Impact Based Warnings for Western Cape and Namaqua: Level 4 for Disruptive Rain, Damaging Waves & Disruptive Snow
Please find included three (3) Impact Based Warnings for Yellow Level 4 Disruptive Rain, Damaging Waves and Disruptive Snow valid from from Friday, 28 July to Sunday, 30 July 2023.
Areas in the Garden Route district affected by disruptive rain include Bitou, George, Hessequa, Kannaland, Knysna, Mossel Bay and Oudtshoorn.
Areas in the Garden Route district affected by Damaging Waves include Bitou, George, Hessequa, Knysna, and Mossel Bay.
Areas in the Garden Route district affected by Disruptive Snow include Kannaland and Oudtshoorn.
Legal notice:
“This warning from SA Weather Service must be communicated as received and may not be altered under any circumstance.
It must be forwarded or communicated in its entirety and no portion hereof may be replicated or copied and distributed.”
Report weather-related incidents to the Garden Route Disaster Management Centre at 044 805 5071.
Impact Based Warning: Yellow Level 1 – Damaging Waves
The Cape Town Weather Office has issued a Level 1 Impact Based Warning for Damaging Waves valid from 20h00 on26 July to 17h00 on 27 July 2023.
Areas in the Garden Route district affected by damaging waves include Bitou, George, Hessequa, Knysna and Mossel Bay.
Legal notice:
“This warning from SA Weather Service must be communicated as received and may not be altered under any circumstance.
It must be forwarded or communicated in its entirety and no portion hereof may be replicated or copied and distributed.”
Report weather related incidents to the Garden Route Disaster Management Centre at: 044 805 5071.
Media Release: Home and Veld Fire Safety education rolled out to agricultural workers
For Immediate Release 21 July 2023
The Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) Fire and Rescue Services, last week, held a ‘Fire In-and-Around the Home, Safety Awareness session at the Geelhoutboomberg Village and Avocado Farm near Blanco, George. “Firefighters focused on educating workers through practical demonstrations related to home and veld fire safety,” said Heinrich Leslie, GRDM Acting Station Officer.
“There were more than 20 enthusiastic agricultural workers in attendance and the event proved to be a valuable learning experience for all.”
Leslie says the importance of fire awareness and safety education continues throughout the year, especially for remote workers who frequently encounter potential fire hazards.
Several critical topics were covered during the session, which included:
Cooking and fire safety;
Electrical system maintenance: Emphasing the regular inspection and upkeep of electrical systems and equipment to prevent electrical fires;
Handling flammable materials: Educating workers on safe practices when dealing with fuels and chemicals;
Vegetation clearance: Stressing the importance of clearing vegetation around living spaces, storages, and barns to reduce fire risks;
Proper fire equipment handling: Equipping workers with knowledge on handling fire safety equipment and responding to emergencies;
Regular maintenance of equipment: Encouraging routine maintenance of equipment, gas container connections and installations, gas stoves, heating systems, and other devices to prevent fore incidents;
Safety around candles and heating appliances: Raising awareness about potential fire hazards relating to candles and heating appliances;
Load shedding considerations: Educating workers on safely switching off appliances during load shedding periods;
Sources of ignition: Identifying potential ignition sources such as smoking, welding, or ploughing on hot days.
The workers actively participated in the educational activities, demonstrating enthusiasm and excitement for the knowledge gained.
By empowering workers with knowledge about fire safety, the GRDM Fire and Rescue Services created a safer working environment. “We try our best to create a culture of preparedness and responsible fire safety practices when we do awareness sessions,” said Leslie.
Feature image: Agricultural workers with firefighters from Garden Route District Municipality.
GRDM Brand- en Reddingsdienste hou ‘n suksesvolle brandveiligheidsbewusmakingsessie
Die Garden Route Distriksmunisipaliteit (GRDM) Brand- en Reddingsdienste het onlangs ‘n ‘Brand In-en-Om die Huis’ Veiligheidsbewusmakingsessie by die Geelhoutboomberg en Avokadoplaas naby Blanco, George, gehou. Die geleentheid het gefokus op die opvoeding van meer as 20 landbouwerkers deur praktiese demonstrasies wat verband hou met huis- en veldbrandveiligheid.
