5 December 2024 Media Release: Initiation Schools – GRDM’s Roles, Responsibilities, and Frequently Asked Questions
Media Release: Initiation Schools – GRDM’s Roles, Responsibilities, and Frequently Asked Questions
5 December 2024
Within the jurisdiction of the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM), initiation forums play a central role in ensuring the safe and culturally respectful management of initiation processes. Similarly, Environmental Health Practitioners (EHPs) ensure that public health standards are upheld throughout these traditional practices.
Structure of Initiation Forums
Each town in the district has an Initiation Forum comprising representatives from the GRDM, the South African Police Service (SAPS), the Western Cape Government Department of Health (WCG DOH), the Western Cape Education Department (WCED), Local Municipalities, Garden Route District Municipal Health Services, and members of the public.
Frequency of Initiation Seasons
Initiation seasons occur twice a year, in June and December. To prepare stakeholders, EHPs facilitate education sessions in schools and communities ahead of these months.
Education sessions for the summer season focus areas
- Awareness of communicable diseases (including tuberculosis, sexually transmitted infections, and HIV screening);
- Health and hygiene practices;
- Guidelines and prohibitions before attending an initiation school; and
- Community and high schools.
Over the past few months, all high schools and secondary schools were approached for education sessions. Similar training was also conducted within communities, including sessions for parents.
Key messages
- New Processes: Parents must follow specific steps, starting with completing registration forms granting permission for their child to undergo traditional initiation;
- Parental Involvement: Fathers, in particular, are encouraged to participate actively during health screenings;
- Health, Hygiene, and Nutrition: Importance of maintaining food safety, providing healthy meals three times a day, and ensuring a father figure is present 24/7 for each boy;
- The Western Cape Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport (WCG DCAS) donated water bottles, first aid kits, and other essential supplies to various towns in the Garden Route District; and
- Local municipalities will ensure clean water is available at all initiation school sites.
Monitoring and Registration
Members of the WCG DCAS, along with Initiation Forum representatives, conduct regular visits to initiation schools. Parents are expected to remain available 24/7, with fathers taking leave to take responsibility for their children during initiation.
All initiation school sites, traditional surgeons, and traditional nurses must be registered with the Provincial Initiation Coordinating Committee (PICC) for each season, in accordance with the Customary Initiation Act, No. 2 of 2021.
Contact Information
Johan Compion
Senior Manager: Municipal Health, Solid Waste, and Air Quality
Email: info@gardenroute.gov.za
Tel: 044 803 1300 | Cell: 082 803 5161
Feature Image: Mail & Guardian