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Intergovernmental Relations

1 November 2023 Public Notice: Stop-Go Controls – Brenton-on-Sea and Barrington Roads

Public Notice: Stop-Go Controls: On Brenton-on-Sea and Barrington Roads

1 November 2023

Stop-go controls will be implemented along sections of the Brenton-on-sea Road and Barrington Road between:
November 2023 and 14 December 2023

We urge the public to be patient during this time

Lane closures are required for the purposes of undertaking repair work to the roads. Two-way traffic will be maintained by means of a stop-go system which should cause a delay of between 10 minutes and 20 minutes per trip. The public will be kept informed timeously if there are any changes in the traffic accommodation such as temporary road closures.

The safety and convenience to the travelling public are of utmost importance and every effort will be made to ensure that all temporary road signs, cones, flag people and speed controls are maintained and are effective, and that courtesy is extended to the public at all times. The Contractor is required to make use of approved methods to control the movement of his equipment and vehicles so as not to constitute a hazard on public roads.

The Public, when using the affected roads, is requested to be patient, exercise caution, to travel at reduced speed, obey the permanent and the construction related temporary traffic signage and heed the guidance of the stop-go operators and flag people. This is for the safety of all.

The Western Cape Government is working hard to maintain our roads. Please drive carefully during this period of construction. Let us work together to ensure that our roads are safe. BETTER TOGETHER.

Traffic Safety: 071 852 1209

Issued: Western Cape Government

16 October 2023 Media Release: Discussions on creating hope with urgency

Media Release:  Discussions on creating hope with urgency

For Immediate Release
16 October 2023

The Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) Integrated Development Planning, Intergovernmental Relations and Public Participation Unit reactivated the Citizen Interface Programme on 11 October 2023 in partnership with the Department of Local Government.   This was a full-day interactive session at the GRDM offices in George.

The programme aims to give hope to neglected communities with urgency, through bridging the gap between government and citizens in deep rural areas where communities feel forgottenThe Citizen Interface Programme will focus on the lack of opportunities in some of the former District Management Areas (DMAs), Old church settlements, and other spaces. This programme follows a whole of society approach which is also aligned with the Joint District and Metro Approach. 

During the engagement, the current Citizen Interface Programme was reviewed, and the different programmes and activities that could be used to restart and assist the Citizen Interface program was identified.

Among the stakeholders who attended the engagement were officials from the Western Cape Department of Health, Social Development, Government Communication and Information System, and local municipalities in the district.

Participants from different sectors engaged in interactive discussion to find ways to restart the Citizen Interface Programme.


5 October 2023 Media Release: GRDM Firefighters assist Overstrand Municipality with water provision for its residents

Media Release: GRDM Firefighters assist Overstrand Municipality with water provision for its residents.

For immediate release
5 October 2023

Last week, the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) Fire and Rescue Services responded to a request to assist the Overstrand Municipality with water provision in Hermanus and surrounding areas.

After impacts of severe rains that hit the western part of the Western Cape on the weekend of 25 September 2023, many water systems were severely impacted, so much so that multiple towns were left without drinking water for an extended period of time.

On Thursday afternoon, 28 September 2023, two (2) firefighters from the GRDM Fire Services left the Garden Route with a fire truck that carried 5500 litres of water to assist Overstrand. GRDM’s Martino Jacobs and Petrus Jordaan further assisted by delivering water to various residential areas, carting water from Standford to Hermanus for a four-day period.

Chief Fire Officer, Deon Stoffels, indicated: “It was a humble and proud experience for the GRDM firefighters to assist a neighbouring district and towns with residents that were in real need of an essential commodity. As usual GRDM is proud to be of assistance in times of crisis,” he concluded.


04 September 2023 Media Release: Sod-Turning Event marks a milestone for Regional Waste Management Facility

Media Release: Sod-Turning event marks a milestone for Regional Waste Management Facility

For Immediate Release
04 September 2023

In a significant step towards more sustainable waste management practices, the official sod-turning ceremony for the Garden Route District Municipality’s (GRDM) Regional Waste Management Facility was held on Friday, 1 September 2023. The journey to this milestone began back in 2006 when investigations and processes for establishing the Regional Landfill Site commenced.

