02 December 2024 Media Release: Garden Route Skills Mecca initiative invests millions of Rands in Skills Development opportunities in the Garden Route
Media Release: Garden Route Skills Mecca initiative invests millions of Rands in Skills Development opportunities in the Garden Route
For immediate release
02 December 2024
The Garden Route Skills Mecca (GRSM), an initiative of the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM), has invested significantly in training and skills development programs across the district’s local municipal areas over the past three years.

Through these programmes, the GRSM continuously aims to collaborate, cooperate and integrate skills development activities across all GRSM roleplayers, ever-increasing its numbers of partnerships in support of Skills Development, as well as continue expanding its network of industry-based occupationally based programmes designed to meet the region’s needs.
The skills development programs implemented through GRSM include diverse fields such as cellphone repairs, construction, and more. These efforts highlight a steady increase in skills development initiatives within the Garden Route, contributing to noticeable growth in the region.
Since 2022, nearly R124.4 million has been invested across local municipalities, creating opportunities for more than 2191 individuals in the Garden Route district. An additional R114.26 million worth of projects are currently in the implementation phase. These efforts, made possible by the GRSM initiative, have included training in areas such as Training for Skills Mecca Technicians through the Expanded Public Works Programme, Project Management, Tourism and Hospitality, Small & Media Enterprise training and business support, Digital skills, Water and Sanitation, Firefighting and artisan development programmes such as plumbing, electrician training to name a few.
The breakdown of investment and programme rollout in local municipal areas includes:
- Bitou: Programmes implemented in the area amounts to more than R12 million.
- Knysna: An investment of nearly R35.5 million was made.
- George: Approximately R23 million was invested in skills and training initiatives in the area.
- Mossel Bay: Almost R13 million was allocated for the implementation of programmes.
- Oudtshoorn: Received close to R14 million for the roll-out programmes.
- Hessequa: Benefited from R8 million for skills development and training programmes.
- Kannaland: Skills development investment amounted to almost R5.9 million.
- Additionally, the GRSM furthermore invested approximately R5.3 million in the developing interns placed at various departments of the GRDM. These interns are placed at various departments of the municipality.
More Skills Development Programmes are in the pipeline to be implemented which include: Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Skills, Maritime Training, Rural Development, cell phone repairs training etc. The establishment of training academies are also in the process to the completed and established.
The success of the GRSM can be attributed to key milestones achieved since its inception, including:
- The hosting of three Skills Summits in various areas within the district.
- Local skills Indabas also took place across all local municipal areas during this period.
- A website was furthermore developed that serves as central information hub for training providers and stakeholders;
- The municipality established an online recruitment system for all projects and programmes.
- R36 million received from the National Skills Fund to the GRSM.
- Skills Mecca technicians placed at each municipality to coordinate activities of the GRSM at local level thus ensuring a more coordinated approach that contributes towards the smooth operations of the broader GRSM initiative.
Although the GRSM continues to create possibilities for both employed and unemployed persons within the Garden Route to drive its vision which is the “the preferred destination for developing and honing specific skills and expertise that leads to employability,” it cannot exist without valued partnerships that involves local municipalities, the various SETAs, training providers and the private sector.
Feature Image: Fire Services participants who graduated after completing an Occupational Firefighting training programme through the GRSM, with their families at the event earlier this year.