
  • radio broadcasts about the topic of GBV and community safety programmes for men, to name a few.

At the event, stakeholders were furthermore required to mainstream the campaign within other programmes targeting, especially, vulnerable groups. Through these programmes support will be provided to victims of abuse and violence; substance abuse with more focus on youth, will be denounced; and women, men, youth and older people in the discourse will be actively engaged in combating violence at work, at home and in communities. Most importantly, perpetrators of abuse and violence will be challenged to change their behaviours.

In his address, Nkosiyabo Lose, Project Coordinator at GRDM said: “With the national 16 Days of Activism Campaign that will commence on 25th of November, as Garden Route District Municipality, we will endorse all programmes that the local municipalities will roll out in support of the campaign”. Lose further added and said: “It is very sad to see what is happening to our sisters, mothers, and daughters. And, as a district municipality, we want to make sure that one day we will win this battle. We fought against the injustices in the country and therefore we will win this battle of GBV against women and children. Let us soldier on, let us commit and let us make sure that we fight and succeed in the battle against GBV”.

Municipal representatives from Mossel Bay (top, left) George (top, right) and Bitou (bottom, left) provided information on their initiatives in line with the campaign and Councillor of George Municipality and former Portfolio Chairperson of Community Services at GRDM, Cllr Khayalethu Lose (bottom, right), delivered the vote of thanks.

Social Worker at the Department of Correctional, Ms Witness Sefala, during her address, explained their Departments’ Victim Offender-Dialogue program. She explained that the purpose of the programme is to provide a platform for dialogue, for victims to voice their trauma and to restore their dignity. The program is voluntary and “we encourage offenders to take responsibility for their offences as well as admit they have committed the crime”. Added to this she said: “As Correctional Services, we have all the resources and capacity, but with corrections being a societal responsibility, we still need the community to work with us”.

Vuyokazi Gcelushe, Social Worker at Ithemba Lobomi, stated: “All of us need to run this race. It is not an individual fight; it is a fight for us all”. Furthermore, she added, “Let us move away from normalising domestic violence, whether it is violence against a child or violence against a parent. Let’s not keep it to ourselves, let’s be a society that is curious, and stop saying, “It’s not my problem, it’s my neighbor’s”. We are therefore committing ourselves to supporting this programme,” she said.

Stakeholder representatives addressing the audience in support of the 16 Days of Activism Campaign launch.

A Professional Nurse at the Department of Health, Sr Pauline Ewerts, during her message of support, urged all present by saying that “when people talk to you about their issues, listen to them and support them”. Due to her past experiences with GBV, she said, “I also know what it is like to be in that vulnerable position, but because I told my story to somebody, I was helped, I could continue my studies, and today I have a heart for people”. She encouraged stakeholders present to encourage their audiences to speak out and accept help.

Stakeholder representatives and attendance during the candle light ceremony in support of the fight against GBV.

Apostle Jackson Moyikwa from the Word of Faith Church, who handled the candle ceremony and facilitated the signing of the pledge, raised a few issues relating to GBV. He said: “There are many women that are in abusive relationships, and they come to church and look pretty, but they are being abused. However, ‘due to religion, they do not open up,’ he said. “It is time that you open up and talk about the issue”. In addition, Jackson mentioned the issue of the young girls that he often saw in front of taverns in the evening. He asked: “Why are these young girls outside at night, and more so in front of taverns?”

All stakeholders at the event, such as the South African Police Service, the National Prosecuting Agency (Thuthuzela Care Centre situated at the George Hospital), the Department of Education and the Non-Governmental Organisations, as well as the municipalities present also signed the pledge of their support towards the campaign and in the fight against GBV.

Stakeholders signing the pledge against GBV during the event.

The event was closed with Councillor of George Municipality and former Portfolio Chairperson of Community Services at GRDM, Cllr Khayalethu Lose, as he shared words of appreciation to all stakeholders who participated in the program and to all attendees for their time as they listened to these critical issues that relate to this human rights violation, GBV in society.