Sharing in this historic and groundbreaking occasion, were Executive Mayors and Municipal Managers and across the district, the GRDM Mayoral Committee Members and officials, representatives from National and Provincial Government, as well as engineering consultants and stakeholders from Standard Bank, Tefla and Zutari.

During his address, Municipal Manager of GRDM, Monde Stratu, gave a thorough background about the project. He explained: “Local municipalities have reached a point where their waste management sites have become exhausted, which is why this regional waste management facility is being constructed”. Further to this he said: “It was a blessing in disguise that the initial model did not realise as it saved GRDM millions of rands.

Stratu particularly commended the GRDM officials who have been driving the project to this point. “The resilience and commitment of all involved are paying off. And today, it is time to celebrate – despite what happened, we are still delivering on our promises,” Stratu emphasised.

In his remarks at the event, the Head of Public Sector- SA at Standard Bank, Timothy Mtlatla, spoke passionately about Standard Bank’s support to GRDM’s commitment towards green energy. He said: “Our institution remains focused on its purpose; our commitment is a profound purpose and is underscored by the meaningful impact to the community.  We are serving the sector that serves us”. Adding to these words, Mtlatla highlighted that the event is a remarkable example and testament of good working relations. And for this reason, he said: “With this initiative, we foresee a future that is cleaner and healthier for all communities we serve”.  Representatives from Tefla and Zutari also delivered their messages of commitment to the project.

Executive Mayors and Deputy Mayors from the local municipalities that were present, also shared words of support on behalf of their respective municipalities. Deputy Mayor of Mossel Bay, Cllr Cliffie Bayman, referred to this day as a significant step that is taken towards more sustainable waste management and environmental practices in a changing world of climatic changes and the now more common outbreaks of communicable diseases. With these words, he added that this event deserved to be on the 1 September, as it is the 1st day of Spring. He highlighted that “this is a season for new beginnings and the reason in which our environment shows the fruit of hard work – work that we have put in during the winter months”. Bayman in addition reiterated that Mossel Bay Municipality will take accountability with the GRDM to ensure that the objective of the facility is reached. In conclusion he said that Mossel Bay is a proud partner in full support of the project and therefore they are eager to see many benefits such as employment deriving from the facility.

Knysna Executive Mayor, Cllr Aubrey Tswenga, in his congratulatory speech to GRDM and participating municipalities, said: “Thank you for making the Regional Waste Management Facility a reality”. Tswenga, however, mentioned that more work still lies ahead to educate communities about waste management. “As municipalities,” he said that “we need to educate our communities to reduce waste to landfills. Further to this he urged the GRDM on behalf of Knysna, to continue to roll-out a regional educational programme to extend the lifespan of the facility.

Bitou’s Deputy Executive Mayor, Cllr Mavis Basukwe, during her words of support, said: “Bitou took a decision to participate in the project fully understanding the implications and consequences we would face from our communities and ratepayers”. As a result of showing leadership and the fact that Bitou fitted the cost implication in their budget over the years, she emphasised that “it is indeed pleasing to see the site is now finally under construction”. She thanked all participating municipalities and said that without them, the project would not have been feasible for Bitou alone and would have left Bitou in a serious predicament.

Executive Mayor of GRDM, in his keynote address extended warm words of gratitude to the service provider and consulting engineer, Tefla and Zutari, as well as to Standard Bank and participating municipalities for this legacy project. In unpacking his statement, Mayor Booysen added: “After today it won’t only be a legacy project anymore, but also a catalytic project, meaning that this project is a catalyst of what is coming”.

Mayor Booysen further referred to the realities of working together as stakeholders and said: “It is not easy for different municipalities to work today, as there are many aspects that can hamper initiatives such as this project. However, he commended Mossel Bay Municipality, especially Municipal Manager Collin Puren, for setting the tone on how government can work together and how intergovernmental relations should be executed. To the Deputy Executive Mayor of Mossel Bay, Cllr Bayman he said: “You went as far as advising us,” to safeguard a less complicated process.  Given the background of the project, Mayor Booysen urged councillors, professionals, and ward councillors to be decisive when decisions are made. “When we are decisive,” he said: “The ratepayers would back us up, because they would then understand what they are paying for and not making their own assumptions”. He elaborated that whenever a proposal is on the table, councillors would ask “how the project is going to affect the rates and taxes”. He advised: “It is our duty as politicians to go and explain to the taxpayers and ratepayers why we are doing what we do and why are we making the decisions in terms of what it will cost them”.

