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6 September 2021 Media Release: District Council approves its first Joint-District Metro Approach Plan – what’s next?

Media Release: District Council approves its first Joint-District Metro Approach Plan – what’s next?

For Immediate Release
6 September 2021

After Cabinet approved its first District Development Model (DDM) framework, the Western Cape Government adopted the Joint District & Metro Approach (JDMA) in response to the President’s call. Local Government Councils across the country embraced it with open arms because they see the value such an approach holds for solving many of the service delivery and developmental issues facing the government in South Africa. Therefore, in layman’s terms, the JDMA seeks to bring all three spheres of government, which includes national, provincial and local spheres together, in order to drive performance and accountability for more efficient service delivery and meaningful developmental programmes.

The JDMA for GRDM was endorsed by the GRDM Council on 24 August 2021. According to Monde Stratu, GRDM Municipal Manager, “we are proud to submit this item to Council, as it will be submitted to the Department of Local Government and Department Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs”.

“Local Municipalities also played a pivotal role in the compilation of this document and their inputs were included.”

According to Executive Mayor Ald. Memory Booysen, the JDMA/DDM is further unpacked as an approach that introduces a more robust effort towards Intergovernmental Relations (IGR) planning, budgeting and implementation for long-term sustainable outcomes. “Government projects and programmes within each district’s jurisdiction are essential to stimulate new thinking, new socio-economic approaches and solutions,” said Booysen. This approach seeks to fundamentally change the conditions in which people work, play and live. For this reason, the GRDM developed, in partnership with the business community and key organisations, a Growth and Development Strategy (GDS) spanning to 2040. The GRDM Council has already adopted the GDS at the end of its third fiscal quarter in March 2021.

The strategic priorities as per the GRDM were used as the basis to identify the projects that must be included in the JDMA Implementation Plan, therefore it is important to read the JDMA Implementation plan in conjunction with the Growth and Development Strategy (GDS) of the GRDM. These include a Garden Route that boasts a water-secure future, circular economy, resilient agriculture, sustainable tourism, supports its people’s well-being and resilience, connected economy (transport and ICT), and sustainable local energy transition.

What’s next?

The Local Government elections are expected to take place in October 2021 and will usher in the next generation (5-year) IDPs. It is therefore critical that the 5-year IDPs are aligned to the JDMA Implementation/One Plans for each district and metro space as this will ensure that the JDMA Implementation/One Plans are implemented.

The current municipal councils are expected to endorse the JDMA Implementation Plan/One Plans as the Long-Term Strategic Framework for a district or metro space. The incoming council following the elections will then note the endorsement of the JDMA Implementation Plan/ One Plan. Furthermore, it is fundamental that the implementation commitments and projects of sector departments that are in the 30-year JDMA Implementation Plan/One Plans are also reflected in the 5 year IDPs.