Heinrich Leslie, waarnemende stasiebeampte van GRDM, het sy tevredenheid met die sessie uitgespreek en gesê: “Die geleentheid was ‘n waardevolle leerervaring vir almal.” Met die klem op die belangrikheid van brandbewustheid en veiligheidsopvoeding, het Leslie die belangrikheid van deurlopende opleiding beklemtoon, veral vir afgeleë werkers wat gereeld potensiële brandgevare teëkom.
Tydens die sessie is verskeie kritieke onderwerpe gedek, insluitend kook- en brandveiligheid, behoorlike elektriese stelsel instandhouding, hantering van vlambare materiale, plantegroei opruiming en die korrekte hantering van brandveiligheidstoerusting. Werkers is ook opgevoed oor veiligheid rondom kerse en verwarmingstoestelle, beurtkrag-oorwegings ens.
Die entoesiastiese deelname van die werkers het hul gretigheid gewys om verantwoordelike brandveiligheidspraktyke te leer en te implementeer.
19 July 2023 Financial Assistance towards Further Studies 2024 – National Government
The Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD) intends to award comprehensive bursaries to qualifying applicants pursuing and/or intending to further their studies in identified careers in the agriculture, land reform and rural development sector for the 2024 academic year. The bursary will cover tuition, accommodation, books, meals and monthly allowance. The bursary awards target the previously disadvantaged and impoverished persons from poverty-stricken and rural communities.
Garden Route DM Municipal Health Services achieve a stellar 96.7% Compliance Rate
For Immediate release
18 July 2023
The Western Cape Provincial Department of Health and Wellness conducted an audit of the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) Health Services in February 2023. It was recently made public that the GRDM achieved a 96.7% compliance rate.
The following municipal health-related KPIs and administration processes were audited: Client rights, operational management, facility and infrastructure, leadership and corporate governance, operational – vector control, environment pollution control, waste management, water quality monitoring, law enforcement, health surveillance of premises, etc.
The primary aims of Municipal Health Services are to promote health and to ensure a healthy environment for the community.
According to the Audit report summary, non-compliance was observed only in two areas: human resources and vector control. With a compliance rate of 96.7%, it is evident that the Community Services Department of GRDM are making substantial progress towards the goals outlined in the GRDM Integrated Development Plan (popularly known as an IDP), indicating a positive direction.
Feature image: An image depicting some of the functions of Municipal Health at the Garden Route District Municipality
Die Wes-Kaapse Provinsiale Departement van Gesondheid en Welstand het in Februarie 2023 ‘n oudit van die Tuinroete Distriksmunisipaliteit (GRDM) Gesondheidsdienste uitgevoer. Dit is onlangs bekend gemaak dat die GRDM ‘n 96,7% voldoeningskoers behaal het.
Volgens die ouditverslagopsomming is twee areas wat ge-oudit is wat opgeskerp moet word: menslike hulpbronne en vektorbeheer. Met ‘n voldoeningskoers van 96.7%, is dit duidelik dat die Gemeenskapsdienstedepartement van GRDM aansienlike vordering maak in die rigting van die doelwitte soos uiteengesit in die GRDM Geïntegreerde Ontwikkelingsplan (algemeen bekend as ‘n GOP), wat ‘n positiewe rigting aandui.
Garden Route District Municipality’s Electronic Records Audit, well received
For immediate release 13 July 2023
The Western Cape Archives and Records Services (WCARS) conducted an Electronic Records Audit at the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) on Tuesday 4 July 2023. As part of the process, an Electronic Records Management Survey was provided to complete, prior to the Audit in order to determine if the GRDM complies with the law.
After completion of the audit process, the WCARS recommended that a Records Control Schedule and the Registry Procedure Manual become part of the Electronic System. This means that the retention periods of records should also be incorporated into the electronic system. They also needed clarity regarding the metadata that is electronically backed up, as well as the Electronic Records Disaster Management Plan.
Government bodies have increased the use of electronic systems to conduct their business significantly which changed the manner of how records are created and being stored. Electronic recordkeeping poses particular challenges to governmental bodies and the National Archives and Records Services, both which need to ensure that trustworthy records are being maintained over time as evidence of official business for Accountability, Operational Continuity, Disaster Recovery and Institutional and Social Memory. With paper-based records a well-structured file plan is maintained, and the records are physically protected, the evidence they contain remains accessible and readable over time. Due to rapid changes in technology the same cannot be said of electronic records.
The WCARS was pleased with the outcomes of the GRDM Audit and furthermore expressed their satisfaction with GRDM’s electronic system that was in place and operational. After also visiting the GRDM Registry Office, the team were furthermore impressed by the layout of the office and how daily operations are managed.