An Inaugural Site Meeting and Commencement of Works took place on the 13th of June 2023, which saw the official handover of the site to the appointed contractor, Tefla Group (Pty) Ltd. Over the following weeks, the site was established, benchmarks were verified by a surveyor on July 11, and the refurbishment of an existing farmhouse, set to become the site offices, is nearing completion. Clear and grub operations, excavations and material stockpiling is underway on the access roads and on Cell 1A.

The Regional Waste Management Facility, once complete, will include a domestic waste cell (Class B) and a separate hazardous waste cell (Class A) to accommodate low and medium-hazard-rated hazardous waste. Other infrastructure elements encompass roads, stormwater pipelines, leachate storage dams, contaminated stormwater dams, offices, laboratories, weighbridges, workshops, and security infrastructure. The project also includes a 3-hectare portion that will be used for a waste tyre recycling facility.   Both the Domestic Waste Cell 1 and the Hazardous Waste Cell will have a lifespan of approximately of 20 – 25 years.

The project’s timeline are as follows:

  • Construction Tender Closure (concluded) – October 25, 2022
  • Finalization of Debt Agreement (concluded) – July 2023
  • Contractor on Site (concluded) – July 2023
  •   Operations & Maintenance Tender Award – October / November 2023
  • Completion of Phase 1 – February 2024
  • Estimated Completion of Project – March 2025

The sod-turning event heralds the beginning of a cleaner and healthier future for the Garden Route region.

Listen to all the speeches here:

Welcoming remarks

Background of the project

Message of Support by Standard Bank

Message of Support by Zutari (PTY) LTD

Message of Support by Tefla (PTY) LTD

Message of Support by Mossel Bay Municipality

Message of Support by Knysna Municipality

Message of Support by Bitou Municipality

Commitment to Service Delivery

Closing Remarks and Vote of Thanks

Feature Image: Sharing in this historic and groundbreaking occasion, were Executive Mayors and Municipal Managers and across the district, the GRDM Mayoral Committee Members and officials, representatives from National and Provincial Government, as well as engineering consultants and stakeholders from Standard Bank, Tefla and Zutari.


01 September 2023 Public Notice: IDP/Budget/ PMS Time Schedule & 2022/2023 Draft Unaudited Annual Report


Open for Comments

Notice is hereby given that the 2024/2025 IDP Budget & PMS Time Schedule has been adopted in terms of Section 21 of the Municipal Finance Management Act (Act 56 of 2003) by the Garden Route District Municipal Council, at a Council meeting held on 30 August 2023.

Furthermore, the 2022/2023 Draft Unaudited Annual Report has been noted by Council in terms of Circular 63 of the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act, Act 56 of 2003.  The Unaudited Draft Annual Report for the 2022/2023 financial year is open for comments. Comments must be lodged in writing to The Municipal Manager, PO Box 12, George, 6530 or by e-mail at before /or on 2 October 2023.

The document will be available for public inspection during office hours at the IDP unit, Garden Route District Municipality, 54 York Street, George as well as at all the satellite offices of the Garden Route District Municipality: Riversdale, Mosselbay, Oudtshoorn, Knysna, Bitou as well as the municipal website

Persons who are unable to read or write are encouraged to contact the Garden Route District Municipality during ordinary office hours, where they will be assisted to formulate their written comments or objection. For any further enquiries, please contact: Ms M James (IDP Unit: Garden Route District Municipality) at telephone number: 044 803 1431.