The programme was coordinated by GRDM’s Nkosiyabo Lose (left) and the event was directed by Doc Skosana, a representative from the Department of Correctional Services (right).



26 November 2020 Address by Executive Mayor, Alderman Memory Booysen at an Ordinary Council meeting of Garden Route DM

Address by Executive Mayor, Alderman Memory Booysen at an Ordinary Council meeting of Garden Route DM

Speaker Alderman Groenewald

Greetings to those who are following us online – fellow Garden Routers and the media. Mr Speaker, as we are gathered here today, we are a very concerned municipality, but so is our provincial government. Our concerns and worries are based on an ever-increasing number of COVID-19 active cases. The Garden Route is one of the regions where COVID-19 positive cases are rising the fastest in the Western Cape. By the current trend, we might end up being the fastest rising in the country. Please, therefore, abide by the regulations and do what we can to stop the spike we are seeing. We also want to congratulate the Premier’s office for their efforts. Our local municipalities also made contact with us to ask how we can advance the education and awareness to stop the spread of COVID-19.

Today, as we’re gathered here, there are more than 150 Local Government workers across South Africa who have lost their lives. I would also like to honour all front-line staff. Alderman Groenewald, life does however go on, as we are seeing people have moved back to business as usual. In the same breath, we need to caution one another, we are on the brink of Black Friday. Thankfully we have already approached shopping malls, and warned the public of the potential of Black Friday turning into a super-spreader event. I urge the public to stay safe during this busy time ahead – sanitise, wear a mask and keep a social distance of 1.5 metres.

To our colleagues and everybody online, we currently also experiencing and are aware of many of our colleagues who are in hospital. We suspect that they are hospitalised because of comorbidities. Our prayers go out to all of them and members of the public.

I want to urge the public to:

  • travel as little as possible;
  • avoid events where there are a lot of people.

If we do not do this, we will continue to lose loved ones along the way.

Because of the state of COVID-19 active cases in our region, we decided to take some precautionary measures. We’ve cancelled all our events, even the launch of 16 Days of Activism and the activities relating to Gender-Based Violence (GBV) programmes. However, we are continuing via virtual platforms as far as we can. We urge each and every municipality to follow suite. Speaking on the issue of gender-based violence, it is another pandemic our country still faces. Every day on the news we hear of new murders, rapes, in particular the killing of women and children. We really need to work together with all the law enforcement operators of the State to curb the GBV pandemic. Furthermore, I know there will be another meeting just before the festive season where we we will update the whole of Council in terms of what we’ve achieved thus far in terms of safety measures in our region.

Thank you Speaker Groenewald.

Garden Route men attend 1st Men’s Parliament in George

The Men’s Parliament was launched and presented by the Deputy Minister of Social Development, Honorable Hendrietta Ipeleng Bogopane-Zulu, in collaboration with the South African National AIDS Council, Takuwani Riime and Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM). The purpose of the assembly was to discuss approaches to behavioural change programmes of the Department of Social Development (DSD) that seek to promote positive outcomes critical to change the course of gender-based violence faced by all South Africans.

Executive Mayor of GRDM, Cllr Memory Booysen (2nd right), together with Speaker of GRDM, Cllr Barend Groenewald and Municipal Manager of GRDM, Mr Monde Stratu, welcomed the Deputy-Minister of DSD, Honorable Hendrietta Bogopane-Zulu (middle) and Professor Archbishop Mbulelo Dyasi, Secretary of the Men’s Sector, SANAC (right) to the Garden Route district, before the commencement of the 1st Men’s Parliament assembly.

After Honorable Ipeleng Bogopane-Zulu was warmly welcomed by the Executive Mayor of GRDM, Cllr Memory Booysen, she later joined the men in Conville to officially launch the assembly, which will now be a quarterly sitting.

Deputy-Minister of DSD, Honorable Hendrietta Bogopane-Zulu, during her keynote address at the assembly.

Attendees used the opportunity provided to them, to speak about the issues men are faced with on a daily basis and used the question “What is a man?” as a basis and kick-off point for all related discussions that followed.