Feature Image: Yolandi Dyantyi (Supervisor) and Gideon Joubert, Senior Registry Clerk/Fleet (right), proud officials of the Records & Archives section at Garden Route District Municipality, who assisted the Western Cape Archives and Records Services (WCARS) team during the Electronic Records Audit.
Notice: Special Council Meeting 09 June 2023 at 09:00
Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 19 of Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act 32 of 2000) that a Special Council meeting of the Garden Route District Municipality is scheduled for Friday, 09 June 2023 at 09:00 at the CA Robertson Council Chambers, 54 York Street, George.
Little Crosses Pre-Primary School visits Garden Route District Municipality’s Fire Services
For Immediate release 31 May 2023
The Garden Route District Municipal Fire Services were visited by kids from the Little Crosses Pre-Primary School on 26 May 2023. The event, described as an enjoyable experience where both learners and teachers were made aware and informed of very important basic fire safety dos and don’ts.
Senior Firefighters Henrich Leslie (left) and Kervin-Lee Gericke (right), with the kids from Little Crosses Pre-Primary School during the visit.
Firefighters loved every moment of educating and entertaining the little stars who have shown much interest in their field of firefighting. A presentation was done that included all fire safety elements around the home, at school, as well as what to do when noticing a fire elsewhere. In a fun-filled approach, learners were also taught the relevant emergency contact numbers of the emergency services.
After their ‘class session’ they enjoyed a little lunch and looked forward to what was to follow.
The most exciting part of the program was when water was sprayed from the high-pressure hose, so that the kids could experience and get a feel of what a firefighter does daily. Adding to these, they spent moments inside the vehicles, took a ride, heard the sirens, and saw the flashy red lights.
These little ones had a blast and enjoyed the visit at the GRDM fire station.
Facilitator of the visit, GRDM Senior Firefighter, Kervin-Lee Gericke, indicated how he enjoyed empowering the Garden Route youth and leaders of tomorrow.
The teacher from Little Crosses Pre-Primary School who accompanied the kids, Deveney Fember, conveyed words of gratitude to the GRDM team and said: “We are thankful to you and your team for the effort put into the day and making the outing worthwhile”.
Little Crosses Kleuterskool besoek die Tuinroete Distriksmunisipaliteit se Brandweerdienste
Die Tuinroete Distriksmunisipaliteit se Brandweerdienste was op 26 Mei 2023 deur leerders van Little Crosses Kleuterskool besoek. Hierdie gebeurtenis, was beskryf as ‘n aangename ervaring waar beide leerders en onderwysers bewus gemaak is, asook ingelig is oor die mees belangrikste basiese brand veiligheidsmoets en moenies.
Brandbestryders het elke oomblik geniet waar hulle die klein sterretjies geleer en vermaak het omdat hulle groot belangstelling in die brandweerdienste veld getoon het. ‘n Voorlegging was gedoen wat verskeie onderwerpe ingesluit het, bv. alle brand veiligsheidselemente rondom die huis, by die skool, asook wat om te doen wanneer ‘n brand elders opgemerk word. In ‘n prettige benadering, was leerders ook die relevante noodkontaknommers van die nooddienste geleer.
Na hul “klas-sessie” het hule ‘n ligte middagete geniet en uitgesien na wat volgende beplan was.
Die mees opwindende deel van die program was toe daar water vanaf die hoëdruk slang gespuit was, sodat die leerders ‘n gevoel en ervaring kon kry – dit wat die brandbestryders op n daaglikse basis doen. Hierdie kleinspan het ook ure spandeer in brandbestrydingsvoertuie, was op ritte geneem, sirenes gehoor, asook die flitsende rooi ligte gesien.
Die kleintjies het lekker gekuier en die besoek na die GRDM Brandstasie tenvolle geniet.
Fasiliteerder van die besoek, GRDM Senior Brandweerman, Kevin-Lee Gericke, het aangedui hoe hy dit geniet om die Tuinroete jeug en leiers van môre te bemagtig.
Die onderwyser van Little Crosses Kleuterskool wie die leerders vergesel het op hul kuier, Deveney Fember, het woorde van dankbaarheid oorgedra aan die GRDM span en gesê: “Ons is dankbaar aan jou en jou span vir die moeite wat julle gedoen het om hierdie dag moontlik te maak, asook om die uitstappie die moeite werd te gemaak het”.