M G Stratu
Municipal Manager
Garden Route District Municipality

Click here to download the 2024/2025 IDP Budget & PMS Time Schedule

Click here to download the 2022/2023 Draft Unaudited Annual Report

3 July 2023 Media Release: Garden Route Skills Summit and Careers Festival to be hosted in Knysna

Media Release: Garden Route Skills Summit and Careers Festival to be hosted in Knysna

For immediate release
3 July 2023

Skills Summit 13 July 2023 – Knysna High School

The Garden Route Skills Mecca (GRSM), a product of Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM), together with stakeholders, will on 13 July 2023 host a Garden Route Skills Summit at the Knysna High School in Knysna. The event will host Provincial and National Government Departments, the various Sector Education and Training Authorities (SETAs) and the Private Sector to deliberate and discuss progress made in relation to the implementation of the Skills Mecca. This is a by-invitation-only event.

The Summit further promises an opportunity for a few innovative proposals to be presented by stakeholders working with local municipalities on employment-based skills development projects, and give stakeholders the opportunity to debate on how they can take the Garden Route Skills Mecca to the next level of development.

Focus will also be given to the emerging Western Cape Provincial Growth for Jobs Strategy, Primary Focus area 7 – Improved Access to Economic Opportunities and Employability and how the Skills Mecca process can integrate the implementation of the strategy with the work already being done by the Skills Mecca. This will allow for the implementation of skills development projects that is aligned to the Garden Route Growth and Development Strategy.

The deliberations at the Summit will also feed into discussions that will be take place the next day at the Premier Council on Skills at the same venue, the Knysna High School.

Careers Festival 13 – 14 July 2023 – Knysna High School Sports Ground

Hosted by the Western Cape Community Education and Training College (WCCETC), the festival aims to give over 2000 unemployed individuals and school-going youth the opportunity to engage with SETAs, as well as public and private training providers.

With many local schools in Knysna and surrounds bringing their learners, the WCCETC expects to attract 32 exhibitors that have various training and personal development programmes available to eligible applicants.

This initiative by the Garden Route District Municipality and its Garden Route Skills Mecca is funded by Services SETA and is an open-to-the-public-event taking place at the Knysna High School.

“Garden Route District Municipality, Your route to prosperity”


29 March 2023 Media Release: Garden Route District Municipality supports Western Cape Government’s Water Awareness Campaign in Kannaland

Garden Route District Municipality supports Western Cape Government’s Water Awareness Campaign in Kannaland

For immediate release
29 March 2023

The Western Cape Department of Local Government on 27 March 2023, embarked on a door-to-door awareness campaign in Ladismith (Kannaland) to encourage citizens to use water responsibly. In the roll-out of the campaign, the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) Disaster Management officials joined the Community Development Workers on 28 March 2023 to further enhance the initiative with the aim of reaching more residents of the area.

Garden Route District Municipality’s Disaster Management officials during the Responsible Water Awareness Campaign in Kannaland.

The Responsible Water Awareness Campaign runs in the Garden Route district until 31 March 2023. With this initiative messages of the importance of water and how to use it sparingly are shared.  An outside radio broadcast and activation at the Spar in Ladismith has already taken place.

The campaign was rolled out in response to the recent decline in dam water levels. The message has been clear –  reinforcing the need to save water, especially with the upcoming winter season.  The need to conserve water is a long-term behavioural change, and constant reminders are required to make the message stick, especially with the increased levels of loadshedding having a further impact on the provision of water.

This campaign will also be extended to provincial radio and social media pages.

By: GRDM Communication Intern, Jacqueline Thomson


23 March 2023 Media Release: We Can Beat It


A frail yet friendly Danwill Stefaan (29) shares his journey with tuberculosis (TB). He is thin and needs assistance to walk. One of the first things he says after sitting down is: ‘You should have seen what I looked like when I came here.’ Photos of him a month ago shows a seriously ill man, unable to walk or talk.

Danwill Stefaan

‘There is always hope. I am living proof,’ he said. Danwill is from Borcherds in George and came to Harry Comay Hospital in a very bad state after contracting TB of the brain. He is one of 1 393 patients on TB treatment in the Garden Route district.

“I was tired all the time and coughed for about three weeks. The ambulance came to pick me up and I was referred to Harry Comay Hospital,” he said. He takes his medication every day as prescribed and says he is lucky not to have too many side-effects from the medication.

Another story of bravery and determination is that of Linzay de Vos (31) who is from Hillside in Beaufort West. She has also been at Harry Comay Hospital for little over a month. “It has been a difficult journey, being away from my three children, but I do this for them and myself. I want to get better and return to them as a healthy mother,” she said.