These discussions included:

  • the nature of the problem;
  • validation of positive masculinity and the need  for healing;
  • promoting a healthy society;
  • the call from women; and
  • the responses of men – what must be done, economic development – how we are going to build the economy and personal commitment, mobilisation and accountability (from decision, to action, to results, demonstrating the results of our actions, as well as mentorship in raising responsive responsible boys.

During her keynote address, Ms Bogopane-Zulu praised the GRDM Executive Mayor, Cllr Memory Booysen, and Speaker, Cllr Barend Groenewald, as well as the local municipalities in the district for their eagerness to implement the programme. She said: “I know that more men will be included in future male-focused engagements.  This is a long road, but if we continue to work together, the road will get shorter.  We cannot achieve anything if we do not have your support”. Ms Bogopane-Zulu further referred to the recent tragic deaths of women in the district as a result of gender-based violence, specifically in the Mossel Bay area and said:  “It is time that men take full responsibility and accountability, not only for their individual actions, but also for their collective actions”. She added: “Whenever these perpetrators go to court, only the faces of women are visible outside the courts“. She furthermore said: “I want to see men with posters in front of these courts, not only women. She encouraged men to stand firm and say ‘no, this one must not be allowed bail”. She further encouraged all attendees to use their voices with the hope to help Government to implement programmes that will assist men to improve their circumstances and behaviour, to make this country a better country for all.

Portfolio Councillor for Roads and Transport Planning Services at GRDM, Cllr Rowan Spies, spoke about how men must find a way to manage their egos and anger. He emphasised:  “We as men have to find a way to deal with our egos and anger, in order to gain self-respect. Change only happens in the practice of discipline and forgiveness”. He concluded with the following words:  “We are servants at various levels of society and we must all translate it into what we do on a daily basis. We have to deal with our egos and forgiveness,” he added.

The assembly was successfully chaired by the GRDM Speaker Barend Groenewald, who concluded the event with the following words:  “Let us act, to correct, educate and let the perpetrators face the consequences of their own shameful and deliberate actions”.

It is envisaged that the programme will be implemented and extended to the local municipalities in the Garden Route from next year onwards, whereby men structures will be established by the DSD and GRDM, to ensure the progress of the Takuwani Riime project. ‘Takuwani Riime’ is a Venda expression meaning “let Us Stand Up Together”.

Resolutions taken at the event:

 Motions with Notice

 1. Motions on Definition of a man

A man is not simply defined by his physical make-up, A man is a man through his action(s) that reflect good morals, accountability and the affection he brings to his house and community. A man is provider and a protector, nurtured by his character.

 2. Motions on health wellness and socio-economic hardships

We move for the adoption that men need to avail themselves to seek health advice timeously in order to detect and help prevent illnesses. Men need undergo introspection and seek psychosocial services in order to effect social behavioural change practices. Men need to undergo HIV, TB, Prostate Cancer and heart-related health check-ups and take a greater responsibility in looking after their health. Men need to work in conjunction with the government to examine the nature and structural drivers of unemployment for middle-aged men and develop a framework that will remedy unemployment.

 3. Motions on gender-based Violence

We move for the adoption to work towards eradicating and preventing new cases of GBV, femicide, rape and abuse. We as Men of Garden Route bind and commit ourselves to say “No women and Child” should suffer or experience any form of violence in our district, we say “Not in Our Name”.

 4. Motions on District Men’s Parliament 

We move for the adoption to work towards strengthening the implementation of Takuwani Riime and looking at avenues to strengthen the relationship between the Garden Route District Men’s sector, District Municipality, local municipalities and the Department of Social Development. As men of the Garden Route District, we need to mobilize more men in communities, mobilize the business and capacitate existing men’s sector structure. We need to move towards institutionalizing our movement to be absorbed by our district and local municipality through finding synergies and other methods of cooperation. District Men’s Parliaments are to have quarterly sitting to monitor and evaluate implementation efforts, and to aid implementations of Boys Assemblies.

