Focus on Waste Management
Waste Management in South Africa is a very complex matter, and if not addressed correctly, it will have a negative impact on all members of the community. For this reason, Eden District Municipality views Waste Management as crucially important, and is one of the leaders in the Western Cape with regards to the application of scientific, yet practical approaches in respect of Waste Management.
Some of the challenges in the Eden District include:
1. A growing population and economy, which means increased volumes of waste generated.
2. Increased complexity of waste streams, which directly affects the complexity of its management, which happens when hazardous waste is mixed with general waste.
3. A historical backlog of waste removal services in especially informal areas.
4. Limited understanding of the main waste flows and the national waste balance, due to the lack of data.
5. The absence of recycling infrastructure in certain towns which will enable separation of waste at the source.
6. Growing pressure on outdated Waste Management infrastructure, with declining levels of capital investment and maintenance in this sector.
7. Cost of Waste Management is not fully appreciated by consumers and industry and waste disposal is prevented over other options.
8. Few waste treatment options are available and are thus more expensive than landfill costs.
9. Eden District Municipality is therefore committed to achieve the goals as set out in the National Waste Management Strategy.
These goals are:
1. Promotion of waste minimisation, re-use, recycling and recovery of waste.
2. Ensure the effective and efficient delivery of waste services by municipalities.
3. Grow the contribution of the waste sector to the green economy.
4. Ensure that people are aware of the impact of waste on their health and the environment.
5. Achieve integrated Waste Management planning.
6. Ensure sound budgeting for waste services.
7. Provide measures to remediate contaminated land.
8. Establish effective compliance with and the enforcement of the Waste Act.
To achieve these goals, Eden District Municipality is in constant contact with all role players regarding the private sector, Department of Environmental Affairs, as well other municipalities and provinces. With the new landfill site near PetroSA, that is foreseen to be taken into use in 2019, Eden District Municipality will ensure that all the above mentioned goals are met.
For more information on Waste Management, please visit our website at: