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13 January 2025 Media Release: Garden Route environment key to its economic prosperity, but wild fires remain a threat

Media Release: Garden Route environment key to its economic prosperity, but wild fires remain a threat

For immediate release
13 January 2025

“Thousands of tourists from all over the world flocked to the Garden Route over the 24/25 holiday season to experience one of the most beautiful places on earth, and in doing so, they make a vital contribution to the regional economy,” says Cobus Meiring of the Garden Route Environmental Forum (GREF).

Garden Route regional and local government and conservation bodies consistently go to great lengths to ensure that all necessary measures are taken to ensure a well- managed environment for all to enjoy. These efforts do come at a cost for those responsible for managing the environment, but the return on investment is high and the jobs created through the tourism sector is vital to the quality of life for all those living in the region.

Easily accessible clean and safe beaches, several world class nature reserves, hiking trails through forests and mountains, picnic spots, restaurants and high standard accommodation options – all contribute to the Garden Route value proposition for tourists.

Unfortunately during the festive season, the Garden Route suffered from increasingly frequent wild fires which kept authorities busy in actively fighting and monitoring several wild fires scattered all over the region. This ever- present threat will only increase as summer temperatures are set to rise to record highs in 2025.

The devastating fires presently raging through Los Angeles is a stark reminder to Garden Route residents who experienced the Knysna wildfire disaster back in June 2017. Fact is that, as climate change shows its teeth, the danger of regional wild fire disasters are clear and present and on the increase, and in many respects, there are correlations between the factors which contributed to the ferocity of the LA and Knysna wildfire disasters.

Garden Route regional authorities and professional firefighting entities such as the Southern Cape Fire Protection Association (FPA), are better prepared than ever to prevent and manage wildfires. Despite best efforts and equipment, the Los Angeles disaster showed that when nature unleashes its full fury, nothing will stop it from destroying everything in its path.

The Garden Route Environmental Forum (GREF) is a public platform for environmental managers and a climate change think- tank (

Photo: The scenic Garden Route is a major draw card for thousands of tourists and makes an invaluable contribution to the economic prosperity of the region.