Forms of gender-based violence

There are many different forms of violence, which you can read more about here. All these types of violence can be – and almost always are – gendered in nature, because of how gendered power inequalities are entrenched in our society.

GBV can be physical, sexual, emotional, financial or structural, and can be perpetrated by intimate partners, acquaintances, strangers and institutions. Most acts of interpersonal gender-based violence are committed by men against women, and the man perpetrating the violence is often known by the woman, such as a partner or family member [3].

Violence against women and girls (VAWG)

GBV is disproportionately directed against women and girls [4]. For this reason, you may find that some definitions use GBV and VAWG interchangeably, and in this article, we focus mainly on VAWG.

Violence against LGBTI people

However, it is possible for people of all genders to be subject to GBV. For example, GBV is often experienced by people who are seen as not conforming to their assigned gender roles, such as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and/or intersex people.

Intimate partner violence (IPV)

IPV is the most common form of GBV and includes physical, sexual, and emotional abuse and controlling behaviours by a current or former intimate partner or spouse, and can occur in heterosexual or same-sex couples [5].

Domestic violence (DV)

Domestic violence refers to violence which is carried out by partners or family members. As such, DV can include IPV, but also encompasses violence against children or other family members.

Sexual violence (SV)

Sexual violence is “any sexual act, attempt to obtain a sexual act, unwanted sexual comments or advances, or acts to traffic, or otherwise directed, against a person’s sexuality using coercion, by any person regardless of their relationship to the victim, in any setting, including but not limited to home and work.” [6]

Indirect (structural) violence

Structural violence is “where violence is built into structures, appearing as unequal power relations and, consequently, as unequal opportunities.

Structural violence exists when certain groups, classes, genders or nationalities have privileged access to goods, resources and opportunities over others, and when this unequal advantage is built into the social, political and economic systems that govern their lives.”

Because of the ways in which this violence is built into systems, political and social change is needed over time to identify and address structural violence.

Civil society organisations across the country formed the National Strategic Plan on Gender-Based Violence campaign, demanding a fully-costed, evidence-based, multi-sectoral, inclusive and comprehensive NSP to end GBV. [Photo: Alexa Sedgwick, Sonke Gender Justice]

GBV in South Africa

Societies free of GBV do not exist, and South Africa is no exception [7].

Although accurate statistics are difficult to obtain for many reasons (including the fact that most incidents of GBV are not reported [10] ), it is evident South Africa has particularly high rates of GBV, including VAWG and violence against LGBT people.

Population-based surveys show very high levels of intimate partner violence (IPV) and non-partner sexual violence (SV) in particular, with IPV being the most common form of violence against women.

  • Whilst people of all genders perpetrate and experience intimate partner and or sexual violence, men are most often the perpetrators and women and children the victims [7].
  • More than half of all the women murdered (56%) in 2009 were killed by an intimate male partner [8].
  • Between 25% and 40% of South African women have experienced sexual and/or physical IPV in their lifetime [9, 10].
  • Just under 50% of women report having ever experienced emotional or economic abuse at the hands of their intimate partners in their lifetime [10].
  • Prevalence estimates of rape in South Africa range between 12% and 28% of women ever reporting being raped in their lifetime [10-12].
  • Between 28 and 37% of adult men report having raped a women [10, 13].
  • Non-partner SV is particularly common, but reporting to police is very low. One study found that one in 13 women in Gauteng had reported non-partner rape, and only one in 25  rapes had been reported to the police [10].
  • South Africa also faces a high prevalence of gang rape [14].
  • Most men who rape do so for the first time as teenagers and almost all men who ever rape do so by their mid-20s [15].
  • There is limited research into rape targeting women who have sex with women. One study across four Southern African countries, including South Africa, found that 31.1% of women reported having experienced forced sex [16].
  • Male victims of rape are another under-studied group. One survey in KwaZulu-Natal and the Eastern Cape found that 9.6% of men reported having experienced sexual victimisation by another man [17].