Her symptoms included fatigue, sweating at night and coughing. “I thought it was TB and went to my local clinic. After tests we found it was multidrug-resistant (MDR) TB and I was referred here.”

Linzay is very thin but says she has picked up 3 kg since starting her treatment. She is also part of a group that walks and does exercise in the fresh air.

We talk about her treatment plan, and the topic of pills always come up as treatment might include a lot of pills, some that might have side-effects.

“It is your responsibility and your health – even if you struggle with the pills, there is a way to manage that,” she said.

These are two of many successes of patients that have successfully completed their TB treatment. Although not always easy, it is possible. We are proud of you!

“TB is treatable, and we can stop it if everyone tests early and starts and completes treatment”, said Dr Lindè Marais from Harry Comay Hospital.

As we commemorate World TB Day on 24 March we salute those who are currently fighting for recovery, those that protect others by opening windows and covering their coughs and sneezes and those who want better health for themselves and their communities by going for TB testing.


  • Anyone can get TB.
  • You can get free TB testing at your nearest clinic.
  • TB treatment is free from clinics.
  • Take your TB treatment as prescribed by your health worker.
  • Protect others by covering your mouth when you cough or sneeze, open windows and let sunlight come through your house.
  • Soon after you start your treatment you are not an infectious risk to your family and friends.

Feature Image: Linzay de Vos


14 March 2023 Media Release: Establishment of a Community Safety Forum for the Greater Oudtshoorn

Media Release: Establishment of a Community Safety Forum for the Greater Oudtshoorn

For immediate release
14 March 2023

Oudtshoorn Municipality in collaboration with Garden Route District Municipality recently hosted the launch of the Community Safety Forum as well as the Municipal Safety Plan Review workshop, where role players and stakeholders formed a partnership to establish a platform for the coordination, integration and implementation of multi-sectoral prevention and community safety initiatives.

The workshop aimed to establish a forum with key role players that are a community-based initiative which aims to reduce crime, build awareness, and develop communities into safer places to live and work. Key role players included the Western Cape Government Department of Community Safety, Department of Social Development and South African Police Service (SAPS), as well as different sectors of Government Departments, Non-Governmental Organisation and many more.

Stakeholders and Councillors recently attended and participated in the launch of the Community Safety Forum held in Greater Oudtshoorn. Photo: Tania Steffens (Oudtshoorn Municipality)

The purpose of the launch of the Community Safety Forum and the Review of the Safety Plan was to clearly outline the Municipality’s role as well as the role of the other stakeholders in relation to Community Safety and to identify key priority areas and strategic actions to undertake.

The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, Act 108 of 1996 states “that a municipality must ensure a safe and healthy environment for its community within its financial capacity” and within the discussions by various speakers, Brigadier Crafford who represented SAPS stated that safety is not the sole responsibility of SAPS, but a collective effort. Community safety is about more than just the level of crime that exists but also about the community’s perceived level of safety. Crafford mentioned a few practical examples of offences that takes place within the community ranging from murders to gender-based violence and challenges that SAPS are dealing with on a day to day basis.

During the two-day session, different sectors offered valuable contributions through presentations on how the different sectors are linked together when it comes to the safety of the community and affirmations and collective commitments to make the established Community Safety Forum a success by identifying strategies for the forum, including functional infrastructure, supporting growing service delivery demand, the increased ability to create value for customers, streamlining processes, the human capacity to deliver and functional leadership team.

Mr Luyanda Fatuse, acting director of Community Services said “We must be mutually committed to serving and supporting the community to sustain a safe living environment that ensures safety, peace and justice through our working in partnerships with all other stakeholders to enhance a safe living and working environment through commitment.

Fatuse added that strategies for community safety include an integrated approach towards combating crime, the responsibility of community safety is not only the responsibility of the police and municipal law enforcement but that of organised businesses, other government institutions and non-governmental organisations. “We must work together with community partners within all wards across the municipal area to effectively modify the model of this collective initiative to best suit our various sector, ward needs and resources”.

Mr Mzwandile Hewu, Chief Director of the Department of Social Development from the Western Cape Government, said during his presentation that the reason that all stakeholders must collaborate is “to deliver quality government services to all South Africans, to have uniform standards in the delivery of services; and to deliver services informed by the respective professional codes of ethics”. Hewu further stated that the vision of the Western Cape Government is to continually improve the lives of the people of South Africa through a transformed public service, which is representative, coherent, transparent, efficient, effective, accountable and responsive to the needs of all.

The attendees of the Community Safety Summit split into groups on the final day to brainstorm on the importance of law enforcement, social cohesion, open spaces and urban design when it comes to community safety.  After the review of the Community Safety Plan, measures are being put in place now to finalize it to make the plan well-drafted and consultative. A well-executed safety plan is crucial as it put mechanisms in place for proactive planning and response.

As a collective, the attendees agreed that there is too much vandalism, too many deaths, and too much substance abuse for these sectors not to take a stand and show the community that they are serious with this task at hand, with the help of the community.

Part of the task of the Community Safety Forum is to make sure that law enforcement, police and traffic are visible.  If people see that traffic is all around town, there would be less driving under the influence, and if police and law enforcement are regularly visible, people would find it very hard to steal and assault. The community therefore would be more cautious and you will find less crime will be committed.

The motto of the Community Safety Forum is Prevention, Protection, Preparedness. And Partnership. The slogan is “Partnering with our Community to prevent the predictable, protect where vulnerable and prepare for the unpredictable with our other partners”.

Issued by Oudtshoorn Municipality

16 January 2023 Media Release: A Catalyst for Positive Change in Senior Management – ILGM to play a central role

Media Release: A Catalyst for Positive Change in Senior Management – ILGM to play a central role 

For immediate release
16 January 2023

On Thursday, 12 January 2023, senior managers from the local municipalities in the Garden Route convened to discuss the resolutions taken at the Institute of Local Government Management (ILGM) Annual Conference in December last year.

Garden Route District Municipal Manager, Monde Stratu, chaired the ILGM meeting hosted at the Council Chambers of Garden Route District Municipality.

In attendance were senior managers from the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM), led (chaired) by the Municipal Manager, Monde Stratu, as well as senior managers from the local municipalities in the Garden Route and several middle managers.

The IGLM is a voluntary institution that was initially established for senior managers that was over the years organised by the LG sector, although the body has not been active to its optimum for the last few years,” Stratu said. The ILGM is an Institute that is focused on the needs of the Senior Managers as they are excluded from the Bargaining Council that on a regular basis determine benefits of employees.

The purpose of the meeting was to introduce senior managers from the respective municipalities to all in attendance, as well as to discuss the way forward to revive the operations of the district structure in relation to the ILGM.  Stratu furthermore explained that the meeting emanates from a meeting that was held for municipal managers of the province that took place in Cape Town during December last year.  At the meeting it was agreed that Municipal Managers must go back to their respective organisations and encourage managers to join the ILGM to become members of the institute and to organise the district chapters of the institute, with the district Municipal Manager tasked to champion the process.

Additionally, Stratu said that at the National Conference of the ILGM in Bloemfontein last year, a key resolution was approved to establish a union for senior managers. He said that the process is now at an advanced stage.  The union will specifically focus on the interests and benefits of the managers, as they are not represented at any other structure. He encouraged all municipal managers and senior managers that were present to encourage managers at their respective municipalities to join the institute so that “we can start coordinating various activities in the district and province”.

Local municipalities are now tasked to make submissions of a representatives to serve on the Union to GRDM, before Monday, 16 January 2023 (today).

Did you know?

Members of the Institute are represented by Municipal Managers and Senior Managers that are employed within Local Government. Members are given a platform for the pursuit of mutual professional interests. The principal object of the Institute is therefore to promote the common interest of its members holding managerial positions in local government by enhancing their managerial skills. A national meeting is held once per annum, but regional meetings are held as often as local leaderships may deem it necessary.

The institute runs a variety of programmes aimed at achieving its strategic objectives. These programmes range from Workshops, Seminars and Conferences to International Manager Exchange Programs. Some of the programs are run in collaboration and co-operation with companies from the Private Sector as well as with the national Department of Provincial and Local Government.